The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A A 10B EMPLOYMENT Male Help--Salary 33 LINOTYPE OPERATOR full or part-time. on weakly newspaper. pAr 'round work assured In pleasant surroundings, Aunty at Once To: WINDSOR LOCKS JOURNAL 11 Spring Windsor Tacks, Conn. LEADING organization men. high achool graduate.

and work Apply Rm. 9, eat Frild. LICENSED electrician for industrial maintenance. Some experience on ate battery repairs maintenance surable. ME.

3 Ludlow. Mass, LINOLEUM MECHANICS- or Apple cart time. Must experienced. TORN STYLER 210 Etchange St. LICENSED firemen.

Apply Mr. Smith. Holyok4 Hospital bet. 3-5 p. m.

Tel. JE 8-3911. holidavs. $1. wk.

Roll Diner, 140 MALE--Short orde: cook. days. Fun. 01 Taylor St phone calls. MEAT CUTTER-AI1 round steady or part time.

2101 Main St. RE 2-3107. MAN WANTED to clean two week reply vin AgO experience. Union Office, Box 121. MANAGER 105-year-old Company.

Largest retailer of exclusive nationally advertised Cosfume is seekinx Man- of ager interested in proven to wekiv. PARTY PLAN NO FATION NO DELIVERY ADVANCE COMMISSION IF EXPERIENCED in hiring. training and supervising direct sales personnel. betwean 25 and 4 years preferred, with own car And full time available. Newark, write New to C.


Y. for car truck rental in Hartford Challenging op for ambitinue man with a ty. letter of application ruing pack ground to Mr. Koan 8 Crape! Et. Hartford.

Conn, MILLING MACHINE OFERAIORS TOOLMAKERS wITH TOOL EXPERIENCE TURCOTTE MANUFACTURING co. RAMAH CIRCLE AGAR'AM, MASS. MAN with mechanical abilitv to clean and service busses, Apply to Mr. Payer. The Blue Line, 21 York St.

MIEN for work in bor shop Mr. Phillips, Fiberwond Containars, Inc. 4P0 South Westfield Feeding Hilis, MORNING ON PART TIME A. to 2 p. m.

Ni If you work afternoons or nizhts and want part -time Tork. we near. GROCERY MEN PRODUCE MEN The company offers: Liberal Benefits Excellent Mood working conditions Pa'd Health Accident Insurance Recreational Progra APPLY NOT SPRINGFIELD FOOD MART 1178 Main Ft. Springfie'd, Sass. OR Fersonnel HOLYOKE FOOD MART 255 South St.

Holyoke, Mare. MACHINIST 1. th sheet metal work in small firm. Pleasant conditions. Excellent chance tor steady reliable man.

Phons for Interview. RE 2-6233. SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES INC. 16 PARK SPFLD. MEN for Christmas parcel delivery in own cars, Frank M.

Page, 121 Columbus Ave. No phone calls. MANUFACTURING VICE-PRESIDENT. Backeround in engine industrial preforred. Aircraft Experience dealing with armed garvice contract groups.

to 860.000. See Mr. Glenn. Snelling 3nelling. St.

Suite 216.. NEW DEPARTURE DIVISION GENDRAL MOTORS INTERVIEWING ENGINEERS for openinrs 13 PRODUCT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH TESTING AT CONN. Maveral and phyrequired for applied dealing with haaig research. 4 METALLURGISTS Recent college and metallurgists required for ferrous metallurgy 2.3 applied 1.0 bearings and bicycle coaster brakes, DRAFTSMEN DETAILERS Both for product and tools, 14g: Artures design. 1.

High and many amploy benefits available tor qualifialo applicant. Including General Motors Stock Purchase Plan, Apply Employment Offira NEIV DEPARTURE DIVISION General Motors Corp, 240 North Main St. Bristol. Connecticut 'CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salarv 33 MEAT CUTTER. EXPERIENCED Fult time, good pay.

5 da. wk. paid vacation, other benefits. Apply in persons 10 M. to 12 Roberta Food Mkt.

1178 Westfield W. Splid. MANAGER ALTO STORAGE GARAGE SPRINGFIELD AREA Attract're permanent position for sales promotional -minded man who can intelligently direct man and conduct An estabd in pound manner, Applicant must present proven record rood character, reliability, and suCcessful prior experience in automotive f1'd. Attractive salary and percentage plan applicant's capabilities and I performance, Trite full details to Box 3400 Union Office. MAN with car high qualifications.

Opening mat'l concern, Permanent Future, to start. Write Box 135 Union Oftice. MAN for retail milk route. Paid vacationg hospital benefits. Call Testfield 10 2-3970.

be MEN- -Serious minded energetic. Can average high profit sharing interviewing parents after 11. Must he able to devote "4 hours weekly. Nationally known corporation. For itterview appointment call Mr.

Holt. RI 12-1 v. m. only mat with cat. Route work.

6 days $18 day. Call RE 3-0923 for appt. OFFSET PRESSMAN for Harris or Mielle Offset PI toll A. you Dr n' A would 3 consider ou A lA you. ready BORDEAUS COMPANT 85 Westfield Sofia.

ORDERLY for hospital 40 hr. k. Apply Fersonnel Office. son Memorial Hospital, 140 Hizh 8:.. c.

OFFICE SOTS Amoncas Pioneer 1n the development atomic reactors for Naval PrOpulsion. real opportunity for men. General office vork. Mail deliveries, otc. Good salary a 44 ploy ea benefits.

Em Dept. COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. Mon. thru Fri. 8 to 4.30 p.

m. Sat 9 to 1 p. m. Roger Ludlow School Bldg. Tel.

Spring MU 8-4061 WINDSOR, CONN. at Bloomfield Ave. PLANT laborer wanted. Good health. willing worker Steady employment with periodic wage increase.

Hospitalization sick benefits. paid holidays vAcation. Ideal for 136 young Nursery mAn desiring a future. Apply St. PART TIME evenings, 5-8 office Downtown cleaning.

AlgA man for mornings 7-11 Springfield Anderson Co. LA PRINTER PRESSMAN APPLICANT must quality for teal! -round employment. IDEAL working conditions. PERMANENT position. RAPID advancement.

PAID holidays Face PENSION plan. FREE Life Insurance, including Medical, Miness, Hospital and Surgical ALSO other fringe benefits. Coverage. Division REMINGTON, Corporation RAND 686 Main Street Holyoke OIL TRUCK driver Ortolani's, 835 Union W. Spf d.

