The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A A 4 CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICES EMPLOYMENT Trucks for Sale 11A -Storage Help Wanted--Female 32 AT BEECROFT CHEVROLET CABRINI MOVING SERVICE INC. MIDDLE AGED woman to live In. Baby Chevrolet sedan delivery 29.1 LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING sitting only Tel. Chic. 3-7871 bet.

3 p. m. 1949 Chevrolet 1,4 ton pAnel 541 PACKING--STORAGE- CRATING PLEASANT accurate girl for position re1049 Chav. ton panel Bargain 201 3-9183 PINES TO PALMS 6-8347 quiring typing figuring. Modern TV.

1950 Ford ton pickup 593 49. GUY P. SKATES. local long distance Spid. office.

Call 9-5624 for app't. 1950 Chevrolet gain ton CHEVROLET INC. a moving crating. Tel. 6-2911.

REECROFT PRESS OPERATORS Experienced on 18 West Chicopee Tel. 330 or 2789 CHEVROLET 1951 aedan delivery. mechanically perfent, good rubber. $.59.. WAre Radio Service, 131 Main Ware.

Tel. 498. CHEVROLET 1950 sedan delivery, good condition, $350. Tel. 7-2370, CHEVROLET 1918 ton- -Rover town body.

Rond St. Garage. General Baking (n. DODGE 1047 ton panel, $295, good dition. Tel.

3-3767. GMC heavy duty Jump. New paint motor job, tires good body full air brakes. Tel. 9-4481.

METRO 1930 walk in ton. Low mileage. Excellent cond. 625 U'nion West DELIVERY $250. Chevrolet 1947 7-5491.

Chicopee 8510. House Trailers 118 Also Supreme 43 ft Victors A And other finest travel coach Ray'a Trailer Thorndike Palmer, to fit your Income. ABC Alma, General A MOBILE HOME OF DISTINCTION Travel Master. Suwart. All sizes.

new and used. BURNETT TRAILER SALES Just over the IV. Spfld. Rte. 20 Testfiald.

SALE! SALE! SALE! SALE! SALE of large 195t model Inventory. (Te guarantee to economically solve your housing problem. At Better Trailer Sals Service, 119 Boston Rd. ml. from Main St.

on Rte. 20 towarda Boston. Tel. 6-1177. SPECIAL DECEMBER SALE Just few left 14 to 46 ft.

Ernie' Trailer Sales. Roston Rd. Next to StAtA Police. Palmer. Mass.

SPACES A.t thA Mountain Viaw Trailer Court, Stiller Ludlow. L.U 3-3031. SIX used trailers must ba sold. Priced right to move. ft.

to 45 ft. Trailer Sales, Thorndike Palmer, MA 1950 37 ft. Landola trailer, 4 rm. fully -quipped. TV, Rox 43, Spencer, Mass, Airplanes and Equipment 110 EKTRANGER starter.

panta, $1043. Trades, Deals, Financeable. Motorcycles and Bicycles 13 BICYCLE English style, Columbia built ensed. Almost new $15. 263 Worcester Indian Orchard.

Phone LI 3-1315. GIRLS BICYCLE $10 CALL 107-5491 Auto Accessories 11 AUTO PARTS for All makes of Also genuine Pontiac parta. Genden Main St. 6-10-22 Bus tires very reasonable Schultz Clinton Hotel. NEW TIRES.

$75. CALL 6-0327 UNTIL 6 F. M. Garages 16A LARGE GARAGE 13 ft. overhead door.

ideal for any business, 518 Memorial Ave. 6-1394 West Springfield. Wanted- 17 ANY MAKE or model. Cash for your car. Forest Park Auto 942 Belmont Ave.

DON'T GIVE your car AWAY. will pay top dollar for late model CLEAN USED CARS. Call Bob, 2-7909. MAIN MOTORS INC. 1071 Main St.

Open 9-9 Tel. 4-5791 TOP PRICES tor clean, late models. Fine Point Motors. 1566 State St. WE BUY quality cars! Ralph D.

Jones, 721 Worthington. Tel. 8-6301. BUSINESS SERVICES Building--Contracting 19 ALL TYPES of cabinets made to your Kitchen cabinets, bookcaRes. Knic knac shelves, etc.

Tel. 9-4776 after 6. A RETTER carpentry mason job at ron prices. No job too small. Call 3-8016.

ALL TYPES of Carpentry. Tel. Chicopes 1825, after 5 p. m. 2067M.

A-1 gen. repairing, porch jack. ins specialty. Remod. Celotex rooting.

Men insured. E. Z. Pay, L. R.

Cross. 2-4318. ALL, HOUSEs tacked. floors leveled. 2-8703.

Chimney foundation work. Ream. ALL chimneys, TYPES remodeling carpentry work, repairing. roofing. 3-9255.

3. A-1 MASONRY. plastering, blocks, co'lored stucco repairs. Trinceri 3-6829. CRATFORD overhead garage, doors sold and installed.

Garages remodeled. Call w. B. Roberta. LA 5-2024.

avaliabla now for small jobs. 6-4463. he class, with power tools, FLOORS aanded refinished. Reasonable. Call 9-7826.


FLOORS SANDED REFINISHED NEW FLOORS INSTALLED J. J. GLEASON TEL. 2-8544 GARAGES built. lowest prices, easy terms, 17 yrs.

exper. Call 7-8318. 3-3430. GARAGES storax buildings etc. Built of wood or cinder block.

Including permits. floors, Ate. Freo estimate. 3-4617. HOME repairing.

mod. bookca-pe coffee tables made to order. 9-0063. PLASTERING--NEW WORK ONLY. REASONABLE PRICES.

TEL. 9-4189. REPAIRING. Roofing. Chimney work.

Free estimates. Call 3-5692. REPAIRS Carpentry cabinet making. Tel. Spfld.

3-911e. Heating and Plumbing 20 PLUMBING repairs. Quality workmanship. 21 hr. service.

Tel. 7-6733. Electricians 21 A-1 LIC. electrician. Wiring.

repairs. 24 hour service. 9-5811 or 2-8010. LICENSED electrician odd fobs repairs Tel. 0-7204 befor: 9.30 A.

m. altar 5 p. m. Repairing 92 A Better Washing Machine repair service, all types Ream, rates 6-8713. A-1 KITCHEN range oil burner not burner.

clean repaired. Guar. 4-7532. ALL TYPES Electric Appliances repaired. 21 hr.

serv. 2-8010. ALL MAKES SEWING MACHINES Repaired in your home 6-5766. 6-2641. BOUQUET will service kitchen parlor heaters.


TEL. 9-3989. EXPERT TV service on all makes TV 24 hour service. Bonded techniciana. VICTORIA RADIO TELEVISION CO.

Dwight St. Te'. 6-4682 ELECTRIC MOTORS All Types Rewound repaired Elec. Co. 321 State 9-1078 POWER BURNERS heating systems all types, 24 hr service.

Call L.4 5-7133. VACUUM CLEANERS--Al makes repaired rebuilt. CAll for Re deliver 2-7211. Forbes Wallace. WE repair household items de appliances.

The Fix-It Shop. Piano Tuners 22A A FACTORY TRAINED piano builder will tuna your piano for $1. Reliable repair parts service. C. Kubicek 7-2796 2-7989 or Chicopee 195.

Formerly with Gibba Piano Co. Is. M. Pierce Music Co of Solid. Will go out of town.

EXPERT TUNING. Upright $3. Grand 30 years experience. Repairs guaranteed. Call G.

J. Ellsworth 3-2538. Painting--Papering ALL TYPES of Interior exterior painting general repair work. Expertly reasonably done. Tel.

3-0878. guaranteed joh, painting. paperhanging. floors sanded refinished. J.

J. Regan. Tel. 9-6798 or 4-0732. A-1 PAINTING de paperbanging done expert painters.

Free estimates. 4-2386 7-8676 AA1 PAINTING. papernanging. Gen. pairs.

Satisfaction guar. Expert workmen. Fully insured. Free cat. 3-0982.

