Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

Use Bulletin Classified Want-Ads To Buy, Hire, Sell And Trade Bulletin, Monday, June 19, 1972-Page 11 DENNIS THE MENACE IS MY FRIEND, JOEY. HELL BE COMIN TO YOU FROM HERE FOR A COUPLA: NIGHTS WHILE HIS MOTHER IS SHOPPIN' FOR A NEW 31. Pets for Sale registered, good stock. Call BRITTANY SPANIEL, puppies, 647-8002. SERVICES 40.

Business Services CAN'T -TAKE TIME Your property running you? Let us takethe worry off your hands George a M. Mehoffey, 673-6057 GEORGE R. INGRAM. Inc. General Contractor: Painting; Cabinets Finishes; and repairs; All types cement work; Paneting and Dry Wall.

Phone: 629-5276 or Bassett or 694-6171, Stuart. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, modern equipment Mart. and surrounding areas since 1947. Frost and 632-9243. BACKHOE FOR RENT with driver.

Call 632-7108 or AIR CONDITIONING and Refrigeration Service, Call Spencer Refrigeration 632-7195. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. installed, repaired. Concrete septic tonks for sale. Basem*nt drains installed.

Work guaranteed. B. W. Brooks Septic Tank 'Sales: Service, dial 956-3510. 41.

Building Contracting ROOFING: GUTTERS; Room addition: Carports: Painting; Also build new homes; Work guaranteed. Call A. J. Neat, 632-9155. BYRD'S VINYL SIDING and Hastings Aluminum Siding.

Owens Window, Call 632-6479, nights ALUMINUM SIDING; Roofing; Gutters: Storm Windows Doors; Painting: Heating Systems. Consolidate all your bills into one easy payment. For free estimates. call Glenn Blankenship, 632-5054 or: 632-4335. ALUMINUM PLATES Used, 36 by inches.

Excellent for siding and roofing. 20 cents each. Call. Mr. Robertson, 638-8801.

REMODELING? Need a room in basem*nt, new roof; painting inside out? Cut out middle man. Call 647-1020. IRVING HUGHES, rooting anu guttering, reasonable prices, all work guaranteed. Call after 4 647-7812. ALUMINUM.

SIDING, storm windows; sform doors; carports; Marques; awnings, ceramic tile: bath rooms; All types home improvements. Cassell's Home Improvements Rte Bassett, phone 629-729. ALUMINUM SIDING; Bathrooms; Heating Systems. Pay all your monthly bilis into Get our prices and save money. Henry County Home Improvement, Collinsville, 647-3931.

41C. Electrical- TV GARLAND'S Small: Appliance repoir; Sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc. Axton (Eastwood) call 632-8713, pickup, deliver, Heat-Air Condition LENNOX PLANNED SERVICE for heating and air conditioning systems. Call Richardson-Hodges, 632-3567. 42.

Fencing LARGEST AND OLDEST Fence Company based, In Martinsville, County, area. Residential, Industrial Privacy, woodpost and rail. Best No down payment, up to 5 years to poy. Free estimates. Call U.S.

Fence Corp. 638-3100: 44. Moving- Storage MOVING? CALL US! 30 years experience reasonable rates. Satisfoction guaranteed. J.

Wooldridge NorthAmericon, 632-5691, night 632-6175. FARMING 6-19 50B. Livestock PONIES FOR SALE, $15 and up. Coll BULLS FOR SALE, 1 Block Angus, al. Call 629-8113 after 4:30 pm, C.

M. Foley. REGISTERED TENNESSEE WALKER, 5 year gelding, excellent show horse, $400. Call 632-1884. 53.

Nurseries SPECIAL: Fertilizer, peat moss, pine needles: All kinds of dust for your vegetable garden. Yeatts Nursery, Danville 632-6316. 54. Plants- Seeds Substitue Trustee! 4 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Special Notices July SEE 1 at DEAN In person, 6:30 p.m, July 2 at 1:30 p.m.

Virginia Fiddlers State Convention, Leatherwood. Park, Route 57, 7 miles East of prizes. Martins le. $1,000.00 in cosh Cosponsored-by Gen. Joseph Mortin Restoration Fund.

(under Admission odults Children 12) Age 6 or under Billy Bring your own chairs. Lawrence, (703) 632-6692: Bill Riggan (703) 659-3156 or 650-9901. $100.00 REWARD for information leading to arrest. and conviction of person or persons responsible for damaging houses under construction on Dundee Court. Ramsey Construction Co.

5. Lost and Found LOST: two poodles, one miniature, one toy, both are white with apricot markings, Laurel Pork' area, missing since Sun. Call 638-3425. Reward. 6 Employment Agencies LEE PERSONNEL SERVICE The area's -first and finest.

employment agency. Chief Tassel 638-3911. 7. Help Wanted- Female CLERK TYPIST The Virginia Department of Highways has a restricted position for clerk typist. job will.

last from 18. to months. The person employed will type. file and do general office work. Must have good typing skills and of least one year clerical experlence.

The office: will be located on Rf. 220 South of Martinsville. Satary $4320 to $5400 per year. Interviews will be. conducted by D.

C. Forbes, District Personnel Supervisor, on June 21, 1972 from 10:30 am to 12 noon at the Virginia Employment Commission Office. Main Street, Martinsville, Virginia. Applications may be secured from any 'state office. Apply in- person: An Equal Opportunity Employer, PAYROLL CLERK: Some Exp helps but kriowledge of book; keeping is fine Call Arcade A Employment 31 Main St 638-8682 BOOKKEEPER: 1-3 yrs Exp helps periodic raises Age 21-45 preferred Call Arcade Employment 31 Main St 638-8682 NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS tor bostess to work vending area.