FORTER for hospital. Apply 9-5 St. 801 Memorial Hospital 140 High himself. Must ha experienced in front PHARMACIST with desire to further store possible. husiness.

Salary open. Box 129, Union Management capacity Office. PART TIME full time window sales- sound men. Our 20 yr. reputation more expansion sale.

Stop in see us, 267 program offers you dollars per Allen Spild. PERSONNEL TRAINDE Large Company has outstanding opp. for College Grad, with major in paychology or personnel, A mAn with excel. potential plus a hora AVATAZO some gales tr. or exp.

or perannality helpful. train for College recruitIn g. administrative work. etc. If van you qualify, come in for Interview Tuesday, December 11, Fee pd.

EARKER Ranketar Ride, 1.9667 PERSONNEL SERVICE Johnson's PHARMACIST needed about Office. 10 PEG. hours per wk. Box 152 Union RECEIVING -TIPPLI CLERK job tor high school gradua tP. come office training desirable Dacharge, 26 Centra! Test Hours Apply Bastern States Farmers' Springfield, nIG HAR unique work available in Springarea and Western Massachusetts few persons.

PREFERABLY COUPLES. Sample distribution work. GELLING. Any daytime hours you choose. Full or part-time.

Must OPEN- have car and local references. ALSO ING FOR MANAGERS. Write Box 3862, Union Office REGISTERED Pharmacist. Apply Liggelt Drug Holyoke. ROUTE MAN to deliver milk in Springfield vicinity.

Experience not necesSArY A we train on the job. Good pay. Vacation group insurance. pita other henefits. Good opportunity for the rizht man.

For appoiniment. Call I SERVICE Station attendant, emperianced must. know minor repairs, A dave, n7 Sundays, Sun Service Fration 666 3tate Et. SALES ORDER CLERK High school graduate, some offica ATperience desired. Apply Personnel Decartment AMERICAN WRITING PAPER CORP.

(toot St.) Halters SALES REPRESENTATIVE Hare 14 your chanca to enter 3 field that. is prefessional and disnified and Also offers wonderful opportunity for ad- The successful applicant will be 25-40 Years old preferred with drugstore or lege or equivalent ten in acientific training outside sales experience; two years chldesirable He will receive extensive training at company's and will hA Associated with A manufacturer that i nationally and locally recognized A 8 one of the country's leading pharmaceutical firms. SALARY WITH AUTOMATIC RAISES PLUS EXPENSES. BONUS AND PROFIT SHARING TERRITORY CONSISTS SPRINGFIELD AND SURROUNDING AREA For intertian call Mr. Say- 1 mour Levine.

Sheraton Hotel. hours 3-10' and 2-4 m. Monday Tues. day, December 10 and 11. THE SPRINGFIELD EMPLOYMENT Male Salary SPRAY PAINTER.

Call RE 6-7277. Mr. Elliott, 9-5 week dayx. SERVICE STATION MAN nanted. Apply in person Gulf Station.

Main Central. SALES MANAGER experienced in General Actors. for Write, stating age, experience, salary desired, to Box 340: Union Off. STABLE MAN care for madd'e horses, he single. sober reliable.

Room hoard furnished. prefer elderly man. Call AT 6-4453 or 553 Sptid. Wilhraham. Toot, MAKERS EXFOR.


PERMANENT POSITION. RE 2-3105 TEACHER WANTED Mechanical Drawing Junior High School. Stratford. Connecticut, position open January 1st. Excellent working conditions, contact Mr.

O. Carson, Assiatant Superintendent. TOOL MAKERS Firat class for 12 hour night shift. p. m.

A. m. COLONIAT MFG. INC. 600 Berkshire Ave.


Inc. needs drivers 25- 50 years preferred for outstanding contract truckman opportunity, Full time, 48-atata operation. Paid training. Trailer furnished. upkeep paid.

Communiloads. Prompt monthly statement- and cation cost st paid. 25 per cent advance on pay. amy extra benefita. Must own or be able to make own arrangements to buy 1935 or later tractor (air brakes.) l'hone J.

R. T-3371 Indianapolisi Of write P.O. Box 107. Indianapolis 6. Ind.


CONNECTICUT TOOL DESIGNER Immediate openinzs now available for A arperienced tool designer. SICKNESS A BENEFIT PLANS PAID HOLIDAYE PAID VACATIONS APPLE PERSONNAL DEPARTMENT WORTHINGION CORP. CANAL HOLTOKE TOOL MAKERS DIE MAKERS LATHE HAND To offer Paid Vacation Holidays Pa'd Insurance Ideal Working conditions 60 hrs. per week COLONIAL MFG. CO.

INC. 600 BERKSHIRE AVE. WANTED EXP. Formica counters top fabricater. Mug' have knowledge of curved, sell edged formed work.

3-2363. TRUCK DRIVER--Permanent job delivering grocery products in Spfld. surrounding area. Requires a strong man. Experienced driving 3 ton or larger trucks.

Heavy work, but pays 11 above week's pay. Fully company paid life, health hospital insurance plus many Apply Tuesday thru Saturday to Springfield Sugar Products 216 Chestmit St. 1 WANTED all around arc. welder. with construcion equipment experience.

Man must have enouzh experience to take charze of amall shop. Tear round ork. Call T'rille RI 9-8477. Economy Welding Equipment, No. Maple Hazardville, Conn.

SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, EMPLOYMENT Male Help--Salary 33 WANTED young man for inside work in modern dry cleaning plant. Interesting work, at good pay, with great advancement possibilities. Write Box 111 I'nion Office giving complete persona! informaton intervew will be ar. ranged. SERVICEMAN- Part time hours to suit 3'011.

Experience in actual repair required. Tel. LY 4-9669. WANTED experienced brush finisher for furniture factory. Tel.

LT Male Help--Salesman 33A AN FACELLENT OPPORTUNITY In The Home Laundry Field 13 now open to 2 Salesman with (halaPale experience 1 T'estern ass fAr the VER FENDIX COMPLETE LINE OF Washers and Dryers. Good Income Phone Hartford BUtler 9-9361 or write to Mr. John Shanahan ROSKIN DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 275 Park Ave. East Hartford for interview appointment ADVTG.

MORE INCOME? Thousands order our new Adv. items NOW. Exclusive Calendars, Gifts. giant l'hoto Murals. Samples furn.