BEST PAPERING PAINTING A. Doersam, Jr. Woodlawn 2-3737 Reas. Free Estimates AR CRIPPS SON painting paper- Tel hanging, discount this month. 2-6082 cr RI 9-4077.

A PAINTER to paint inside apts. houses. Tel. 9-3820. CALL Ideal paint for expert painting papering.

Heas. prices, no waiting 9-0561. OELOTEX ceilings a apecialty. Remod. home repairs from attic to basem*nt.

Expert workmanship. Cote Bros. 3-8100. EXPERT painting. repairing, interior, terior.

Best materials, prices. 8-6543. papering a specialty. 25 yrs. exp.

6-2811. HOUSE, PAINTING- Interior exterior, PAPERHANGING painting. Your probtem in my job. Tel. 4-3188.

PAINTING papering tile cellings. winter prices, neat work. Tel. $-3097. PAINTING general repairing at its best Reas.

Call Fred Hunt. Moving-Trucking-Storage All, moving rates are not the same. Dinan. the Mover. Weekly tripe to ton and 2-0491.

AVAILABLE for loca' long distance moving. (kly trips to E. states N. T. Reas, rates.

Ted Fuller 2-8583. UNION, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1954 CLASSIFIED 37 EMPLOYMENT LIVESTOCK MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE 33 Dogs, Cats, Pets Articles for Sale 51 Building Materials 54 Household Goods 59 Male Help--Salary MEN WANTED part time. Working 6-9 AKO REG. till Toy Christmas. Collies, JOrdan to 9-6319, paper.

Anti-freeze 79c gal. Call 6-3193 between 1-2 p. SEWING MACHINE broken "SNOW- FLAKE' SPECIALS. FIRESTONE washer in A-1 condition. All day Sat.

$51. For interview Hold House brooms. reg. 81.79 1.19 BRAND NEW DELUXE CONSOLE apply in person 8 p. m.

Tuesday or A BEAUTIFUL, lot of Beagles and Chihua- Mother of Pearl toil seats 7.00 LEAVING TOWN--Everything a must KO, MODEL Wednesday. No other time. Martin in 1g. choice. M.

Griswold. 34 $.50 4 rms, of furniture, toys, Terry 908 Main S. Main, Tel. LA 0-3628 Also good selection of hunting Coats 4-8094. round hobhin, sew forward reverse, hunting vesta A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION BOSTON TERRIERS AKC reg.

And hats. -Wholesale clear red $212 over pins heavy seams, monograms, co*cker OAK FLOORING- blind stitching, darns, mends, embroid- LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING STORAGE -PACKING -CRATING ANDERSON BENSON CORP. 270 LIBERTY ST. 'Tel. 2-8166, 2-9210 INDUSTRIAL MAULING RIGGING TRUCKING CRANE 8851 LIBERTY ST.


local 9-7408. Western Masa. Prompt Millinery--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING alterations. Expert. Reasonable.

Tel. 2-9353. EXPERT alterations, reasonable. 77 Marguerite Chicopee Falls. Tel.

2722-M Chic. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Femaie A TOMAN to do housewo. K. 2 days week. Call at 324 Main St.

I. 0. AMBITIOUS person needed for general offire work. Knowledge of French helpful. Shorthand, typing pasential.

Write Conrad Fafard, P. Rox 774, Mass AlI. KINDS OF OFFICE POSITIONS lACCTS. Payable and Rec. Payroll $53.

CLERK-TYPIST, A. I. learn Dictaphone $38.40 CLERK -TI Metical $40. IBM Sorter $35, MATIT. CLERK.

some type De $10. $35 RECEPTIONIST $44. STENO-TYPIST 40-55 Engineering Dent. $230-260 Mo. STENO: Sales Dept.

Single $45-50 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Open VALLEY PLACEMENT 'SERVICE 95 State St. 9-1 Tel. 9-1362 A CAPABLE girl or woman for general housework, live In, oun room bath. 6-7474. AFTER UNEMPLOYED? you be out of work after mas? IT have part or full time positions Available.

Tel. Solid. between 10 A. nt. 12 noon Thursday or Friday only.

will give you free training by January 1st. Start the Naw Year right! A COMPETENT girl for general housework, OWn room with TI All modern conveniences. 2 young children. Call 2-2983. ATTENDANT for launderette work.

Apply Rm. 210. 31 Elm St. HOUSEWORKER experienced, live In. Good salary.



Center, Inc. 500 Columbus Ave. BARKER. "The PERSONNEL Friendly Agency' SERVICE 7-2667 Perpetnal Inventory Clerk- -Rkpr. exp.

This 10 good DOR. for responsible, dependable person, CLERICAT-Ed. At simple Arith. $40. COMPTOMFTER OFERATOR Typing essen, PERSONNEL, -An Interesting pos, for girl liking variety people.

Exp. typist. COST CLERK- Typing plus liking for fizures. Knowl. calculator helpful.

$48. General office. Another In Westfield. JR. STENO-2-8 yra.

exp. Some College helpful. $42. TOP NOTCH exp. pref.

Gd. telphone personality. BARKER PERSONNEL, SERVICE 7-2667 Johnson Bookstore CANDY attendant wAnted PVAS. day Apply in person aft. 2 p.

m. ManAger. Art Theater. CLERK in downtown Insurance office, ing necessary. 5 day 3714 hr.

Call Mr. Fearon. 7-4771 for appt. DRAPERY hand sewer. Exp.


ASK FOR MR. MARTIN work A.t home. T'rite F. 0. Box A 1601, EXPERIENCED telephone Aolicitor for Spild.

EXPERIENCED operators on ladies dressP8. Good pay. Apply Victoria Dresa 64 William St. EXPERIENCED. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE.


HELFONT EXPERIENCED Wrapper Rander. PowPr8 Paper 149 Wagon Ave. Excellent opportunities for STENOGRAPHERS MACHINE TRANSCRIBERS Openings Alan in GENERAL CLERICAL WORK And for people with MATHEMATICAL ABILITY Single women preferred Full -time work only. Call Mr. Tavalace weekdays from to 4.45 at 2-3131, or evenings and weekends at 9-1217.

MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL Life Insurance Company 1293 State Street, Springfield GENERAL office clerk. Good at figures, some typing comptomater work. Starting with periodic increases. Paid hospitalization other benefits. Reply Box 406.

Union Office giving references and experience. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 162 STATE ST. TEL. 3-2149 RILLING on elec. typewriter, Freidan calculator, entering orders sales reports.

CLERK TYPIST -for foreign exch. also nne 12.50 atart, automatic raises. for 1. R. M.

proof mach. Nice Atmosphere. steady work. Many benefits. $40 if exp.

Ins. H. 8. grad. 8-7.

3 days. $42 start. CODERS (two) H. S. grads.

writing longhand. preparing work for key punch op These are beginning positions working toward better ones. 8:10 to 4:00. $40.75 start. SEC'T for Engr.

dept. Gd. opportunity. Urs. exp.

$230 110., trans, furnished, 8-4. GIRT. OR stenographer GAUGH PERSONNEL, SERVICE 3-2149 clerical work. Starting salary attractive. Must he experienced willing tn ARsume responaibility.

Increases Availahle at 12 mos. perioda it work saliafactory. Good opportunity. Phone 4-1996 .1. Cleaver for further information.

HAIRDRESSER and operator, steady, good pay. Full time, also parttime work, HIGH SCHOOL graduate for clerical work in office. Must type. Apply in person. 339 Chestnut St.

JANUARY 1ST OPPORTUNITY An AA1 Company with top quality has an opening in their MAlAR organization. Applicant should have a car, sales or sales manaxement experience, preferably direct to consumer. Look into this opportunity and start the New Year right. Confidential Give qualification phone number In your letter to Box 1375 Union Office. LICENSED ATTENDANT practical nurse for convalescent nursing home.

40 hr. a k. Good salary. Paid vacatione. holldays wick leave.

Hospital experience required. 3-7149. PRACTICAL NURSE with hospital traininz. 7-3, 11-3 shifts. Call Hampden Nursing Home, Chic.