5 days a week. Company benefits. Apply. Vendors: 221 College St. Piedmont WAITRESSES WANTED, full and Apply in person at the Steer House Restaurant, Virginia INSURE YOURSELF AGAINST lay-offs or reduced income.

Steady employment in sales and service work, for leading manufacturer. Apply from 10 to 11 Cloverleaf Shopping Center, Building 2-A. MORTGAGE SECRETARY: Exp in bank helps Some Typing. Set up and close. Call Arcade Employment 31 Main St 638-8682 LOAN MANAGER: Top spot with local firm This is not a bank or finance.

Arcade Employment 31 Main St 638-8682 AVON REPRESENTATIVE make money; life more, meet friendly people! It's easy, even if you've never "sold before. Call now for details: Judi Mason, 632-3494. TAKE THE HEAT IN STYLE! Check the air conditioned cars for sole in today's Classified Ads! 7A. Saleswomen-Agents SUMMER WORK Parttime and full time positions. Day or evening- no canvassing.

For interview appointment- Call Mrs. Altred 647-8038 between 2 and 4 p.m. 8. Help Wanted Male WANTED CARPENTERS, carpenter helpers, brick masons, and laborers. Good poy.

Apply in person Trend Builders, West Fayette just beyond underpass. Equal Opportunity Employer. EXPERIENCED CLOTH SPREADERS to operate automatic spreader. Ride, you do not have to walk. Apply in person at Standard Garments, Cable Martinsville.

A SECURITY GUARDS starting pay. Apply at Guardhouse ot. Fielderest Mills, Fieldale, Sgt. Equal. Opportunity Emplover: ROUTE SALESMAN, must be 21 years of age, high school education, good pay and excellent 838-3896, benefits.

For Interview phone Kern's Bakery. Public Notices to ther terms of 0 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE certain deed of dated the 5th: Pursuant dav of February. 1966, and of record in the Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Henry, Virginia, in Deed Book 111, poge 9, from Nellie G. Martin, Robert on H. Patterson, unmarried and Richard co*cke.

woman, to of Richmond, Virginia, Trustees, described property in trust to conveying the hereinafter secure the poyment of a certain debt which: is more particularly described- in said deed of trust: the poyment of said debt and the defautt having been mode in covenants contained in said deed of trust, the hoider thereof having declared the entire debt due and J. payable, Lemon, the who undersigned, having William been 1 subsituted as Trustee in the place and. stead of Robert H. co*cke, Patterson, who and. Richard resigned os such Trustees, and having been requested so to do the by the holder of said note, will on 23rd day of June, 1972, at 12:00 o'clock Noon.

at the front entrance of the Courthouse of the Circuit Court for the County of Henry, Virginia, In Mortinsville. Virginia, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, all that certain lot dr parcel of land with all improvements thereon, lying and being in the Leatherwood of Community: Henry, State Axton of, Virginia, and District, County more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING of on 18 inch maple Martin in the line between June M. i and maple Floyd being Barker on a course properties, of N. 77. said deg.

30 min. E. 40.00 feet from No. 615, the and centerline about of midway State between Outlet Rood Rood entrances: thence along Floyd Martin's line Barker's N. 08 deg.

27 min W. and June M. 261.00 feet to new corner; thence N. 80 deg. 31 min.

113.76 feet new line; thence 27 min.T E. 60.00 feet to a new corner; thence N. 80 deg. 31 min. E.

106.00 feet to point in center af Outlet Rood; thence the following three Outlet courses Road: S. corners 04 deg. 39 min. E. 56.

in center of said feet S. 26 deg. 15 min. W. 139.10 feet feet: and S.

55 deg. 23 min. W. 69.00 to center of said Outlet Road; thence S. 77 deg.

30 min. W. place 74.70 feet to on 18 inch maple, the of BEGINNING, and containing! 1.00 acre, more or less. according to a survey and plot dated Japuary 24, 1966, by CD. Murray, recorded Certified with Surveyor Warranty Deed, in Deed Book No.

596, and 197, page 430. A TERMS: Bidder's Cash Deposit of $100.00 will be required. William J. Lemon Substitue Trustee! 8. Help Wanted-Male DRIVERS WANTED to drive -ton von trucks.

Apply in person to Rodger Martin, The Prillaman Fisher Martinsville, 638-8829. SECURITY GUARDS Immediate openings for full time permanent employment in the Martinsville area. No experience necessary, will train. Free life insurance, paid vacation, retirement pension plan, other. fringe benetit*.

Part time personnel needed too. Write, Box 55, Bulletin giving full name, oddress, phone number, birth date. Equal opportunity employer. 8A. Salesmen-Agents LOOKING FOR middled age man to toke care of stock room, fill orders.

and inventory control. day week. Company benefits, insurance, vacation, bonus, uniforms. Must hove drivers permit and good post record. Apply 221 College Martinsville.

10. Male- Female Personnel placement all levels Executive, Administrative. Sales Secretarial, Clerical, Engineering Call Arcade Employment 638-8682 CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOR men and women who want to make money. Pleasant personality; diligent; and honest. helpful.

Some summer jobs open, also Call 632-6487 KEY PUNCH Experience preferred, good starting salary; benefits. Apply at Personnel Office, Memorial Hospital of Martinsville and Henry County. Jobs- Positions Wanted 14. Male GRADUATE with: BS degree in business administration is seeking employment in the Martinsville. and Henry County area.