Repeat orders! Immediate income! TOP comm. Bonus. Earn $200 uh. more! LOCIS F. DOW Empire State AUTO SALESMAN--Man who is anxious to make more money than his present employment.

Contact Silt. U'GRADY HAROLD NENT FoRD 374 FRONT ST. CHICOPEE BRUNSWICK. The No. 1 Name In BowlBilliards, hag an unusual opportunity for an experienced salesman to sell supplies in an established territory.

This man should have had A history of quecessful sales experience And should have completed high sohool. Hie 1. he self -starting and he able to work nith little supervision. Ha will he trained in Reston Branch oftice and will he to an. tahlishad territory in Western a a chucette, Compensation based on salary and bonue with expenses paid by the company.

This ig an ideal position for man who recognizes onportunity. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO. 1041 Commonwealth At Roston, Massachusetts J. A. Seufert "Stadium 2-1320 FURNITURE salesman 10 work in showroom.

Salary Ank for Bill Gallegher, RE 2-9527. A "HOTSHOT" can sell iceboxes to Eskimos' but we don't want "hotshots." Te want young men 25-35, married, from other lines who want to earn A lot mora money than they are now earning. and make career of automobile salesmanship. Experience not necessary, but hard work is Call in person at Sarat Ford Sales. 250 Springfield Agawam, Ask for Ed Shibley.

NATIONALLY known chemical corporation wants aggressive salesman with experience in food service or maintenance cleaning. Salarv. Commission and Annual Ronus. Excellent opportunity for Advancement to management J.iberal retirement program. Car furniched.

Explain qualifications fully. Box 890 Union Office. PART TIME SALES If you al'o free between the nours, 3.30 u1. 0.30 p. 111.

have been lookin: to aupplement your income, we PAn allow you how to make per pk. No Car necessary. For ant. Pal RE 9-MITI. ESTABLISHED retail route for Cuahman Bakery.

Apply At Palara Rectallrant, Boston Rd. het. 6.30-7.30 A. m. or CAll RE 2-67 aft.

p. m. MAKE 150 to $500 par Faclusive territories salesmen and distributors. NET MIRACLE OUTDOOR LIGHTS sweeping country. F.normous demand from gas stations.

stores. night-spots drive-ina, auto agencies, Written GUARANTEE pales samples. Va in vestment. Na re. quired.

I. H. LONG Chica so 10, I11, Established 1911. REAL PALES opportunity available to experienced men (2) selling rated hardautomotive. and garden supply Lines, to wholesales and in Conn.

estern Protected territory. Commission basis and bonus. The two men selected will have chance to participate with this manufacture's representative in profits and can grow into large income. Explain your qualificationa in letter and state when available. Box 3401, Union Office.

SALESMEN Tong established paper wholesa'er aapke qualified experienced man for loral industrial And institutional trade. l'arv liberal compensation plan. Only experienced men need apply. Replies held strictly confidential. Our men know of thia advt.

Write 159 Union Offire. SALESMAN Opportunity with A future est Test Enfld. area semi-pro(essional saleswork with Corp world finest hearing A ids, Mr. Fitzpatrick or Mr. Rote Monday morning AS Worthington St.

SALESMEN TANTED 3 men anted, If you teal security 19 going donn 2 vour 19 going 11P. hat place for you in our Al' centu-v A14 Only tools needed are desire for success car. For pointment call Sheraton- Kimball Hotel. Monday P. 30-13 m.

Aak for Mr. Clark. SALESMAN for national organization to work in Springfield area. Man salacted will have had previous in truck sales and or service. To this man offer secure future.

excellent salary, plus commission and transportation furnished. For immadiate interview send complete realme to Box 182, Union Office. Office. Help--Male or Female 34 RAKERS helper for packing donuts. Dandy Donut, 689 Wastfield West Spfid.

PART TIME IBM WORK Must ha experienced with 402, 510 077 IRM machines. evening work after A p. m. Apply to Erfld. Suzar 4 Products Chestnut 31.

UPHOLSTERERS- and sewing machine operators on upholstery only, RE 5-6175 SALESMAN who can cover Mass. about every sixty days--luxury line boudoir scuffs. Experienced selling better specialty negligee. robe. depts.

No draw-ten per cent commission. References. Madve's Originals. P. Box 1247.

San Angelo. Tex. SALESMEN AT ONCE National organization will train men for sales and service work in local area. Openings in Palmer, Ludlow. Indian Orchard.

Must have CAr and able to start a once, Product And field training. Interviews At our Boston office only. Apply Tues. 9.30-4 705 Roylston Roston, Room for Mr. Hastings, SALESMAN with own car who haz had rolling to Industrial s'ectrical equinment for Elar trical Wholesaler, RE 3-3234.

SALESMAN! Te rant 2 dependable ambitious man experienced in callin: 11 A used auto. mobiles. Contact Mr. Corey at the KAT-CORET OLD MOBILE AGNCI 606 Main St Holyoke THAT ARE TOUR FOR Are you just hoping it, will be 3 better tear than 1956 or are you zoinz to do something to mahe 1t better? Starting Jan. 1.

will have for sales trainees experienced salesmen to follow ma' Must he willing to work 4 hrs. hatreen 6-10 p. 01. ever. No necessary.

After trial period, qualified men will be chosen to attend classes in selling which will ASsire them of an income of in 1957. Every man will be assigned quota his ability. Those their quota will receive cash bonus based 0" volume business. Tou must have A car, 111 anplications for thi unsition he in hy Dec. 15, 1956.

For appointment Call sr 8-6602 personal interview will be arranged. YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Aggressive salesman needed for national concern. No large inventory or invest ment. We train you.

Should have of financing own accounts receivable. Contacts with industry. hospitals. and insurance companies helpful. Send ahort resume of education experience to Box 3387 Union SPRINGFIELD, EMPLOYMENT Situations Wanted -Female 36 BOOKKEEPER University graduate with 15 vrs.

exp. A8 office manager, would like to do at home. RE 1- EXP. woman desires housework by the day. $7 2.

day car fare. IF EXP. typist stenog. wants work afternoons 1-5 p. m.

RE 3-5603. HOUSEWORK wanted by the day tel. 9-0711. NURSE will care for chronic or elderlv sone housework. Best of reteleures.