1332 for interview. No living in. PRESS OPERATORS Experienced on coats, dresses St panta. Steady work, good pay, day wk. Free hospitalization insurance benefits.

l'aid tions. Wells Laundry, 61 Franklin St. REGISTERED nurse for convalescent nuraing hr. k. Good salary, pald vacation, holiday sick leave.

3-7149. SPEED. Sugar Products Co. has open ing for experienced office worker in purchasing Mr. ba able to type.

be alert Aggressive. Good opportunity to right person. Apply at 243 Chestnut St. SECRETARY downtown SECRETARY sales mar. .13 SECRETARY accte.

30 downtown 48 SECRETARY WV. ApOd. TYPIST downtown 42 STENOGRAPHER Ins. Off. CLERK gol.

office CLERK typing. like figs. RECEPTIONIST clerk 38 STENOGRAPHER receptionist parttime NATIONWIDE 2-4101 1 STATE Interview: 1-4 Salary Commission Liggetts, 1411 SALESLADY Excellent Nor working conditions Main St. Apply Mr. Loomia.

TYPIST. exper. Good with figures. Must operate calculating machine. Good position.

Eastern Electric Supply, 58 WIllow St. Widower needs someone to lira in and run tire house, 2 children in school half days. Can offer nice room, board the right party. Please give esperience, salary required refs. Box 135, Union Office WOMAN wanted to care for my 10 mos.

old baby girl in her home. Vic. Worthington or Federal St. Dayr. 8-0071.

WOMAN to take charge convalescent mothPr of 2 children. Good pay for right person. Perm. pox. 7-10 p.

111. YOUNG lady to live in lignt housework, very pleasant surroundings, TO 7-3105. Male Help--Salary 33 AIRCRAFT MECHANICS SHEET METAL SPECIALISTS Are needed at Bradley Field. Must be perienced. paid holidays.

yearly Vacasick leave, group insurance. Call or apply': Conn. State Employment Service. Bradley field. Windsor Locks, Conn.

Tel. NA 3-4859 Monday thru Friday. AUTO MECHANIC If you ATA good mechanic, And interested in R. 5 day week, paid holidays. paid vacation, Blue Cross RtuA Shield.

good hourly rate, And A modern Spa Wing Chrapek Pontiac at 920 Front Chicopee Falls. ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS? I am years old. I have worked hard for years, my income for this period totals of this amount I have saved Do the answers satisfy 1f not call 4-1061. Interviews by appointment only and in person. No information over phone.

AMBITIOUS canvasser to sell aluminum doors. One who needs to PArN 3141 per wk. year around. Rear 82 College St. ATTENDANT- GA Station, mechanical experience.

Major Oil 148 Walnut St. AUTO BODY man, 1st class only, excellent Pontiac Dealer, Genden 2367 Main St. ACCOUNTANT JR. Printing exp. $90 $60 TIME STUDY Methods exp.

SALES ENGINEER Trainee SALESMAN Paper exp. Com. RETAIL SALESMEN photo equip Com. NATIONWIDE 21104 145 0 State Interviews ABC EMPLOYMENT. 258 WORTHINGTON COOK.

RAKER. WINDOW TRIMMER CALL $-11 DON'T PHONE. PARKER PERSONNEL, SERVICE T-2667 SYSTEMS THAT Degrea with communications or electronic or 3 E. F. School plus 3 vra.

exp. on Design. Development or Testing of radio, radar or TV type equp. Sal. open.

SYSTEMS TEST TECHNICIAN -Capable of doing college level work but ho has not had opp. Strong Int. In electronics 2 vra. approved tech. school in Electronics essen, Sal.

open. SALESMAN admin. or acc'tz. grad. pref.

Some sales exp. helpful. An excel. for mian with good personality interested in a real future with old est. CO.

Sal. during tr. period INDI'S. SALESMAN -Exp. in tool field pref.

M. F. degree helpful. An outstanding opp. for exp.

man. $500 mo. College grad. Education Major pref. Some teaching eXp.

helpful plus some sAles. A real opp. for top-flicht man. Single or without heavy family respons. $3600 atart.

Partial listings BARKER PERSONNEL SERVICE 7-26A7 Johnson's Bookstore Bldg. BAKER'S helper wanted. Apply Bakery, 1133 Dwight St. BOY-15 living in Pine Point, Seymour St. to shovel anow.

Tel. 6-5868. BY FOLLOWING our new efficiency program a man can earn $125 per week And up. need one more man to fill our territories. Fuller Brush Tel.

0-3996. COMPETENT oil burner sales, service man with knowledge of heavy oil burners. Good opportunity with growIng concern. All replies in strict confidence. Box 391 Union Office.

CLERK Rkkpg. bkern, Some college or bus. sch. $.13 start. GAUGH PERSONNEL SERVICE 182 STATE ST.

TEl. 3-2149. DRIVERS wanted, with good 214 ton Dodge tractor a zood safety record. Wa will gita contract to haul new cars out of Ru. fplo Detroit to various If interested please call R.

Daily. WOodlawn 6300. Buffalo. ENGINEERS See IBM Ad for personal interview on today's Sports Paxe ENVELOPE CUTTER full or part time. Powers Paper 119 Vason Ave.


EXPERIENCED- Rookkeeper, capabie of handling complete of books familiar with all phases of office procedure. Apply in person. Hampden Beet 203 Liberty St. EXPERIENCED helper for Furniture Truck. Must have drivers license.

Okun Furniture 1891 Main Springfield. Mass. PrA. freezers other, equipment. Day FOREMAN for bakery with new retardwork starting A.

n1. Salary minimum $1000. All emplovee benefita, Apply Personnel Dept. Forbes Wallace. FIREMAN with license for relieving and repair work.

40 hours per week. Apply to Conley Dickinson Hospital to Mr. Wood. FIRST CLASS toolmakers only. Apply 145 Hayward W.

Maas. FRY COOK wanted. Apply Chef Shoraton-Kimball, 140 Chestnut St. HARDWARE OR PAINT Salesmen 10 CAll on eatabliahed dealer. Account.

in Western Mass. Jobher revisinz territory Jan. 1 has excellent opportunity AVAilable. Draw against commission. Write complete information and phone number to Box 1379, Union Office, LICENSED plumber wanted.

Write Box 387, Union Office. MULE foreman for day shift. Box 1380 Union Office. MANUFACTURER of low cost combination power shovel and cultivator, used by metropolitan home owners, needs representative with wholesale hardware, automotive, garden supply, and department atore contacts. Send replies to Box 1366 Union Office.

Representative will interview of Decemher 13. MAN -For part time evenings. Drug clerk. Box 317 Union Office. MAN for laundry Inside outside work.

Longmeadow Laundry, 3 Edgewood Ave. Tol. LO 7-5036. MEN CARS earn $2 to $5 per hour on nationally advertined Watkins Fond route. necessary.

no handicap. Part. time work also Apply 172 Eastern Ave. 10-12 and 4-5. MARRIED MAN with car for sales and service with large natinnally known company.

Tel. 4-5657, 6 to 8 p. m. NEEDS 2 AMBITIOUS MEN FOR SPRINGFIELD Who can qualify for Weekly Earnings We are expanding New England oneration And it you feel that moon yOU must make 8. deciaion to leave your present position because se it seema to lead nowhere, would like to talk to you.

If you are honest, ambitions and determined to be ANCcesaful, you will have 11 oppty. to learn our business from the ground up. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Our factory representative will give you A personal interview. Health unit. AlRO interested in A few mechanically inclined men, APPLY WED.

2 PM SHARP NO OTHER TIME KEYMORE HOTEL (Silver Room) Kenmore Square, Boston. Mass. PASTRY CHEF must have club expertence be trained in French pastries, pies, rolls, eto. Excellent opportunity with one of Hartford's moat exclusive clubs, permanent day time position, commensurate with ability. Mr.

Lombard, llartford Jackson 2-1471. P'OSITION open for reliable person to sell marvice Singer Sewing Machines. Apply Singer Sewing Machine 119 Main Thompsonville, between 8.30- 9.30 8. 111. PRODUCTION--Cost Clerk, exper.