Conscientious worker, prefer clerical or administrative work with chance for advancement. Call. 632-6031. WILL DO PLOWING and will disc gardens, Bassett area: Call 629-2169: for more information. 17.

Instruction ATTENTION Men 21 and Over. Train to Earn $10,000 to $15,000 per yr. Become A Tractor Trailer Driver Reyco. Troctor. training: Trailer men from Training the Martinsvitte area and offering immediate job placement assistance in local short line or long distance driving.

There is no need to quit your present job. Train port or full day or night. Weekend classes are also For complete information call anytime, Martinsville 632-3493. ARTICLES FOR SALE 22. Miscellaneous Articles SENSATIONAL BARGAINS 22 3 room grouping, excellent for newlyweds.

Compore this group anywhere at $550; NOW ONLY $395. Come. In today and see this beautiful grouping. Easy budget terms. Our prices can seldom be equalled.

Grand Piono and Furniture, Downtown Martinsville, Public Notices NOTICE Public notice is hereby given to the application of Floyd Gravely, 851 Smith Road, Martinsville, Virginia, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate an additional taxicab or for- -hire car in the City of Martinsville. Mr. Grovely, proposes to operate from northwest corner of Moss. and Fayette Streets, in the City of Martinsville. This notice is published in accordance with the requirements of Section 16-20 of the Code of the City of A public on this application will be conducted by the City Manager, or: the person designated to act for me, in the City Council Martinsville, Virginia, at 10:30 a.m.

on June 20. 1972. T. B. Noland City Manager PUB NOTICE In execution of a Deed of Trust from' John T.

King and Isabell H. King, dated February 7, 1956, recorded in the Clerk's Office, Court, Henry County, on February. 9, 1956. as Deed Number 352, default having been made in. the payment of the debt thereby, secured, and being requested by the nofeholder so to do the undersigned will for sale at public auction at the steps of the Martinsville Municipal Court on Friday, July 7, 1972, af 3:00 P.M.

that certain real estate with all improvements thereon, lying and being in the Ridgeway District of Henry County, Virginia, on the northeast of State Rood 896 and the southeost margin of State Road 461, oll as more particularly 1961, described by deed dated January 17, by Jesse N. King's Heirs, and recorded in the Henry County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book No. 165, 550, to which reference is hereby made for a more particular description. Terms: Cash, Bidder's deposit of no more than $100. may be required.

Robert A. Pustilnik 2100 CNB Building Richmond, Virginia. 23219 Substitute Trustee VIRGIN 1 CORPORATION COURT OF. THE CITY OF MARTINSVILLE IN RE: STEVE PRUNTY ORDER PUBLICATION In the matter of the petition of Mary Wingtield to have certain funds in the hands of the Clerk of this Court belonging to Steve Prunty, who resided in Henry County. Virginia, who is it alleged hos been absent from this area for more than twenty from 1917 veors to sucessively, 1o-wit, date and has not been heard from during thot time, paid to the heir of Steve Prunty, and it appearing to the Court that Steve Prunty wos last heard from in 1917 and has not returned to this area sucessively for more and nos than twenty years, not been heard from since 1917, and the being satisfied that the petitioner and the other parties named in the petition os the heir of Steve Prunty would be entitled to money.

on the hands of the Clerk of Court. were the said Steve Prunty in foct dead. is ORDERED that notice of the application of Mary Wingtield to hove sold of. money Steve paid to her Prunty as the be published in the Martinsville sole heir Bulletin, a newspoper published in Martinsville, Virginia, and thot notice be given thot on the 20th day of July. 1972 at 10:00 A.M., which is more than two weeks after the final advertisem*nt of said notice in the said newspoper, the Court will hear evidence concerning the alleged absence of the circ*mstances supposed decedent and and the thereof, and the Clerk of duration this Court is directed to publish a certified copy of this order os the notice required in the said Martinsville Bulletin.

Enter this 23rd day of May, 1972. Fronk I. Ricbordson, Jr. Judge 1 A Copy, Teste: Jesse D. Clift 4 Clerk.

This Order is requested by Warren Show Counsel tor Petitioner 22. Miscellaneous Articles SLIGHTLY USED Swivel Choir Dinette Set: Electric Ranges; Desks; Mattresses: and Living Room Suites. Sater's Furniture 25 E. Main. 632-2388.

CRAGER HEADERS, brand for Challenger 340, will fit other 'Chrysler Products. Retail $140. now $75 SBH Salvage, Smithi Wholesale Bldg 226 Brood St. ELECTROLUX, Cioverleat Shopping Center, 220 South, has a repossessed vaccum cleaner complete with attachments. Phone 532-6486 for free hame demonstration.

ONE WINDOW CONDITIONER, Used; one box: springs, double bed, used; two old trunks, used. Call 632-4748 after pm. 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. Con be seen at 313 Lavender 632-2661. WOW! No monthly payments till September 5th.

Buy now during our summer clearance sale. Color T.V., Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Washers and Dryers. Collinsville Furniture Mart, Open Monday and Friday night till 9, 647-7444, BEDDING SPECIALS Simmons or Kingsdown quality mattresses and box springs, especially priced from only $99.95 per set. Townes: Furniture, On- The Square, Downtown, 632-6441: BE GENTLE, be kind, to that expensive carpet, clean it with Blue Lustre. Rent etectric shampooer $1.