JE 3-1945. PRACTICAL, nurse desires position AR nurse. companion housekeeper. f'h. ST 81106 PRACTICAL, NURSE avail.

Companion, It. housekeeping. Raf. good. JAw.

RE 7-8448. PRACTICAL NURSE Experienced. Available days only. LI 3-3872 PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE RE 0-1853 TRIDOW will baby 311. days of aves transportation wanted.

RE 3-0561. WOMAN desiree housework, Live in, Box 175 UNION OFFICE. Situations Wanted -Male 37 A-1 CARPENTER -Framing. finish, repairs, porches, breezeways, cabinets. 1.1 3-1829 AGGRESSIVE young salesman desires to join progressive company.

Some college. 4 yrs. sales to retail. Rox 113, ENERGETIC NEAT appearing married man 43-eager to assume TPsponsible position, Now working nights desires day work. Excellent factory background in production and supervision, Good references.

Salary secondarv to future security. Box 184 Union Office. END. MAN wants part time gAS atation work. Nights and week ends.

Hox 164 Union Office. ELDERLY man would like janitor work or any commou labor. RE 9-3505. FORMER DIVISION MANAGER 4t division doing million dollars in salas annually, with experience Sales. Sales Production and company adminiatration And product development, desires tion in sales production with firm preferably in New England.

College graduate. 31 feAT4 sinc'e. Till relocate Afora Intersated in lone range coportunity than in immediate past experience. Box 3389 L'nion Office. HANDY DIAN rants odd lobs.

Tel. ST 8-9188 or LI 3-4003. LICENSET; PLUMBER WANTS WORK BOX UNION OFFICE. LIGHT part-time work desired hy tired man RE 2-1568. MAN.

35. wants all day Eat. cleaning Ar laborer. RE 3-5603. MAN exp.

a in supervising shppg rec. dent. desires steady position. Tel. RE 7-0024.

PART TIME work mornings on automatic screw machines or related personal tools. Set-up or operate. 15 years PXD. Production or day rate, RE 9-0876 anytime. PAINTER desires work.

week ends, Bat. Sunday. RE 2-3675. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 ANY BUSINESS buying or gelling We can help you. shah Realty Co.

1618 Matin AVAILABLE in the neur future. Excellent going Service Station will be sold. Owner plans to etire. Good inconte for right party who wishes to own and operate their business ing. Answerg are confidential.

Write including real estate. con Liberal financBox 3306 I'nion Office. A REAUTY SHOP units air conditioned. well established XC. location.

RE 9-0586. ATLANTIC Ser. Station Avail. immed. tor.

State St. JAmAR, RE 4-0427, 8.6 p. Mr. STORE MONITOR paying on $13.000 cash down reqmnt. bIRT corner.

P.0. Bor 1261. Cat: A DOLAN GRADI COLUMN VARIETY STORE. Unusual. large gross.

low oath, par gre, compehnan LUNCHEONETTE, Nearby city. hua stop. top -quipment. old extb. location.

A bargain, DELICATESSEN. Nearbo ritv. large volume, 8. 3. Pierce line, SUMMER RESORT.

Top location to lease. Dairy Queen, hot etc. CAFE. Past buy downtown. DRESS SHOP.

Long air large volume, also building. Investigate. HOTEL. Small town, rooms. co*cktail lounge, coffee bar, Small down payment.

LUNCHEONETTE. Illness causes bargain of well located and nicely equipped spot. RE 2-3700 DOLAX ST 8 7716 A NEARBY DRUGSTORE. Liquor license sub post office. Doing over 90.000 year.

Busiest place in town. Terms. Box 185. Union Office. A LUNCHEONETTE soda fountain business, Pk.

loc. Only $2900. Worthy Realty 3-3521. CUTE. LITTLE variety store.

Main St. loc. Only $1.01. RE A BEAUTY SHOP 2 units, Ast. 11 years: gond downtown location.

RE 4-7675. AN EXCLUSIVE variety grocery. Doinz over $1000. Th. hours 8,30 A.

m. to Soon m. m. No a overhead. RF 3-3521.

AGING COUPLE their moner. making market. Long est. Cash Es rarry. 87900.

TEED REALTORS. RE 6-4948. t.he GOLDEN best Fancy opportunity Fooda to Stores obtain in one of town for 85000 cash. Gross has increated. Excellent potential.

stand rigid in' estization, Mr. ST 8-4005. BRIDGEWAT Hotel Barber Shon to sold at once. reason Illness. RE 6-8341 BOWLING ALLEY.

Profit $15,000 yr. Reasonable trms. Box 180 Union Office BEER WINE cafe. good location. Good weekly business.

Price $13.000. P. O. Box 1442. Springfield, Mass.

BEST HOME. Profit $13.000 yr. Reasonable terms. Box 179 Union Office. CLEANING BUSINESS.

Just sell. Reason sickness. Box 178 Union Office. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. Old estab.

store. downtown location. Modern. well atocked. Reasonably priced.

Reason for sale- owner leaving state. Write Box 130 Union Office. AGAIAM 69 Autumn on river. Firepl. in out.

rms. 1g. enclosed porch. Gond for boating club etc. 8 yrs.

old 3-3869. DINER. establ. 15 years. large parking lot.

good business. Owner asking low price. 91 Grenada 'Ter. RE 7-1390. ESSO SERVICECENTER FOR TEASE IN THE ARRA Excellent transit location.

Very low investment Call RF. 4 7357 btw 8-5. FOR SALT RadIO TV Sales 3 PTice, Lon: stock equipment Food mill Box 155 Union Office. FLORIST SHOF. Low rent, doing very zood, has fine equipment $1500, RE 7-4635 duch*eSS REALTY.

Call after 4 0n Sun, FULL LICENSE plus a nica 6 rm. ant. nearby on highway. Ercellent business. Personal reasons for selling.

Empsall Realty RE 9-0480. RE 7-9114 FOR SALE: A SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST in a public accounting practica with select clientele in Berkshire County. Ta Are looking for a competent accountant and tax n'an. interested. state background and qualifications in own handwriting.

All replies will he held in strict contidence. Box 1103 Union Office. GROCERY MEATS- With real estate. heavy populated neighborhood. same owner 30 vrg.

Price $3000 includes down paymt. on real estate. ST 8-7601. HAVE CAPITAL to invest in live wire venture. Excellent Main St.

location available. with parking for 200 CArs. Box 338 Union Office. LOCAL Beer Wine Package Store Reasonable due to Rox 176 Union Office. HIGH GALLONAGE SERVICE STATIONS In Springfield Thompsonville, Conn.