VALLEY PLACEMENT SERVICE State REGISTERED Pharmacist to work A.8 Agat. manager, opportunity for advancement. Contact lohn Whitney, Liggett Drug 61 Maln North Adams, Mass. TALEPHONE SOLICITOR EXPERIENCED MIST BA READY TO START WORK IMMEDIATELY. STEADY WORK.

SALART BONUS. EXCELLENT FUTURE FOR THE RIGHT MAN. APPLY 21 PARK SPFI.D, 3 yr. Training Program with budgeted inCOMA from the start. Our method of selection tells whether or not you are suited to succeed in this profession.

College capacity preferred. For Interview phone 3-3107. Mr. Picard. TWO COLOR letter press operator partenced on Miehle equipment.

Apply Mags. State Employment Service, 10 Center St. Chicopee. Tel. Chic.

2200. man to work in NationRI Pants store. Steady work. 1393 Main St. WANTED Retall location for building material's store.

Should be on Main Road with ample parking facilities. Deaired location in Springfield or surrounding communities. Write Box 1682 Union Office. MEN WANTED to help me in my work. Full or part time.

Tel. LU 3-8465. Retween 8 p. m. Male Help -Salesmen 33A AUTOMOBILE Want clean cut Aggressive salesmen to sell selected used cars, Salary And commicalon Your parning in this field ATP unlimited.

All applicants must Apply 1n person. Ask for Mr. DuPrev, HArry Silverman Inc Division ot Spild. Nash 1043 Main St.1. Mass, SALESMEN $200 PLUS Some of our men Are making this kind of money every week.

J. C. $.752 earned last week, II. I. $30, G.

R. $387. (Names earning riot gladly shown upon request). Full training of selected. No canvassing.

It you think you have It apply. It not. THIS MAY BE YOUR OPPORTUNITY IF YOU CAN QUALIFY Good income In A professional males CAleer with ole of the largest Life surance Companies 111 the USA. Excellent don't WASte your thine or ours. This 18 not a fly-by-night offer.

but A solid establiahed company in business over 33 Interviewa 9.30 a. noon only, 112 Roaton Rd. Help--Male or Female 34 EXPERIENCED artist for offset printing plant. Must ba Ab'A to do first class work. Box 363 Union Office, Male Female Help Instruction 35B 1933 U.

S. GOVERNMENT JOBS! Dien- Women 18-35. Start high as $350.00 month. Qualily NOW: 23, 04) jobs open. Experience often unnecessary, Get FREE C6-page book showing Jobs, salaries, sample testa.

WRITE: Franklin Institute, Dept. 1197R, Rochester, N. Y. Situations Wanted -Female 36 CURTAINS, laundry done At home. Call deliver, 2-8470.

EXP. BOOKKEEPER Typist. Payroll, Taxes, Financial Statements. Tel. 9-0841.

EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist, payroll, general office work. 4-3836. ENTER. practical nurse Doctor's widow. Maternity, post.

opera ive, chronic, etc. 24 hr. duty. Mix, Dow, Holyoke 4947. EXP.

woman WAnts housework by the dav, $6 Es carfare, BOx 427, Union Office. NURSE AVAILABLE TEL. 6-7835 or 2-6628 TYPING. Figures totaled. also all type of office work done.

Chic. 2003-J. TYPING done at home. $2 per hour. Tel.

4-4633 after 5 WOMAN DESIRES baby sitting and Sundays. Call After 8 p. ni. 9-9093. YOUNG WOMAN would like baby sitting while mother works.

Tel. A-0412. Situations Wanted--Male 37 AROUND truck driver, can operate any model, familiar with city and rounding towns and cities. Family man, steady worker. References.

Tel. 2-8462. ALL AROUND MACHINIST Can do own set up, layout, read blueprints, operate milling mach. boring mill, drill, planer, Also general maintenance man. WRITE ROX 39A UNION OFFICE BOOKKEEPER -Full otc.

13 VER. exp. Know all tax reports. Avall. at once.

Tel. 7-9662. EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist WAnts PERMANENT position full-time. Box 421 Union Office. FLOORS cleaned WAXed.

woodwork washed. windows cleaned. Tel. 7-0488. MARRIED man wants work of any kind.

Drivers license. RELIARLE man 31 with drivers license. would like part time work and Sat. Tele. 9-9460.

YOUNG MAN would like odd Johs part time evenings 4 to 8 and peek ends, call 6-0931. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 LONG LIST of businesses offered at reasonable prices. GENTILE ASSOCIATES Tel. 3-9234 ABOUT TO SELL, YOUR BUSINESS DOLAN-GRADY 7-7806 -Full liquor 11G. Excl.

bus. $10,000. Brattleboro. ALpine 4-0811. DINER "on Main Highway, doing very good bus.

Owner has other interests. Near Spfid. Box 404 Union Office. GAS STATION on routes 5 10. Terrific volume or business.

Modern Only $26,000. Northampton Tel. 3428. GIFT SHOP HOME nicely located 1005 Main St. in Agawam catering the best trade.

Illness forces owner sell. Buy real estate only or complete with atock. POND BROTHERS, REALTORS 3-4541 GOOD VARIETY STORE, $350 weekly, $975. Phone 3-4180. INN CABINS Restaurant Gn Station New Ruilding.

'Gas Pumps, Acres Land, 400 Ft. Frontage, Living Quarters, on Route in Vicinity of Athol. Selling $19,500. A. 1:.

l'alezynaki Agency 3.3 Elm Westfield, Tel. 355 INN In the Berkshies. Full Liquor License, Business Year Round, 11 Rooms 1 Single for guests). 2 Dining Rooms, Seats 50. 1 Small, co*cktAil Lounge Bar.

Aaking $26,500. A. R. AGENCY 33 Elm St. Westfield, Tel LUNCHEONETTE Park sect.

Estab. many years, priced to sell, app't. Fisakis 4-4807. LUNCHEONETTE in good location both residential business trade. Sacrifice price of $1500.

Excellent financing. By appt. RAY SWEENEY SON 2-5465 ANYTIME PARTNER WANTED I have a Going Business, Do you have Dry Cleaning experience. Tel. 4-9163.

VENDING ROUTE -Soda, coffee, hot chocplate candy machines. Box Brightwood Mass. Bus. Opportunities Wanted $8A AUCTIONEER buys stores mach. closeouta.

F. Young. 4-1638 or 2-0471. BUYER OF STORES Machy. mdse.

or liquidate for. you. Hy Gloth, 3-4572, BUTER of stores. merchandise, fixtures. H.

Binsky, Auctioneer, 4-3734. Wanted--to Borrow I WANT TO BORROW $1300 with captionally good interest. Box 422 Union Office. Puppies beagles, collies, grown dog. scotties, fox spaniels, terriers.

Korean 811.95 per M. Birch flush doors, stain grade, $12.65 9.97 $9.50 ea. Call 4-0077. ers, buttonholes, Free! Sewing seat with Also 01088 breeds, watch dOER. Lewis Electric Electric jig paint RAW prayer TPE.

reg. $13.95 9,97 every purchase. Farm Kennels, Allen St. 7-0143. Electric Rand saw reg.

$39.140 $29.95 READY MIXED- -Concrete, garage doors. CUTE Collie Shepherd puppies. Also Ter- Electric drill TILL Reg. P. M.

$22.95 $29.50 or loaded. LU HOLIDAY SPECIAL $57.95 ONLY $1.25 $54. Sand, gravel. loam fill delivered rier pups. $10.


co*ckER PUPS also Toy Fox 16.38. Terrier 313. Columbus Springfield Te hava all the items you need for SCIENCE skill beauty combined makes pups $25 up. Dubur's, Holyoke 318 Meadow Willimansett your new homa in stock at money aav. the Spino-Rest the proper mattress.

$20 CHITTUAHUA PUPS for sAle, Ideal X- THATER CARRIAGE $13, Collier stroller ing prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON for your old mattress. Homemakers, mag gifts, Tel. LI. 3-3602.