Jiffy Food Stores, all six locations USED FURNITURE for sale. Antiques, glassware, wood cook stove, refrigerators, rotor antenna, ook chairs. Behind Sportianes, 632-1011, Warehouse Furniture. WINDOW SHADES in colorful your stripes home. and In solids stock to brighten custom ordered.

Townes Furniture, On- The Downtown, 632-6441. BLUE LUSTRE not only rids carpets of soil but leaves pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer: $1. Leggett's SAFES: Adding Machines; Typewriters, portables and new. and rebuilt.

Calculators; Files; Attache Cases; and all your office needs. a Martinsville Printing 21-23. Fayette, 632-2263 CONGOLEUM or ARMSTRONG vinyl remnants, bring us your small -room sizes; we will supply you. the best floor values in town. Townes Furniture, Inc- On- -The- Square, Downtown; 632-6441 KEEP CARPET CLEANING problems small use Blue: wall to watt.

Rent electric. shampooer $1. Eagle Stores FREEZER- REFRIGERATOR Priced Shumate Jessie: Furniture 106-108 East Main, 638-2389. 'OUTDOOR- INDOOR CARPET, Armstrong, durable, easy-to-clean. 12 ft, widths in stock, only $4.95 per sq.

yd. cut and delivered. Townes Furniture, On- The Square, Downtown, 632-6441 HI-NEIGHBOR! Tried Blue Lustre. for cleaning carpets? It's super! Rent electric shampooer $1. All 7-Eleven Stores.

GRAND PIANO FURNITURE CO. Now has a Floor Sample and Used Furniture Ropm Visit it today, you may find the bargain priced items you need: Watch this ad for items you're looking for: Sofa and chair (used) $75: Dinette Set 5 pc. (used) $28. Admiral Electric Range 30 (used) $119. Naugahyde Vinyl Lounge Chair $119 Now price case, .3 walnut Floor Sample, $24.50.

Grand Piano Furniture 19-23 E. Church. Free delivery 150 miles ALUMINUM PLATES Used, 36 by 23 inches. Excellent for siding and rooting. 20 cents each: Call Mr.

Robertson, 638-8801. 22B. Sports Equipment ALL FISHING AND hunting license expires June 30th. Will start writing new license from June 20th. Sport Shop, 716 Liberty 638-2000 GOLF CLUBS Voit Fury, 3 woods, 8 irons, $89.95.

Bryant's Sports Center, 107 East Moin Street ICE COLD WATERMELONS; Picnic foods; Drinks; Ice; Minnows; Night Crowlers. Custer Custer, Figsboro Rd City Limits. 22C. Sports Equipment Wolverine Camper. Call 647-7368 BOAT 20 FT with 185-Mercury Inboard 'Outboard Engine, tandem like new, $4,295.

See Epling Autoville, Collinsville. ONE 15 ft: trailer camper, complete with gas stove, refrigerator, toilet, electric and gas lights, electric brakes, all equipment for hookup. Call 632-6652: after 6 2E. Musical HERE'S A BARGAIN PRICE on famous Wurtlizer Piano. A handsome traditional style piano in o- rich Sheraton walnut finish.

An $1,150 value for only $795. Complete with matching bench; only one left. See at, Leeds Music Center, Collinsville Shopping Center. 22F. Machinery TORO and JACOBSEN MOWERS Riding; Propelled; Push, See us now, make your lown mowing easy.

Hardware Supply, 43 Main, 632-5649. LAWN MOWERS TILLERS 10 per cent OFF While they last Hurry! Goodyear Service Stores, 121 E. Main, 632-2191, TAKE A SLICE OF THE EASY LIFE! Sell your business with a Classified Ad. Dial 638-8801 now! 24. Wanted to Buy WANTED 'TO BUY Alto Saxophone.

Call 638-2583 offer 5 pm. TIMBERLAND WANTED Doyle Lumber, Route 58, Stuart Rood. Martinsville, phone WANTED 'TO BUY a medium sized, used safe. Coll 28. Articles for Rent CATER YOUR PARTY and SAVE! We rent China; Crystal; Glasses; Silver; Tables; Chairs; Punch Bowls; Azco Rental, Central Plaza, 632-1550 31.

Pets for Sale AKC REG Silver male Poodle puppy, champion line. 647-8943. FT. BARBOUR BOAT with Gator trailer, 25 hp. Evinrude motors, excellent.

condition, $450. Colt A '66 CHEVROLET PICKUP with 51: TAKE A LOOK. A REALLY GOOD -LOOK at the great buys in the Classified Ads GARDEN: FLOWER: LAWN SEED: Plants: Insecticides. We close Saturdoys 2 p.m. Davis Feed Seed Store, 220 S.

at Smith River Bridge, 632-3116 GARDEN: FLOWER: LAWN SEED; Fertilizers; Garden Tools; Insecticides. Southside Hardware. 937 Starling. 632-5404. 80.

Homes for sale OAK STREET 4 room house: recentty remodeled, $7500. CHATHAM HGTS. room, baths, under. '235: it qualified, $19,500. $200 down, closing cost poid by seller.

ANDREW HODGES Route 3 Ridgeway. J. M. ANTHONY. Realtors Call 629-5600.

Bassett BASSETT West, New 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. We have other homes for sale. Nights colt. Owen Reavis, 673-6464 VA and FHA Financing available Finney Realty, Inc, Holiday Shopping Center LAWSON STREET. 4 room frame.

with bath, $300 down and move in. Closing costpaid by owner. Chorlie' -M. Finney, night Ph. 632-5586.