READY FOR IMMEDIATE LEASE Write R. W. Darlar Standard Co. Box 1690 Springfield. Maas.

Tel. RE 4-7357. 8-5 p. RE 9-9486. after 5 p.

m. DECEMBER 9, 1956 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 MEAT GROCERY STORE with beer license, doing excellent business. Priced reasonable. Excellent location. Large parking lot.

Call Windsor locks, NA' 3-3611 between 9 a. 6 p. m. N.A 0-7218 after 6 p. m.

JUST over the state line in Conn. Brand new bay service station on Route 5 in Thompsonville for lease. Iligh potential. Low rental. For further information and app't.

call Gulf Oil Corp. Mr. Johnson, Hartford, Jackson 7-3236. LONG testabliahed variety grocery store in Springfield. Sacrifice.

Rox 183 Union Office. LUNCHEONETTE in good business loca tion. Will gol1 on rental basic to liable party who has 'know ST 8-7601. MEN'S SHOP--Selling Nat'l brande, well located, doing good priced right. TASTER-FREEZ STORES.

selling soft cream, hamburgs. hot. dogs, chnice location: available now--contart now tor March opening. required. GALLANO BROS.

REAL ESTATE 299 Walnut St. Azawam RE 3-8161-Eve. RE 3-3303 MAIL ORDER OPPORTUNITY EXCITING home business or office side line. Mail order executive will Ahow you how to net large profits with no investment in merchandise or adverrising required. Experience not neCeSsary.

Proven practical. fully explained in FREE confidential letter. Write: IMPACT: I 4108 Payne, Dept. 43-30. Cleveland 14.

Ohio. NEARBY CITY mAN wife, Restaurant netting them: $170 on A day weak. Longer Week would. increase not quickly lot central spot on a busy street. Owner will finance.

Investigate. TEED REALTORS. RE OWNER sacrifices retail dry cleaners store. Tinder $1300. RE PRINTING EQUIP.

for complete shop, includes 10x15 auto. Craftsman, 8x12 had feed, 30" paper cutter, type and ALL misc equip. Reas. for quick sale. 11.

Henry, 25 South Thompsonville. Conn. Tel. Riverview 5-3152, PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITY Chance to develop your own multiple line Insurance Agency. AN' your busiAmbition.

Rusiness background needed. Write Bor 181 t'nion Office. TROUT CATALOG Free! Motels. Resorts. Tourist Boarding Houses.

Stores. Gas Farms, opportunities hargains galore. 3020 properties described. 36 WORLD'S LARGEST! 5A Service, STROUT REALTT. R10-AG OVA Ros.

ton 8. Mass SERVICE STATION available. Tidol station vicinity Pine Point Boston Rd. Also excellent location in Forest Park sect. Call Mr.

RE 3-1132 nights Sunday LO TAVERN with full liquor and beer 11- cense. Good location. For full details write F. O. Box 516, "THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE are not selling worms but do have a choice location in this area for one of new Big Bundle" LaundJerette stores.

These new type quick service laundries are equipped with the new revolutionary double and triple capacity machines designed to save you on your original Investment well AS in op erating costs. This is good busiuess for man and wife team seeking a cash and carry business with a good return and minimum investment. We set up the store complete, ready to turn the key in the door. We can also train you And arrange financing. For full particulars at 110 obligation, write Launderwell.

Main Street, Lenox, Massachusetts. VARIETY STORE. Profit $750 yr. Price $7000. Terms.

Box 177 Union Office. VARIETY STORE located in high grade residential district, 1-o-n-g estb. Name owner several yrs. ST 4-7601. $16.000 yrly.

to owner. Established fran. chiso, 5 counties. 21 stores. RUTH POTTER.

A RE 6-7435 ANYTIME pleie details by appointment. Bus. Opportunities Wanted 384 ATICTIONEER mach. Tounz. RF.

4,1638. RE BUTER of stora, mach. etc or liquidate for you. Hy. Gloth.

RE 3-4573 RITTER of stores, merchandise. fix. H. Binsky, Auctioneer. RE 4-3163.

Money to Loan 40 DASH buyer for existing second zac4s-also money to loan for A mtge. RE INSTRUCTION Instruction AIRLINES NEED YOU WANTED Several young men and women will be selected immediately for training for attractive. high-salaried positions A 8 hostess, reservationist. communicationiat, station agent. Enjoy free travel passes.

vacations, insurance, etc. Short low -cost training can qualify. Must be between 17-33, have high school diploma and pleasing personality. Special course in personal a development for women trainees. Get the facts! Write Universal Airlines Training Center, Rox 0086 Union Office.

Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 ACCORDION lessons with free accordion. Alan sale and exchange. White Eagle Music 1592 Main Spfld. SAVE OIL new Spinet piano: if you A lA itt no hurry for delivery by callinz RE 3-5203 at 6 p. In.

LIVESTOCK Dogs. Cats. Pets A.K.C. res. Boston Terrier from choice litter, Hendricks ARR Canter St.

Ludlow. A. K. C. Res.

Collie pupa. white, Totreaulte, Test Brimt old CH 3-9687. AQUARIUM CENTER 060 COLUMBUS AVE. Tropical fish. plante.

tanks. 9tr TOUNG GUARANTEED TO TALK. Open daily 10-5 p. m. P.

m. RE 7-9453. AIRDALE DUD mos. old female. AKC housebroken.

permanently inoculated. LA AKC REG. Beagle pups, Bred from field champ. stock. JO 6-3769.

AKC female Doberman Pinscher. 10 mos. old. good Family Pet $73. RE 4-1017.

A NICE beagle. well behaved. Kindest home. country pref. RE 2-6847.

ANTONE interested in Collie shep. pups. Nice Xmas. gift. child's companion.

reas. 224 Tinkham Rd. RE 3-3018. ADORABLE poodle puppies. Heavy coated, charming.

black miniatures at $100. Tel. P'almer 1180W3. ADORABLE fox terrier pups $20 $25. Tel.

Rockville, Tremont 5-7894. A GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Everything must go at big savings to you. Tropical fish and equipment -birds and supplies. Ilere's your chance to save money on Christmas prements. Open daily 0-9 including Fish Sunday.