$10. Curtain stretcher. NEW HOUSES. 1200 State St. 0-4847.

DALMATIAN puppies reg. Small deposit $10. (new) twin $2.30. carriage Call 9-1993, before 6 p. m.

25 Portsmouth St. 4-6125 SIMPLEX- Deluxe ironer roll $75. will hold ON A for Chrisimas. Charles sleds At Larro's. 2442 WASHED SAND gravel.

Loam strip- Moving 4-1521. A. Clifford, Stanclift Kennels, Park Boston No. Wilbraham, open 9 to 9. pings.

Bank run gravel, Sand fill THREE pc. sofa bed set maple, 13 pro. TOYS, bicycles, lazardrille, Conn, Stratto's Sport crushed gravel. LU 3-5631. blinds, stove gAS gas, 3 maple end ta('OCKER Spaniel puppies reg.

Small de- USED guns bought Main St. sold. City. 30 ACRES of gravel bank, 10 acre8 sand bles. solid mahog.

bookcase. Tel. 7-6183. 2 posit will hold one for Christina A. Shop.

2214 loam fill, just over Westfield line. TOYS TOYS TOYS Charles S. Clifford, Stanclift Kennels, VENETIAN BLINDS Especially priced mi. over Southwick line. All open 7.

lark lazardville, Conn. $2.75 regularly $3.98. slats Enclosed off white with good road. Water for washing Doll Carriages 3.99 de head box. GERMAN Shepherds $40 up, English Haked enamel gravel.

J. A. Mazars. Tel. Jordan 9-3805, Hobby Horses up.

Golden Retrievers $20 neutral tapes, 18 10 Venetian 36. Cash, Blinds carry. and Loomis Southwick. Desk de Chair 14.05 R- 435. All ANC Rex stud service.

Hilltop Also custom made Springers $3 child's Shade Mfg. 62 Vernon St, 6-3145. ALL DRY slab wood. $10 cord up. Also 3 Pc.

Table Chair Sets 5.93 Kennel. Knights Belchertown window shades. Springfield Window Fuel and Feed 37 Pe. 'Lionel Train Sets 22.35 56 Musical Rockers 6 95 MONKEYS, 1 vr. old, parrots, tame, finger Exc.

tamed, VENETIAN long. dark green hard wood lumber. Call Chic. 188, pet. Also young 2 mOR.

$20. 78 Bexhill St. 4-8630. A-1 SLAB WOOD $10 cord. hard $16.

OKUN'S, 1891 MAIN ST. Alarting to talk. J. B. Kennel Shop, tapes, Also utility furnace soft fireplace.

2-4040. CORNER OF CONGRESS Tel. Worcester, 7-9661 WHITE kitchen oil range $20. Stove, PARAKEETS, young haby hirds. All col- trailer $25.

I'h. BEST Kindling, slab wood, soft $8.50. Immediate Hard $11.50. Larro's, 2112 Hoston No. Wilbra2-2488.

VISIT New England'a newest dept. store, OUS, AlRO CAKeS, Will hold for Christ- WHOLESALE retail Balsam Spruce cheap. delivery. ham. Open to 9.

mag. 179 Piper W. S. Tel. 9-1102.

trees, pieces. wreaths, Damon'a, roping Northfield boughs, Rte. 10, CLEAN--Dry wood for fireplace, $18 WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat. Won In center Call Westfield 2354-14. PLACE your deposit on a Christmas Shep- St.

Tel. Midway 8-3771. Call 'hard 3-4310. contest. Never used.

'Tel. 9-0141. herd Main) AKC 1st Reg. floor. now.

180 SITADES first quality "Crown, A SLAB WHITE table top model gas stove, do $50, William Bernardston, Mass. cord. (oft WINDOW cloth cut mounted to WOOD Stove length $6 a load. Del. Also Philco TV, 6 mom.

old. 2-0910. Algo REDRONE some Coon started hound dogs. pups 304 Pease Rd. fit your roller to 36" 6 ft.

solid colors 3 RMS. of furniture. Nearly nAw. Living 8 wka. old.

not irregular, 60 cu. ft 9-9158 East Longmeadow. $1.19. Good Things to Eat 57 hedrm. kitchen, Call 6-4063 WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO.

AVERAGE 13 lb. roast stuffed hen turkey betw. 6-7 p. In. PUPPY about 4 mOS.

Southwick old. Tart JO 9-3870. 11 Central opp. Post Office, IV. S.

9-9673 gravy $10. Ready Christmas Sun- 7 PIECE walnut dining room set, for salo, English Shepherd. Tel. WELDING 8: CUTTING equipment. New day noon or Any time.

Order now, good condition, Tel. 4-0918. SIAMESE KITTENS male: seven weeks Deferred payment. Taft Welding Othote, 2-3513, 306 Belmont Ave. old: $35.

'Tel. Northampton 947-R. Equipment 3171 Main St. 4-5709. purposes.

Jewels and Watches 60 puppies, housebroken, AKC WEATHER VANES full bodied gold leaf Call after for 7 p. m. Holyoke 3-0303. BEST PRICES paid for old gold or diaGEESE meat breeding will hold for Christmas; 58 South roosters, horses, dogs golfers. AlRO broad monds.

Richards, 134 State St. Winaburg. 4314. Reasonable SOLIARIO TURKEY, FARM fancy any type custom made. breasted turkey, dressed to order.

578 SAVE $20 morA on all name brand Horses, Cattle, Vehicles prices. Call 6-6223. No. Westfield Feeding Hills 7-1139. watches.

52 Mosher St. W. S. 9-8487. WINDOW on your rollers Household Goods 59 Machinery and Tools 61 BLACK white Shetland pony, wound, 00 cents Screen up 41 Armory St.

7-5374. AN excellent buy Magic Chef Ras range, BRIDGEPORT Miller with Two Heads, 36'' 6 ft. Pioneer Shade gentle cute. Will ride drive. Saddle 1 check brand reg.

$219.95. Sacrifice $139. R. S. No.

10 Miller. Kent-Owen halter included. 9-6876 for app't. 2 ADDING cash registers, real new, bargain Magic Chef gas gAs Miller, Cincinnati 4-36 Hydramatio ProNEW milch COWA apringers also 3 good "writer, 1 typewriter. Chic.

2093T. A now 8189. L. L. duction Miller, Walker Turner 4 Spindle family cows.

will take other stock in DELTA tilting arbor sAW in good con- range reg. Main St. Tel. 9-3868. Drill Press, Delta 1 2 Spindle Drill trade.

J. A. Nazards. 29 Loomis dition. Call LA 5-2402 after 6:00 D.

m. Press. Bouquet, 3069 Southwick. Tel. J0 1 9-3805.

Chestnut gelding, For Aak for Mr. Goewey. 61A 20 yds. MANTEN LINO. 10.95 4.40 769 DWIGHT SPRINGFIELD ST.


App't. call cows. New shipments I BOLSEY 35mm lens-speeds of REMNANTS MAIN cor. UNION CATERPILLOR BULLDOZER (model D-4) llolyoke 100 FANCY dairy Gurwitz, 1-10 to 1-200. B.

T. Synchromatic Range LEWIS FURN. 994 in perfect cond. $2750. 296 Columbus Ave, arriving weekly.

Goldstein Finder, case, flash. Tel. 7-5183. A-1 ELEC. REFRIGERATORS.

GUAR. Palmer Ware Mass. COMMERCIAL photographic equipment. USED BEST MAKE, AS LOW AS $25.00 FOR SALE BAY CITY YD, shovel MACHINES $10.00 ready for work E. Park reasonable.

Ter. Pittsfield, Bernard Poultry Sappier Tel. 7-3728. USED USED PARLOR WASHING SETS $16.00 Carnevale, 170 Business Equipment 52 USED BEDROOM SETS $35.00 Tel. 3-0802.