WEBB REALTY JUST EAST OF CITY Your first and maybe your last chance for fantastic savings, 3 new brick ranch homes with 3 and. 2 full baths, built- in full basem*nt and carport. Take your pick while they last at the low low bargain price of $21,500. These are the same type homes that sell for. $25,000 and.

more. Call me now. Exclusive. Colonial Drive- Collinsville 3 bedroom brick ranch 2 full baths, large kitchen family room with fireplace, big utility room, carport, large level lot. $29,500.

Exclusive, FOREST PARK 3 bedrooms, 2 baths (or 4 bedrooms, 3 baths if needed) formal dining room, deluxe kitchen, large rec room with bar, 2 fireplaces, sun deck and patio, low price of only $32,500. Exclusive. Cardinal Pork Near Bassett Country Club 2 new beautiful homes with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Extra nice lot. $23,800 and Sherwood Forest-Bassett.

2 or 4 bedroom Colonial Style brick with baths. Many extras. Only $37,500. Exclusive. Drive 4 bedroom brick, family room, nice level lot.

$24,000. Exclusive. Pleasant Grove Area 4 bedroom brick, large family room with fireplace, basem*nt, carport and 1 acre lot. Needs painting and some repair. $24,850.

Exclusive. Rich Acres Area 2 or 3 bedroom frame cottage, beautiful panel inside with plush carpet. Acre Jot, only $12,000. Exclusive: Estates- Callinswille ranch, baths, combination rec room with fireploce and carport. Almost 3 acres.

350 ft. rood frontage. Only $29,000. Exclusive. 1 Chatham Hgts: Area East of 4 bedrooms, story rock home.

with 2 full baths, living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen, full basem*nt, big acre lot, owner will consider financing. $25,000. Exclusive. 913 Liberty City 2 bedroom frame with plush corpet throughout; vinyl tile in kitchen area. Assume loan with $1,600.

Equity at $65. mo. Total price $10.000. Exclusive. Mason Ridgeway 2 bedroom frame with garage that can be finished for more living area.

Nice lot. Small down payment, owner pays closing: $11,500. Exclusive. Bassett Area Rock Hill 2 bedroom frame with beautiful paneling and carpet. Big lot.

No down payment needed. $11,500. Exclusive. County Line Road Home and acreage, room frame with basem*nt with 6. to 8 acres.

Will. take trailer as down payment or home or anything of value. This buy is priced to sell. Attention Mobile Home Owners Lots in Rock Hill section and Meadow Garden Section, wells and septic. Only $3,000.

each. Will consider trade or: 100 pct finance. Exclusive. 38 To buy sell or just talk about real estate call FRANK WEBB 647-3929 anytime RSB For Complete, Personalized Real Estate Service' "KENMAR DRIVE" NEWLY PAINTED OUTSIDE. 4 bedroom brick, 2600 sq.

fomily room on main floor, rec room in basem*nt, each with a fireplace, 2 baths, format dining room, eat-in kitchen with built-in range, hood, dishwasher, and disposal. Central air, new carpeting thruout, nice: size rooms, "LAKEWOOD REDUCED $1500! Large entrance toyer with braken tile in this-3 bedroom rancher: Also featuring 2 baths, built kitchen and dining area; BEAUTIFUL 12 12 PATIO, and NICE, LARGE LOT. $26,500. Exclusive listing. A "MURPHY ROAD" NEW COLLINSVILLE LISTING: Brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen dining combination, 150-x 200 lot.

Priced to sell of $22.500. This lovely ranch home features baths, 5 bedrooms; 2 fireplaces, family room plus rec room, formal dining room, deluxe eat-in kitchen, entrance foyer. of closet space; plenty of room 2800 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA; plenty of landscaping around house; plenty of land HUGE, LOT. LIONS TRAIL" 3000 SQUARE FEET in this BRICK SPLIT FOYER. Broken tile foyer and front porch, 5 bedrooms, 3 very large eat in kitchen with all built-ins, formal dining room, fireplace in living room and rec room, double concrete drive.

A VERY NICE AND ROOMY HOUSE. "COUNTRY LIVING" 5.25 ACRES ON TOP HILL WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW PLUS BRICK RANCH HOME. This lotely 3 bedroom rancher surrounded by enchanting timber features 2 baths, large eot-in kitchen with built- in range and hood, fireplace in basem*nt for future rec room, oil duct heat, carport. NEAR RIDGEWAY. Offered for ONLY Call for an appointment to inspect this property today! Exclusive listing.

Rives S. Brown Realtor 213 East Main. 632-2463 Lowell' Thomas, 632-9463 Ken co*ckerham-647-3429 Jo Saunders, 632-2728 Mack Draper, 638-7426 Ann Minter, 632-6620 James D. Coleman. Jr.

Sales Manager 80. Homes for sale COLLINSVILLE 3 Bedroom baths; corport, full basem*nt, will trode. Call 647-8422 after 4 pm. STONE CONSTRUCTION CO. BASSETT, phone 629-6931 VALLEY Fieldole bedroom brick.

11 baths, carpet, large kitchen and family room, full bosem*nt, carport, 2 lots. BASSETT, WALL ST 3 bedroom brick, baths, carpet, utility room, double carport, 2 lots. ADKINS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Collinsville. Tele. 647-7366 Stan Finney.

632-3821 3 4. BEDRROM HOMES tor. sale and under construction, in Martinswille, on Ferndole Drive and Court, Collinsville, in Laurel Park, Piedmont Estates and Preston Gardens. Donald B. Humphrey Realtor 624 E.