Bowl-211 Tropical Shaker Rd. East Longmeadow. L.A 3-92N8 AKC REG. Boxer. female, Good with children.

RE 9-6702. 222 Silhy IT. S. AT sTun GOLDEN TARTAN Shelter Pupa dollies) 6-4127. A.K.C.

Beagles Beautiful Color Size Blue Tick Coats. $00 LY 4.4203. AKC German Snenhard puppies, ch. aired: served any time. Call ALrine for Bizzarro.

ADORABLE black toy noodle. female Champ. AKC breeding $175. L.A AKC reg. Springer Spaniel female pupPy, 3 mos.

old. 835. Tel. LT 6-4133. AKC wira Pox Terrier puppies, Kaatins.

162 Rowley Agawam. AT PISE LODGE. Cats boarded. Stud service. Kittens.

Lr 6-4632. AKC PICK OF LITTER Tov collie 4 old. Also stud servica. JO 9-631P. A-1 PARAKEET BART and Normal and rares, cages.

C. Richards. 30 Greer. rich Ludlow. JU 3-2116.

BEAUTIFUL ANC male boxer, fawn, black mask. 9 months. loves children. Inoculated. JE 3-5509.

BLUE EYED white kittens, 135 Hampden West Springfield. RE 4-3492. BEAGLE PUPS 4 mos. Housebroken Thorobred. RE 2-1014.

BEAGLE will give away to right party. Good children's dog. RE 9-1746. TURE COLLIE (2) FOR I CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL, SHELTIE PUPS MINIAA.K.C. REG.

$35 EACH. JE 1-7713. BEAUT. Miniature Pinscher puppies. Call RE 9-9870.

BEAGLE pups. a Welsh Torriers AKC. Murray's. 11 Broad Fairview. JE 3-1213.

BUY A RANTON BONER. Excellent for children, Christmas delivery. Major Barton. 157 Batchelor St. Tel.

Granby, Mass. 0122. GROSSER BEAGLES and Springer pupA. 2 Males. $8.

PR, 'Tel. RE 3-6594. English. Norwich, Rollers. Borders.

etc. Parabeete. babies breeders. Cook a tele. Talking Slyhna birds, Red.

Nars perret, Finchs, Love Birds, caze. Grain wholesale retail. RE: 7-6270. Wysock, 143 Adams Aga wam. CLASSIFIED LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 BLUE- FROST-CATTERY has available white or blue pedigreed Persian kittens.

Will hold until c'hristmas. Inquire, 31 Brown Holyoke, after 1 IN. CHINCHILLA'S, feed. cages, etc. Chinchillas, boarded.

inquire, Agawam Chinchilla Ranch, 1197 Main Mass. puppies for pale. Call RE 9-1973. 122 Patton St. CANARIES RED FACTORS.

excel. singers. some hens. 61 A Revier St. RI: 4-7161.

co*ckER Pupa. A Dubuc's Kennels South Hadley Falls, JE co*ckER SPANIELS. 1 INC hand. some red puppies. German Shepherds, Reagles, a to hunt.

Samoyeds, coon hounds. one of the hast hunters in the watch dogs. wire hair fox terriers. Lewis Farm Kennels 11.39 Allen RE 7-0444 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Red canaries. Crested.

Violets Harlequins parakepte. Parakeets A- 0320 31.35. Parakeet seed $10 per 100. Pinches 34 up. Tamed parrots Orange yellow canaries.

All our canaries ate quaranteed singers Gold 3 for $1 Guppies 12 for $1. High 20 zal. tank $13.06. Decorated aquariums $2.95 11D. LAVaway plan.

Wholesale retail. 0 9. 21 Adam Willimansett, JE. 4-4393. CHOOSE AKC reg.

Boxer pups now for Christinas. Lay away. RE DACHSHUND puppies for Christmas. black tan. red.

AKC reg. RE DO YOU WANT A dachshund pup for Christmas? 25 Arch Ludlow. JU ENGLISI IRISH Setter puppies. Registered. Ken's Kennels.

217 HudSOIL Northboro, Mass. Tel. Northboro 8073. FOR CHRISTMAS pedigree Siamese tens. It GERMAN Shepherd puppies older stock AKC TeE.

Champ, sired. Excel quality temperament. Rickwood Kennels, College lighway, Granby Conn. ph. Simsbury Oldefield male tiger.

mo. Also all black buff kittens want good homes. 4-6217. INTELLIGENT male Scotty co*cker cross. for A good home.

Call L.Y 6-3066. GERM.AN Shepard Res. Black and Tan. Schaferhald Kennels, Leaden. PR 3-7312.


Lauderdale Kennels, Colleza Hichway, Southwick. Fenner. KERRY BLUE TERRIERS puppies. ch. bred-innoc.

Do not shad RE 2-0161. LABRADOR Retriever puppies. ARC field and show stock. Ideal as companion. 'East Hampton, Conn.

Andrew 7-4803. MALE BOXER AKC. years old. fawn colored. reasonable.

Enjoys children. Call Northampton JU 4-1968. MAKE THE KIDS HAPPY! this Cute New Zealand white baby rabbit. $1. Also meat rabbits.

40c lb. alive. lb dressed. LY 2-338A. NORWEGIAN Elk Hound, handsome dogs, 10 weeks old, a perfect pet for children.

AKC champion bred. not big dog. price right. Tel. 1O 2-9281.

PEDIGREED Siamese kittens. WIll hold until Christmas. RE 7-4681. PEDIGREED PERSIAN KITTENS for Christmas. 21 Ormond 'St.

RE PUPS a few left Belgian shepherds German Police, must sell at once. Dream- A -Way Lodge Becket, Tel. Becket 3611. PUPPIES- -German cross. Tel.

J0 9-6489. POODLES, miniature, AKC black brown. Call T'rille, RI 5-8409. PARAKEETS. NORMAL AND rare babier.

Cages. K. Mottle. 69 Bridge West Springfield RF: 7-1994. PUPS adorable small crossed RoaR P.E 2-2311.

REGISTERED toy Roston Terrier- female, Reasonable. RF: 6-3924. SILVER MINTATITRE POODLES. 5 move. old.

AKO reg. Tel. ST 8-0806. Seed LarzA Small. Lyrio Tild Bird Feeders etc.

ME.THE Phone RE 2-1194 36S Taylor Street FELLING OUT Parakeets $1 110. flight cages supplies. Call RE TOY Bull Terrier. Reg. Reautifully marked.