A TOP price paid for fowl, chickens, ca- A BETTER assortment of office furniture, USED KITCHEN SETS $10.00 JENNY Hy Pressure steam cleaner, 1954 pons and broilers. Large capetter chairs, files, type atands, mates, USED television wets, 17 consoles, deluxe service master, 50 ft. hy our specialty. Call Frank J. Zelazo.

desks, complete outfitters for your table models all famous makes $29.95 sure hose. at 351 Columbus ATe. West 3-2410 and 7-2327. tables. Ateel priced very TPA- up.

or call 6-6066. A RETTER price for live ponitry, fowl ofice, sonable. wood Broadway Office Supply USED STOVES HEATERS PRICES slashed on all naw and used or $10.00 our specialty. Superman Poultry. 7-6183.

51 Worthington St. Cor. Broad- MAX OKUN Farm Tractors a much 88 Sea ALL KINDS of poultry wanted. Top way. Furniture Dept.

4-2040: FURNITURE OP'P. STOP CO. AHOP 18 now for tha buy of your lifetime. prices palo at farm. Impoco's 4-8359.

Rand fireproot 1935 MAIN ST. the Green Front Easy terms. widA choice of machines, A BUSY Remington card. Like naw. The New Store With J.

PARSONS AND SON, INC. 011 OAKES 10 hole NESTS cabinets, 500 legal Dwight St. A BIG CLEARANCE 75 North king Northampton 2885. Waterers, Water off list. AND REMOVAL SALE Warmers, Heaters And Thermo- Ta A LARGE assortment used new metal, Upholstered chairs, 20 bedroom SHOPSMITH-Fully equipped, LA may 5-2474.

METHE INC. wood deaks, office furniture equip- from mahogany drop leaf ta- seen evenings from 7-9. Phone 368 Taylor Phone 2-1194 ment, tables, chairs, adding machines, ble, Duncan Phyfe, lamps, $19.95. SUNNEN pinhole grinder and reamer typewriters. Metal filing cabinets.

Value, only $5.95: 25 innerspring crib mat- complete with stones, For Studebaker beat offer. 399 WORTHINGTON ST. tresser, wrought iron living room Ask for Mr. Byrnes. Agency, MERCHANDISE SPFLD.

DISPLAY FIX CO. 9-6451 get, LAWAON And maple very cheap; 34 Sumner Ave. 6-7230. BURN low cost No. 6 fuel oil in your alding door wardrohe; large chrome break- Farm Machinery 61A Articles for Sale 51 garage, shop, apartment fully housa, guaranteed.

factory, fast sets, $54.97. COME IN EVERY- CLEAN CUT SALE -New tractors, plowe, etc. Reconditioned, AROUND-BARGAINS GALORE. No. 5 OIL, BURNERS A.3 low as $149.93.

THING MUST BE SOLD BY DECEM- harrows, forage blowers, corn also planters. ALL ALUMINUM -STORING COMB. Call 3-8383 day or night. BER 24. hammer mills at dealers cost WINDOWS.

NATIONALLY ADVER- Pizza oven. Mixer, donut mach. STEVENS FURNITURE. 826 MAIN ST. used tractors.

one with loader. Nichols TIZAD $15.88. CALL 9-9873 FOR FRER BAKERY Scales working bench. Frisi- ALL -MERCHANDISE ON EASY TERMS Farm Machinery, Ludlow. Mas.

Tel. HOME DEMONSTRATION. dare fryer. dough retarder, Knapik. 3-1736.

LU 3-8411. ABOUT DOLLS TOYS SEE US ELLIOT Addressograph. Good condition. A $20. wringer Chic.

3056V. washer pump. USED HAY BALERS, choppers and tracNICE with Must SAUCY WALKER. TONI, MONA LISA Rm. 405.

tors. Your Farmall Dealer--Goldstein OTHERS. ALL THE NEW TOYS 1121 Main St. ARE you looking for a malt. dining room Gurwitz.

Inc. Tel. 890-891. Falmer GAMES FOR GIRLS BOYS. GAS HEATER 85.000 suitable for set? Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St.

Ware, Mass. SELECT NOW FOR CHOICE ITEMS, store or garage with fan Holyoke thermostat. 2-3787. 3 ROOM outfit: hedroom, parlor or and 25 T'SED TRACTORS, used Farmall cub, NYLON DOLL WIGS. HEADS, ARMS l'eed but in good cond.

kitchen sets with stove. refrigerator $575 and up. New International HarPARTS MARKET EQUIPMENT and washer All for $198. Terma Ar- vester, New Holland. and New Idea DOLL NEEDS AT REPAIR SERVICE WALK IN BOX 15 cu.

ft. Deep freeze. ranged. Bargain Annex, 15 Clinton St. Farm Equipment.

Goldstein Gurwitz, WAGNERS 743 MAIN OPEN 9 TO 9 All with compressors. 31 ft. sell service ALT. NEW mahogany coffee tables $9.88 Ware, Mass. 890-891.

TEL. 2-8276 wood equipment. shelving. Check Priced out right. 4-9586.

ea. Steven Bros. 460 Liberty St. 6-5653. Musical Instruments 63 counter.

Late ABSOLUTELY the beat buy, all extruded RUBBER STAMPS 3 lines $1.10. Carl Ian- BARGAINS Used AT Furniture Dept. KIMBALL'S KIMBALL Kohler Campbell, spinets type a'un. comb. windows, self storing, no son, 418 Eastern Are Tel.

4-9152. Dad Sofa 5.00 console $495 up. Used uprights 2A extra $10.90 installed, must be seen to White St. 2-7831, open Thurs. even.

T-P. Store fixtures, McCray refrigerators F. Refrigerator 29.95 PIANO upright. Good condition. appreciate, free demonatration, 4-0214.

RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Pc. Breakfast Set 10.00 A LARGE variety of gift Bavarian bone fountain fryers, coffee makers. chairs, Pc. Rock Maple Den Set 35.00 able. 34 Brunswick St.

(Park china, W'rought pottery, iron, Gibson figurines, Greeting dishes, cards lamps, at booths, countera, supplies; new and used. Mattresses or Springs 5.00 WANTED used Spanish guitar. will pay Variety 149 State opp. Dwight KITTREDGE STORE FIXTURES 9-9679 good price. Westfield 4073M.

(Parking in rear) 698 Dwight 2110 Main KIMBALL St. Below FURNITURE the CO. Arch WANTED small baby grand. Must be in ASI rubbish cans, drums for burning SOUND SCRIBER dictating machine condition. with good cond.

Call 7-1371. rubbish. Herlihy, 204 Stafford St. 4-4812. Bargain price.

Box 409. Union Office. tresses at Brian's 1984 Main St. KAY bass, cover and bow: 1 yr. telephone attachment in new BETTER aleep.

Orthopedic type matAN executive's desk chair. Walnut. Tel. dark pastry or candy showcases 1 CHROME KITCHEN. $149.95 $150: Masco tape recorder 860.

Call 4118, 4-6 p. m. No dealora, slant high $25. EA--Cigar show- on sale $95, $87.50 Sets $65. value Larro's, 2442 Northampton 4543.

A BOY'S lieroules 3 speed English bicycle case, 60 $25-4-display cases for Boston No. Wilbraham. Open 9 Television and Radio 62A like naw $25. Spalding hockey skates, books, general etc. open can he to 9.

size 6. like new. Call LO 7-7615. uned against wall $20 EA. hanging gar- CHIPPENDALE ANY TV REPAIRED in your home today.

A Tv ment wall cases with glass sliding doors sofa. 2 chairs end BILL'S TELEVISION Service. 8-0152. nel 17 8-55-61. console Boys with new 21" doors.

Bike has de chan- Tables $10-Cube steak machine tables, Reas. priced. Call after 8 p. nt. BEAUT.

17 in. GE console TV. $35, Excel. tricycle 35 Brookline Are. after 4 p.

elec. time clock 3-8391. cond. 1138 Memorial W. S.

BACK NUMBER KAzines And files -Chairs for IBM 83.00 system $80. up--Very Desks clean $13 steno. up Weat Spfid. Deep Dewey St. SHELASKY'S TV RADIO SERVICE.

COLDSPOT Freeze 403 Stan's. 182 lanco*ck St. oak posture chairs $8. COMB. Gond condition.