Church Street EXCELLENT BUY Three bedroom home for $18,700. Has full hasem*nt, formal dining room and eat in kitchen. Wall to walt carpet and draperies in living room, dining room and master bedroom. Beautiful. lot.

now for appointment. LACKEY New three bedroom brick ranch with two baths, full basem*nt and carport. The price's right at $21,900. Let's look! I'll FIND A-HOME for you a If you'll call 6.38-8328. BASSETT, brick POCAHONTAS ranch.

TR Total electric room, kitchen dining room combination, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, tomily room, full basem*nt, screened porch. Call for appointment, 629-5009 BURCH -WHITTLE CORP.A Broad 632-9725 GRANDVIEW RD. In Chatham: Hgts. Most attractive 2 bedroom, bath, frame home, garage, porches and family room. fp in living room.

Q. L. RAMSEY Const. Co. KENMAR DRIVE, large ranch.

style brick, newly completed modern with carpet; and air conditioned, exclusive' location. 632-7108 or 638-1358. -LOOK C. E. Fulcher Bullding again: In.

Tanglewood Terrace off Fisher Form Rood. Ready for occupancy room brick, carport, full basem*nt, baths. 2 Under Construction We have different loans to suit your budget. Call collect: Fulcher (919) 573-9610 den with fireplace, rec room with fireplace, large wooded lot, many custom features. MAX and GRACE WHITE Home Hunting for NEW LISTING Don't, miss this fine home on Cherokee Trail.

5 bedroom brick; 3 baths, paneled MARTINSVILLE REAL ESTATE 14 East Church Street Dial 638-8755 day, night Over. The Backyard Fence: With Christine Vacation time is here! I will work while you Let's look at houses -LOVELY HOME and nice lot brick ranch, 3 bedrooms; living room, eat-in kitchen, bath, basem*nt, carport. Woodland Heights. Under $20,000. INDIAN TRAIL.

Paved drive leads to a brick ranch 3 bedroom home; 112 baths, fireplace in living room, formal dining room, eat kitchen stove and dishwasher, den, oil duct heat. Loan assumption possible. 5.25 ACRES and five year old brick ranch home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, eat-in kitchen, living room, unfinished rec room, fireplace. Ridgeway area. Under $24,000, RIVES S.

BROWN, Realtor Christine Bennett Office-632-3463 Home 632-2826 Mobile-638-3620 ROOM BRICK house in Bassett. For more information call BY OWNER mile from Old Center Church on Critz Road, State "Rd. 977, 4 room frame and kitchen, storm doors and windows, new pump and-well, gravel drive. Call 629-8253. CAHILL REAL ESTATE, Collinsville 647-8678; night 647-8229; 673-6529 NEW 3 bedroom brick, living room, kitchen, den; boths, full basem*nt and carport.

ABOVE BASSETT FORKS -new room brick, carport utility room, level lot. COUNTRY LIVING 5.25 ACRES ON TOP OF. HILL WITH BEAUTIFUL VIEW PLUS BRICK HOME. This lovely 3 bedroom rancher- surrounded by enchanting timber features 2 baths, large eat- in kitchen with built-in ronge and hood, fireplace in basem*nt for future rec room, oil duct heat; corport. NEAR Offered for ONLY Inspection thru.

Rives S. Brown Realtor 213 East Main. 632-3463 SETLIFF MODERN BUILT HOMES 106 Sunset Road Collinsville, Virginia COLLINSVILLE new 5 room brick, with carport, Glendale LEITHIA SPRINGS 2 new, 5 room bricks, full basem*nt, no down payment for qualified buyers. GREENBRIER PARK 2. new! 5 room bricks: tull bosem*nt, carport, ceramic baths.

A. WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE HOMES CONTACT US FIRST. nt Lester Settiff days 647-7940 nights 647-1039 80. Homes for sale 5 ROOM HOUSE: with barn. new.

duct heat, acres of land on Moore's Mill Rd. Call 957:1871. Childress Realtors AMUST This 2 bedroom home hos lust remodeled with paneling throughout and carpeting. A great buy for the newlyweds or the retired. Priced at $9,500.

810 BUY in this extra nice older 2-story brick home on one of the best; sections. Home offers formal dining room, entrance foyer, 2 fireplaces, rec room, den, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basem*nt. BE FIRST TO SEE! YES a new comer on the market it this brick ranch home just 3 months old in Ridgeway subdivision. Features include entrance foyer, bedrooms. 2 baths, full basem*nt, carport and carpeting throughout.

Loan may be assumed. TAKE A LOOK at this roomy brick situated on large lot in Druid Hills. Featuring: 4 bedrooms, baths, living room and dining. room combination, dishwasher, disposal and range, family room, full basem*nt and carport. Shown by appointment.

Dial 632-3634 day or night FINANCIAL- BUSINESS 60. Business Opportunities FANTASTIC Opportunity Near Fairystone Park Owner has worked several years to build up a going business for you with easy 5 figure income net. A modern restaurant fully equipped and living quarters: Plenty room toadd campers or Motel, self service gas pumps and convenience food store. Owners health forces quick sale. Unbelievable price of $38,850.

Buys everything. Exclusive Webb Realty 647-3929 62. Money to Lend 'NEED $100. $200. or More? See.

City Finance 7 East Church Street Phone 632-9121 RENTALS 70. Trailer Park Space. NO TANKS, NO WIRES, no junk, everything underground including Public water, sewage, and garbage. service. Only people wanting a clean, quiet place to live need apply, Ridgecrest Park, in Collinsville 632-1188, Mr.