Wonderful pet. RE 6-1631. THOROUGHBRED Bassett Hound pupa, Felix Beauchesne, Chestnut Hill Montagus Forest 7-3620. TALKING STRANDS. home raised haby parakeets $3 up.

Cages sunplies Will hold until Christmas. Free delivery 37 Noel St. RE 2-5255. WIRE HAIRED FOX TERRIERS Gar'est Kennele. Westminster, Mann Gardner 1658M 3 FEMALE Boxers 8 weeks old.

Reasonable. JO 6-8601 Horses. Cattle. Vehicles 48 GOOD CHRISTMAS GIFT for girl. Morgan Ray Guilding 3 gaited.

85 ribbons in seasons. Rides Western English. jumps drives. Perfect condition. Price reasonable for right parson.

JO 6-3710 after 6 n. m. HOLSTEIN FIRST calf heifer due 1 soon. A real nice heifer. raised right here.

Blood tested. Rav Ogden, Loomis Westfield. TO 2-3349. CHRISTMAS ATA. PONY AUCTION Saturday Dev.

15th 12:01 noon 110 ponies Mares Stallions- -Fillie Commission A Eatore the con we all -indg Saddles, Carts. Harn Blankate, atc. 19 the time ho zet thee Pant for Christmas, DONT FORGET Saturday. 14th. 12:00 noon MA DOTE.

Z. CANAAN. CONN. Rt. 44-40 miles Test Hartford.

Conn. 40 miles Fast of Pouzhk-epsie. N. T. Phone Tevlor 4-TS'29 or 4-5351 1 PATR Chestnut work horses for farm or woods.

Ed. Sullivan, Rox 4, Test Brookfield. Masa. TWO LIGHT DRIVING harness, good conditicn. $8 $10.

RE 6-3597. 10 SADDLE horses ponies, all types sizes. colors. Price $100 up. One reg quarter horse, real one.

Plenty of tack. one covered pony wagon. L. W. Goodyear.

Sunderland. Mass. SADDLE HORSES. child's for keening for winter. Smith.

460 South Main K. Long. T.A Poultry and Supplies 49 A TOP price paid fowl, chickens, capons broilers, Ige. capettes are our specialty. Frank J.

West Springfield. RE 3-2010, RE 7-2327. ALt. kinds or poultry wanted. Top prices at farm.

RE 4-6359. A RETTER PRICE for all live poultry. SUPERMAN SONS TIE 7-5183. RE MUSCOVY DICKS $1. TEl.

LY MERCHANDISE Articles For Sala 51 for 2 la As 310 down ACETYLENE welding equip. and $10 per month. Jaeger Wading Supply. Inc. 2040 Columbus RE 0.1493.

ATTENTION: IVe will aell tovs at aur. prices long as they last. First come first Open to A Sat. till 6. HOUSE OF AUCTIONS.

Boston No. Filbra ham. miles bevond Nizht Club going towards Palmer AT NEW ENGLAND WRECKING co FOR AN IMMEDIATE SALE Metal counters ideal for tire. discount. nardware.

paint stores priced at 7.50 worth many times more. Plywood counters to sell the price of lumber glass counter partitions. All materials Used in A Firestone Store. NEW ENGLAND WRECKING CO. $50 Albany St RE 2-3179 20 speed 18.97 15 Portable AN Record Player 7.99 AT CHA PIN'S THIS WEEK 109 Ili Fi 89 49.50 3 19.50 speed All Records or 5 for $1.00 $39 Mahogany or Oak knee Hole Desk $19.88 59 Mahogany or Oak Knee Hola Desk $13 Child's Stuffed Rocker $6.9.

15 Child Platform Stuffed Rocker 9.85 45 La Tea Wagon -2 Tiara $28.05 36 Died Tea Tazon Tiers 22.95 855 p.ect er Dresser $10 95 piece Gold Dresser Eat 4. $0 CHAPIN SPEC. 37 LYMAN MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale 51. Articles For Sale 51. ASH cans and barrels for burning rubbish.

204 Stafford St. Call RE 4-4812. AUTHORIZED Lionel Service Station. Train sets to satisfy anyone's pocketbook. Cars, tracks, accessories of a'l kinds.

Trade in your old equipment. Used trains for sale. RE 2-9726, 039 Bay Su. ALL SIZES fuel gil tanks, 550, 1000 gal. or larger.

Also septic tanks, 300. gal. RE 6-4380. NEW boxed anniversary clock, regular $26.97, $16. Master time clock.

regular $39.95. $24. Panermate pens. 3 $1.97. regular $1.69 ea.

RE 6-0134. A RACCOON COAT size 14, box style, Make offer. Also girls' size 6 roat and pants. pre. boots.

RE 3-2585. AT THE CUT RATE HARDWARE Paint $1 gal. nith purchase of at 2 price 82.96 zal, 10 rolls $1.00. Closinz out all Pittsburgh, Ray State Super Kemtone paint at 35 A. zal, and all our electric room heaters vary cheap.

411 St. James RE 2-9856. AMERICAN FLIER STARTER TRAIN SET with Diesel Engine-5 freight cars-1 R.R Station-1 transformer and large circia of track pluA Engineer cap and small Complete Ger-Plux in and 80 $12 95 CHAPIN SPEC. LYMAN ST. GIRLS figure skates, SIZe RE 4-0304.

A CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT SET SPECIAL FOR MONDAY ONLY 13 Light Multiple Set indoor $2.06 25 Light Multiple Set outdoor 3 25 Single Window Candle Light .59 Lighted Santa 99. Lighted Reindeer .99 Lighted Crib Lighted Snowman ..99 This Price Monday Only CITAPIN SPEC. LYMAN ST. ATTENTION OUTDOOR MEN Leather pants, sheepskin lined, ideal for bulldozer operators, construction IBOIL and ice fishermen. Worth $30 now only $4.99.

GOB SHOP S0 Main Chicopee Falle A BEAUTIFUL, oIt. or water color painting. Landscapes, Marine portraits etc. Handsomely framed. 411 aires, modestly priced.

Tel. RE 6-8159 Int appointment. Fireside Studio. AMER. Machinist's handbook, Shop Triz.

Mechanical Drawing hoot. radivo cause. Federal Indicator. RE AMEN. FUTER.

train Engine, cars. transformers, 2 auto switches. Light ton Ar. 6 f1 8 ft. tablo.