MOST REPAIRS DONE IN YOUR 4-4364. OWN HAND All new wool, home dyed Springfield Display and Office Furniture Co White. Make an offer. 9-9555. NIGHT CALLS 0-8064 OR 7-115Y.

gax gas stove. HOME. PROMPTLY. TEL. -braided rugs.

Call W. 6-3969. 339 Worthington St. 9-6457 DRAPERIES made to order low A8 TV REPAIRING TV Installation. Tel.

BOOKCASES made to order. 47 Edge- Boats and Accessories 53 $10 pr. Also valances cornices. T. G.

Joe Hackett. 3 5253. wood St Tel. 3-2375, 9-0063. ALL.

1955 boats Johnson motors on dis- Sturbi. 9-0797. New Fall Fabrica. ZENITH latest '35 top tuning 21' BABY CARRIAGE. coach style, bathenette play.

The finest service dept. In New FAST WASHER with spin dry. will take sole demonstrator at terms, PAL bed. Good condition. Price read- England for overhauling repairs to All $23.

Bargain Annex. 15 Clinton St. Demarest, 834 Sumner 7-0808. onable. Ph.

9-1293. make motors, Motors winterized BALL PENS Retractable beauties. the new ft. off shore EXCHANGE your present worn out OIl. Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 stored.

See BURNER for a guaranteed reconditioned Printing Retills, R. R. S. Thompson Fisherman 84" beam 42" bow burner, including installation for as lit- A-1 BALSAM BOUGHS, Balsam roping, etr 2-3313. Rt An amazing price.

75 need motors. tie as $19.95. 3-8383 day night. Christmas trees, Fred Cole 3-6589 after RIG DISCOUNTS on All items at Larro's. Open eves.

Time paymts. Bassett Bait EASY- -Spin dryer washing machine, 2 yra. 6 p. JO 9-6287. 2442 Roaton No.

Wilbraham. Open Boat 885 Alden St. 4-8364. old. $75.

9-4302. AAA 1-Balaom Christmas, trees and to 9. CHRIS CRAFT boat kits, runabouts, FLOOR SAMPLES demonstrators wreaths for sale. and retail, CLEAR VIEWING COMFORT for, only cabin cruisers, sea-skiff. 470 Main Ver.

Lewyt, Eureka GE vacuum 2-1713. $69.95: Crosley 17'1 console television 1n St. 7-2483. cleaners at reduced prices. Also few AFRICAN VIOLETS for Christmas very good condition.

Excellent mahogany CLEARANCE SAle on warranted Mercury used rebuilt Lewyt, Hoover, Elec- flower pots. Tel. Mrs. Dolan, 7-9632. cabinet.

See Mr. Edwards At 161 Chest- motors: 1934 $265; Mercury 1953 Mercury Mark 2, trolux. etc. Forbes Wallace, 9-7211. BALSAM TREES, WREATHS LAUMark 20 (demonnut St.

$325: strator) 1931 Mercury Hurricane, $150; Mer- FRIGIDAIRE (1) used 6 ft. $73, 1 used REL ROPING. ANT SIZE WREATHS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Plyscord for 27 Thunderbolt Quicksilver unit. Norge refrig. 7 ft.

$85, used elec. MADE TO ORDER. CENTERPIECES Train Tables, 4x8 only $4.40 per sheet. $250; Mercury Marine Sales, Rte. 47, rooking stove apt.

-size 3 burners $80. DECORATIONS. Springfield Lumber 61 Page Mass, Northampton 1493-R. Tel. 6-1177.

VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPE Tel. 3-3168. Hadley, GLENWOOD-comb, stove, good cond. OFPN EVENINGS TILL 9 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL- Work Benches, EVINRUDE used motors. Lay a way for $10.

Tel. 4-3662. MISER'S GREENHOUSE. 44 MORGAN ft. only $19.50 knocked down At our spring.

1935 models also in stock, Sales GLENWOOD all white WEST SPRINGFIELD Self Service Store. Sprintield Lumber 313 Marine Wilbraham supplies. Rd. Open eves. til 8.

old. Reasonable. Tel. 4-0554. BALSAM boughs Christmas trees, DeMiontigney gAN range, 3 yrs.

61 Page Plvd. Tel. 3-3168. Co. GLENWOOD STOVE.

comb. wholesale only. Johnson 2-2873-4-9649. CAR BED--NEVER USED. and EVINRUDE service.

De MOTORS--1955 MONTIGNY Models. SALES good Call after ran 3.30, 4-0566 CHRISTMAS TREES--top quality, balsam, Sales oil, CALl, 2-9671 343 Wilbraham Rd. Open til X. GLENWOOD all white 3 Trailerloads, 300-480 bundles. Small lots retail, CANADIAN Can be BALSAM- seen cor.

-Trees, Main South EVINRUDE MOTORS 1935 models, the old. Reasonable. Tel. for central New England. Millhury 3242.

wholesale SAg range yrs. at storage plant. J. Driscoll. distributor Easthampton.

day or night. Tel. ideal Christmas gift, easy Sun. terms, dr Mon, E. Auto washer.

Florence gas apt. size SPECIAL--imported Holland Assorted im1777W or 022 MK E'lampton. mediate delivery. Closed 261 Appleton stove, $120. both Tel.

Belchertown 3102. BULBS. Box of 72 for $3.60 per box. TREES- Wholesale. Harry Beique Boat Sales HALF PRICE SALE Simmons Beauty METHE.

369 Taylor St. Phone 2-1194 CHRISTMAS 1073. lolyoke. Rest box aprings, New full half size. Peters.

Phone Palmer FISHERMEN -R Prama complete $69.50. WANTED poultry manure. J. A. Kaneski, CLOTHES POLES shape $13.50.

Cave Rift for the man. Excellent Call 3-0462. North Blandford. Welding, 380 Hay Spfid. 3-1427.

car 63 Jha. Lay Away Plan. 135 Upholstery, Heaoquarters mAterials for Do And It supplies. WANTED 30 hot bed sash. Call LU 3-8465 Christmas Tourselt CHRISTMAS TREES fresh cut, Balsam River W.

Spild. 7-5701 Visit our remnant room. materials aves. between 5-6 p. In.

Spruce, Roughs wreaths. 6-1191. JOHNSON MOTORS sales service. All VAluea un to $10.95 yd. SELLING AT Wearing Apparel 65 CHRISTMAS TREES (Wholesale) Nursery makes repaired dt winterized.

Webster's $2,00 to $3.50 yd. A BEAUTIFUL FUR CAPE grown Norway Spruce Will And sell Ralaam. entire Store, Evinrude motors. Springfield Upholstery Awning Co. Phone 6-1280.

Belchertown. 10,000 ready to cut, KINGCRAFT hoata, 53 Dwight St. Tel. 7-2634 plantation. For details write, C.

Wer- Lawrence N. King. 7-3336. JAMES AUTOMATIC dish- RUT BETTER CLOTHING mouth, 30 Lovers and RAYTHEON radio. Direction finder.

Com- moni- Washer. practically brand new. Call Tuxedos $14.00. Lane Road, Greenfield. AT REDUCED PRICES CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS- Fancy plete with batteries.

Raytheon gas TO 7-7069. Pants 4.85 to 8.85 to.828.00 plain ornaments--gift wrapping paper tor. Spfld. Sound 772 Worthington LATEST styles! Newest fabrics! See the Jackets 5.8.3 to $11.85 -Very low prices coro- St. Tel.

2-9304. large selection of Parlor BRIAN'S 8.00 to $14.00 buff and paper displays for interiors and Building Materials 1984 Main St. lowest prices! SCHAFFER'S. 1183 Main nr. State windows.

039 Worthington St. actors ALL BUILDING MATERIALS- Greatly LIVING chairs.) ROOM 6-2081 set, evenings. (Divan 2 matching Values CLEARANCE to OF $100. All BRIDAL sizes GOWNS atyles. 00 50 reduced.

Framing lumber. Boards, Floor- 10 DISCONTINUING Dolls, Reduced per 149 cent State to St. opp. per Ing. All size pipe.