Sutton. NORTH DANIELS CR. on South Turner Street, mobile home spaces for rent. Call 647-8895. COUNTRYSIDE TRAILER PARK 3 mi.

South of City off 220 Wired for total electric living. Dial 956-3510. 71. Apartments APARTMENT FOR RENT. Apply in person at 204.

Starling Mortinsville. 2 LARGE Bedrooms; living room, kitchen, bath and porches, water garbage collection included. 1036- Barrows Mill $51.25 mo. Call 632-1469 3 ROOM completely furnis apartment for rent. Call 632-9130 NEAR CLOVERLEAF, modern 3 room one one with kitchen appliances.

638-8165. PARK ST. one room and kitchen, working couple. single, will accept. one small child.

Phone between 5 and 6 638-2024. 71A. Apartments Furn. CPLE. Teachers bdrms, all dec.

Nice st: $125 mo. no children, tease for school session. Box 54 Bulletin 71B. Apartments Unfurn COLLINSVILLE 2 bedroom townhouse air conditioned, $117.50. 632-6281 to 5, after 632-5300.

UNFURISHED APARTMENTS New-2 bedrooms, baths, carpeted. Realtor, Burch- 632-2161. 00 72. Houses 704 MICA 6 room ranch; like new, will lease by yeor with option to buy, per month. 525 GLENDALE ST.

6 room brick ranch, like new, finished rec. room in basem*nt. will lease by year with option to buy. $125 per month. 830 MICA ST.

new 6 room brick ranch, carport, will lease by year with option to buy. $140 per month. Coll MODERN BRICK, 3 bed house, baths, elect heat; elect range. refrigerator, and dishwasher furn. Overlooking Gordon Trent Golf Course on Hwy.

58, 17 miles West of Rt. 220. Call 694-3805. 74. Housetrailers COLLINSVILLE, South Daniels Rood, 2 bedroom.

Call 647-7506. 2 bedroom 647-8666. 78. Business property CORNER LOT fronting 150 ft. on 220 with 22 28 ft.

building. Ideal for car lot, fruit stand, etc. Call 647-3177 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 80. Homes for sale OWNER: 739 East Indian Trail, near Druid Hills school, 3 bedroom, baths, Large living room, formal dining, room, den, screened in sun porch, fenced in back nice lot. Call 638-1474.

PLEASANT GROVE 7 room, bedroom brick, oil heat, fireplace, full basem*nt, patio, 2 acres. Call after 6 pm. 638-2994. BUMPUS BUILDING COMPANY INC. QUALITY BUILT HOMES by Bumpus Building in Chatmoss Ext.

and Laurel Pork area. 3 and 4 bedroom bricks. all electric, tull basem*nt.Call 632-9309 or. 638-2672. Burch-Hodges-Stone.

Inc. REALTORS INSURORS Over 81 1. Years of Service, NEW LISTING County location. bedroom brick, 2 baths, spacious kitchen, dining area with opening onto suspended deck, full bosem*nt, carport, large lot. $28,000.

VERY SPECIAL County 5 room brick, room with fireplace, recreation room with fireploce, basem*nt garage. Very close in. $23,000. EXTRA NICE 5 bedroom, 3 bath brick nestled in wooded area, living room; dining room, kitchen, suspended deck; full basem*nt. Priced just over $50,000.

FOUR BEDROOMS, baths in Druid Spacious kitchen lined with cabinets. Recreation room, good $29,500. ESPECIALLY NICE with your "poyments half made. 3 bedrooms, baths, entrance foyer, living room, dining room, den. carpets and drapes.

Separate 2 bedroom apartment, very private. Large lot. Reduced under $40,000 PRIME CITY LOCATION Plenty of trees. 4 bedroom brick, 3 baths, living room with fireplace. spacious recreation room, full basem*nt, double carport.

EASTWOOD 4 bedroom brick ranch, large eat-in kitchen, utility room, pantry and carport, level lot. $18.500. CORNER LOT Good City residential area. PH. 632-2161 ANYTIME NIGHTS 632-3611 80A.

For Sale Rent SALE or RENT between Fieldole and Bassett Old 2 story house, 26. acres land on new 220 by-pass. 629-4801 HIRING HELP CAN BE FUN! Get the people. you need with a Classified Ad. Dial 638-8801 row! 80C.

Mobile Homes ONE BEDROOM mobile home; bedroom mobile home: For more Information Call 629-2980. 1971 TOTAL ELECTRIC? bedroom mobile home, 12 by 45. Take up payments. Call 957-2082 after 5 pm. 8' WIDE by LONG, Nice, Clean MOBILE HOMES 81.

Lots- Sites for Sale R. H. WIMBISH CO. INDIAN HILLS in Couret Park, Pasadena Knoll off 58 at Byrd's. Store then off State Rood 648; Also lots and acreage tracts in other areos.

Financing available. Call 638-1827 before 9 a.m. and after 5 p.m. 84. Farms for Sale 150 ACRES, Good streams, access to poved road, priced at $220 per acre.

R. A. Henderson Jr. Day 632-1360; night 632-9340 85. Acreage for Sale ACREAGE FOR SALE, In Collinsville.

Call 638-1656 or 632-6270. 88. Real Estate Wanted ALL real estated needed Want 22 and 4 bedroom homes in city and Webb Realty, 647-3929. AUTOMOTIVE 90. Auto Repairs RADIATORS RECORED Free estimates, prompt service.