Ovar 50 ft. of track. 350. ar will ga ap for zood ping pong table. LO 7-3664 A CHAIN tractor.

(2) baby rockins horse. bahv walker. comb rare riace. stroller with cana opy. hich chair.

car hod seat. hot-. tla sterilizer, er. set steamer trunk. old studio couch, wrouzht lamp tier tables, RE I 4-8469.

American Mired Hard Candy- 1h, Box American Mixed Hard Candy-1 1h. Jar 45 American Mixed Hard Candy--12 07. Jar .30 Hand Dipped Chocolate-2 1h. Tin 1.75 Hand Dipped Chocolate-2 -5 Jh. lh.

Box Box 1.25 2.50 Dipped Chocolate Stocking Filled Candy ea CHAPIN SPEC. LEMAN ST. A COMPLETE SANTA SUIT Face and Beard--Leggings Belt and Hat--In all sizes. 39.95 CILAPIN SPEC. 37 LYMAN ST.

A 9 P'C. Walnut dining set, an alanacuna overcoat. Size 42. RE 4-3594. A WARDROBE Trunk in good cond.

LA 5-7738. BILLING typewriter. (New Cond.) $200. Will Sell $60. Tape Recorder, LY 4-4203 BINOCS A SO 16 $29, 40 scope $13.

30 microscope $7. BALSAM BOUGHS, roping. special Fred Cole, JO 9-6468. eves J0 9-6287. BOY'S shoe skates, size 3 and child' ahne skates.

size 11. Excellent condition. Tel. RE T-0319. BALSAM decorated wreaths.

Ralsam trees. Cor. ('hiison Summer Ave. BUY AT WHOLESALE Skates -Sied Typa Runner 1.76 Children' double runner 12-13 with shoes 1,88 D. Girls Fizure-Size 1 to 5 00 ladi-e Figure -Si7a 5 11 00 Hockey -Size 5 to 12 Dre 74 to 5 6.

PA CHAPIN SPEC. 37 LEMAN ST. pens. Jim or fat. retr.

$11--100 refills $1 dz. RE 2-5513. RRAND NEW boy 825 Erector Sat been used. $13. RE 4-8334.

CLASSIC. RECORDS (come new) Cabinet RADIO RE 6-5704 CUSTOM MADF. cornices 1 pr. 8 ft. floral Aegign $25 pr.

4 ft. gray $15: Andirons large aluminum clothes real $10; yellow OVAl yellow organdy Pure tain- $10. New carpet sweeper $7. Call LA 5-2035. CHILDS SINGER sewing machine.

also used for househnld mending. RE 4-0589. CHRISTMAS CARDS $1.00 Rox Winter Scenes-21 cards An 1.00 Oil Chromette: -16 CArds 1.0 Asst. Cards-40 cards .60 1.00 Asst. .59 Gift Wrap Rolls paper 12 .39 Wrap Rolls paper 10 PRE 80 Tags Seals for CHAPIN SPEC.

37 LEMAN ST. CARDBOARD FIREPLACE 40" High-44" Wide with Santa And Wreath $: pA CHAPIN SPEC. LYMAN CHRISTMAS TREES. largest display in city. Retail wholesale.

Extra trees for hAlls churches. Wreathe howe. Pete 1:64 StATA St. RE 7-3639. CHRISTMAS trees.

largest standing dis play Spilde Area, Johnson: $46 N. Main E. Longmeadow. RE CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE Vermont Raleam- The Finest Ever also Troaths Ream. Call RF.

3.0552 Ratesan P. m. CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE ALE LA TN zardan ornaments. cast Iron furniture. Also.

relimous zar4 dan statues, All to 1 ft. fountains. bird bathe. ler2e variety colors. l'ases.

Dover boxes. urns, tite 31ze deer. lions razing flamingos. Nezro hitching hora. MAny colors.

Ch garden. folding alums chaizas chairs. Numerous other are a greatly reduced prices. See Louise. 1544 Riverdala Spild.

Rite. J. Open daily 'til 3.30 p. m. CARRIAGE--Chrome upholstered hich chair.

like naw. Reas. RE 9-6125. CHAIN SATV. 1 man.

$115. 600 Tinkham Wilbraham, Mass. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Wreaths Roping, Spruce branches with cones Ruscus. Cards. Planters Candles.

Corsages, Centerpieces. Cematery Boxes etc. Visit our Christmas shop. MISERS GREENHOUSE 440 Morgan W. Spfid.

RE 7-2919 Open Evenings CLOTHES poles shape $13,50 pr. Cave Welding. 380 Ray St. RE 3-1427. CHRISTMAS TREES cut to order.

$1 up. R.F 6-3046. 139 Sikea Spfld. CHRISTMAS TREES. wreathe, roping.

Spruce boughs with cones. Bundled Wholesale-rotall. F. H. Damon.

Northliald Bernardo Ma MI 8-0071. RI hike, a RE 6-815A, CRIR and mattress, Jib now, RE 6-7344. CHRISTMAS TREES wreathe, la to civic groups. Open 3. a m.

to a p. m. Graham 9.50 Memorial Spf'd. RE 3-3442. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATES and 2.

810. Exrollent condition. f11 warn trire sin. (1) doll carriage. RiZo condition $5.

JU CHRISTMAS 3 styles band made include lizht. straw. bed angel. Tel. RE 6-64 16, 32 Feronth COMBINATION oil in shape.

RE 4-0367 Cash Register 328 Elec. Fry-O-Lator 13 For frying in lunchroom. Bear rug 8x3 a beauty for club 1'00m or lounge room. DREAM- A -WAY LODGE RECKET 'Tel. BECKET 3611 CHRISTMAS TREES -large assortment.

fine Quebec New Brunswick Balsam and spruce. Lighted wholesale yard. Trailer deliveries anvwhor*. Fancy boughs. wreaths, and centerpieces wholesale Joseph Driscoll West Main St.

Millhurv. Mass. UNion 5-4442 Rizes. clothes made to order Also dolls repaired. Give sour old doll A.

smart new lank. Irene's Doll Shop, Vixie Terrace, Falls. off North South Highway Pendleton Ave. pOLLs Largo Ballarina. Doll RA 24" Largo Doll- Ruhher 2.19 Giant Tear Doll in Suit Ca 7.50 Large Bride Doll 6.50 CHAPIN SPEC.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.