Martinsville Welding Radiator Works, 201 Bridge, 632-2471 RADIATORS PROMPTLY REPAIRED Free estimates. Fulcher's Gulf Service, 931 Memorial 632-4014 93. Trucks For Sale WHEEL DRIVE, 1964 Jeep Wagoner, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power -brakes. Henry County Auto Sales, Bassett Forks, 220 647-3177. DMV 7326.

95. orcycles- Bikes EL CAMINO 1968, 32,000 miles. 204 Alma Collinsville otter 5:30 pm. 144, 96. Used Cars for Sale CHEVROLET1956, 4 door sedan, new sticker, good mechanical condition, $175.

Call 638-3435, DODGE 1968 Monaco, vinyl top, full power, factory air. Call 632-7732. 1963 SCHOOL BUSES, excellent condition, 60. possengers; $1675. Colt (919) 883-2195.

DODGE' 1971 Charger "Super, 383 engine, automatic 1 transmission, mag wheels, wide oval tires, vinyt top, front and rear. spoiler, local one owner. Priced to sell at Riddle and Turner Auto Sales, 1035 Memorial 632-3941. DMV 3158. OLDSMOBILE 1969 4 door, gold, gold interior, power steering, brakes, automatic transmission, radio, heater, ww tires, one owner, $2495.

Riddle Oldsmobile Cadillac, 410 Memorial 632-9741, DMV 708 12 FORD 1972 LTD, 2 door, gold, black: vinyl top, air condition power, steering, power brakes, tinted radio, heater, ww. wheelcovers, 4,000 miles by local $4295. Bob White Chevyland, 303 W. Church St. 632-9831.

DMV 3864. AL MERCURY 1968 Montclair, 2 door hardtop, air condition and all the extras. $499. Wholesale Auto Exchange, 220 North, 647-3525. DMV 1342.

1967 2 door hardtop, V-8, Automatic. Diamond Motors, Collinsville across from Post Office, 647-7525, dm 3342 FORD 1966 Fairlane, 4 door, blue, blue interior, straight drive, one local owner, $895. Piedmont Dodge, Corner Church at Moss. 638-2427. DMV 1589.

FORD 1971 LTD; 4 door, blue, blue interjor, vinyl roof, automatic, 351 engine, power steering, power brakes; factory air, new tires, $3195. Quality 1101 Memorial. 638-1896. DMV 1091. 4 CHEVROLET 1957.

Bel Air sport coupe, all extras, white letter tires, low mileage, spotless inside and underneath. For more Information call 629-8177. FORD 1969 Galaxie air condition, automatic, power steering runs good, average body $1595. Call 956-3725. 3 MAVERICK 1971 tudor, radio, outomatic transmission, real.

sharp, $1895, Posey Mize Motor 1104 Memorial, 638-3535. DMV 3100 FALCON 1968, 6 cylinder, 2 door, automotic transmission, air conditioned. Gardner Brothers, 101 W. Church dial 632-2148. DMV 3662, PLYMOUTH Fury 111, 4 door hardtop, power steering, factory air condition.

Gardner Brothers, 101 W. Church dial: 632-2148. DMV 3662. MERCURY 1971. Comet.

2 door sedan, 6 cylinder, engine, radio, heater, $1795. Richardson Wyatt, Buick Opel. West Church St. 632-9759. 851 PONTIAC 1970 LeMans sports hardtop coupe, factory air condition, hydramatic; power steering, bucket seats; console, extra clean, $2695.

Richardson Motor 30 S. Bridge, 638-2421 DMV 89 8 RACE is still on and going strong. Tremendous deals on all models. Chevrolet, Bassett, 629.2525, dm 79 OLDS 1963, power steering, power brakes, air condition, miles. in good $375.

Call 638-3566. CUTLASS 1969 Oldsmobile, 2 door hardtop, vinyl roof, automatic transmission, power steering, factory air, nice, $2395. Morgan DMV Motors, 1775. 220 638-8873. DMV 1775.

COUGAR 1969, 351, automatic transmission, steering, factory Bassett, air. 629-2525. Mitchell Motor DMV 79 PINTO 1972 runabout, 3 door, 4 cruiseomatic transmission, radio, ww tires; luggage rock, like new (stock no. $2395. Mitchell-HowellFord, River HIll 632-6371; Main at Lester 638-2331.

DMV 1576. DODGE 1971 Polara, custom, 4 door, factory air condition, and warranty. Gardner Brothers, 101. W. Church dial 632-2148.

DMV 3662. MERCURY 1967 COMET 2 door, V8, automatic, radio, heater, $795. Holiday Motors, Villa 632-7513, dmv 4296 fully equipped, 1070. $1,195. Ross- Toyota, RENAULT R-10 4 door sedan, 117 Virginio Collinsville, 647-5072, DMV 0355 gold, black ET viayl root, fully CHEVROLET 1972 Monte Corlo, equipped, including tactory air condition, new tires, driven only 10,000 miles, $4295.

Epling Autoville, Virginia 647-3936. DMV'1524 BOYS WANTED for STREET SALES for Bulletin Must be 12 Years Old or Older Contact Circulation Dept. 638-8801 IT'S TUNE-UP TIME VACATION SPECIAL Good Through July 1st MOTOR TUNEParts: $11.50 Extra' Includes Checking On Electronic Diagnosis Engine Tester FREE Front End Alignment. (PARTS NEEDED BOWMAN MOTOR SALES 220 N. Martinsville, 638-2373 4' 1.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.