Doors, 2 panel like MAPLE youth bed. Good condition. Tel. now $20. Mollie's Gown Shop, 1880 Main, cent at Variety Inc new.

Steam radiator. Wire glass. BX Dwight St. (Parking in Rear) sash. La 2-5311.

GREY PERSIAN paw coat size clothing, 12-14, ELECTRIC MOTORS Shop. Ap- wire tories Hand with rails, home fAucets. Flush toi- MUST sell late model double door GE Re- size girl's 8-10. cothing. Excel.

cond. 14, LA boy's 5-7108. Window size pliance. Industrial. New-Used.

Assoc. lets. Soil pipe and fittings, blackboard frigerator, Hurry! Hurry! 15 Clinton Flec. 521 State. 9-1078.

slate. Calking lead A. A. Wrecking St. GOWNS FOR SALE RENT--Latest sold, 79 Kel40 West Springfield.

NEW USED WASHERS styles. For weddings all formal ocGUNS loading Call tools 2-1609. bought, FROM $19.95 AND UP casions. Phone 4-4047 for appointment. traded de rented.

(Off Park 6-1195. AUTHORIZED EASY GIRL'S figure white shoe skates. 2 CALI. 7-3674-Thin tube convector type L. W.

HOWARD, 883 ALLEN ST. trimmed untrimmed, $9 up. FUR DEALERS LADIES COLTS-New and like new, tur sizes 5 d. 6. Tel.

WI 6-3224. radiators. Toilets, comb. sinks, alum. 6-6308 COATS from $30.

Bargains in wool GIRLS 26" bicycle, good cond. Rons. Tel. showers. lavatories.

Excellent hard framing. NORGE REFRIG A1 cond. 5 pc. Chrome skirts dresses. SCHAFFER'S, 1182 9-0630.

All dimensions: boards, Good week. Just face A dinette prac. new reas for quick sale LI Main Street. GOOD USED REDS- Small mah. brick, of start bldgs.

delivery 20 next 100 left. Save 3-1669. XMAS GO FAR AT SOHAFFER'S wAlnut $7. round mahogany table with couple them yourself. Need BURNERS reconditioned fully, guar- First quality, new men's wear at barglass top chairs rock- money -remove typewriter? W'e have 8 few anteed.

completely installed 275 gain prices. Alterations the FAMe day. erg $5--30" round ceiling elec. fixture good used overhauled guaranteed, gal. tank, combustion chamber elec-11182 Main at State, Open Thursday -doctors baby scale $50.

339 Worth- comp. BAY STATE WRECKING co. tric wiring. $179.93. 3-8383 day or night.

and Friday evenings. ington St. 17 lleywood Weat Spild. OfT, and gas combination range $29, Bar- Wanted--to Buy 66 HARDWOOD Lumber, Maple, Birch. A-1 WELT, tile, wells dug and cleaned.

gain Annex, 15 Clinton St. Cherry. Walnut, Mahogany. 1 2" atock ENGLAND WATER SUPPLIES OAKLAND oil bottled gAS comb. stove A BETTER price rags, paper, iron, steel, Also Hardwood Plywood.

8. B. Wood NEW LU 3-3091 OR LU 3-3628 Neaco elec. roaster. Tel.

7-2098. brass, boilers. 6-1333 or Li 3-1843. Specialties, 74 LaSalle St. E.

Long. Tel. PHONE Television -Excellent ORTHOPEDIC A VET buys paper, rags, iron, metals. LA 0-7404, APPLIANCES And reconditioned models, priced BRIAN'S. type 1984 mattresses Main St.

At lowest Pick up Sat. all day. 7-6236. at HARTAPAN trunk, size, like new, rea- VAlues from on $29.10 up. Term's.

Regal's Ware- OVERSTOCKED A VET buys papers, rags, brass, copper, prices! sonably priced. Box 437, Union Office. house, 19 Market St. or 1120 Main Here are just few of the lead, iron. Walsh.

Tel. 9-5869. 10 combin, radio, bam- a to JUKE BOX St. alues in our storewide sale AA1 BIGGER CASH PRICE PAID boo chairs, Tel. 1O 7-3148.

35 Warwick GENERAL ELECTRIC appliances. All New--All First Quality FURNITURE ANTIQUES. STOVES, REF St. Longmeadow. in crates at greatly reduced 12 Linoleum 4.03 COMPLETE HOME--ENTIRE ESTATES LIONEL TRAIN SET, 7 pieces, four way brand new 6-7016.

End Tables Maple or Blond 1.93 CLINTON FURNITURE CO. TEL. 2-8512 control transformer all equip. included. End Table Lamps 6.95 A VET buys paper, lead, copper, prices.

Call 1.0 7-7069. AT LUMBER CENTRA Crosley Refrigerator from 169.40 scrap iron, brass. 6-9178. MAYBELLETTE MOTOR bike imported 955 All Channel 21" TV 169.00 RARY GRAND PIANO. GOOD CONDIfrom France only used 10 hrs.

Auto- Western Kiln Dried 2 1 TION, PRIVATE PARTY. CALL 3-2857. matic clutch. saddle bag extra All lengths per lin. ft.

KIMRALL FURNITURE CO. CASH for your old furniture, stoves. TA. Included. Call 1O 7-7060.

2110 Main St. Below the Arch frigerators or what-have-you Depend on NEW BRUNSWICK CHRISTMAS TREES Western kiln dried bds. per lin ft. PARLOR SET 3 pieces, alip covers, good Harry for a square deal. 9-1847.

Balsam Spruce, wholesale. Combination doorst condition. Tel. Chicopee LEWIS FURNITURE pays top cash prices Tel. Northampton 1064 Ponderosa pina, bronze screen $15.95 each SINGER all electric in a beautiful brand for all kinds of furniture or complete ON.

HEATER-Pot tyne, used 1 SPA SON, new mahogany Tel. console. will sacrifice homes 7-8479-3-0317. 5 rm. size, output $68,000 BTU.

Reas. Conolite. The Perfect covering for table $19. $1.25 A wk. 6-7212.

NEED MONEY? Call Flash with the Call 3-7017, 10-2. tops counters etc. 59c per. sq. ft.

SLIP COVERS--Custom tailored. 2 Cash 3-7473. He buys everything in 1 ORIENTAL SCATTER RUGS onA milk $05 up. Choice fall Budget pay- used furniture, refrigerators, washers, prayer from private homp. Very rea- DOR-O-MATIC automatic Garage menta.

T. G. Stuebi. 9-2797. dining room, parlor.

bedroom atc. Door aonable. Ph. Amherst 1368-W. Opener.

Complete for only SEWING MACHINE new used. Very Free JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE pays cash for $49.75 PEPPERELL, sheeta $1.74 pillow cases L.UMRER CENTRE INC. estimates. Guaranteed Parts for Expert all repairs. maker Incl.

used books. Tel. 2-6221. 49c at Larro's, 2442 Roston No. Wil- "Where the Smart Builder Buy." motors cabinets for conversion.

All STORE EQUIPMENT, office equipment of braham. Open 9 to 9. 390 Albany St. Tel. 3-2141 work guaranteed.

Spfld. Sewing Mach. complete households wanted 2-7129. PREPARE FOR WINTER 570 9q. 66 Morgan West Spfld.

7-5031. International 0. I Boiler -Rated storm sash for your SEWING MACHINES ROOM AND BOARD for 10 rolla paper, 18 vds border, 2 lbs. BE comfortable Made to order. Call Valves 65c ea.

Dole 1.08 ea. Dust Filters, for price. J. G. Roy Lumber CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Rooms With Board 67 69g and up.

Asbestos cement, pipe cover- Chicopee. Tel. Spild. 2-4737 Chic- White Singer portable portable 20,97 A warm sunny front room for an elderly today $19.05 ing, complete line heating supplies. opee 1180 or Holyoke 2-9168.

Universal portable 19.95 lady, 14 Wesson Forest Park. 2-2824. BUILDING MATERIALS Singer mahg. console 49.95 BOARD and large pleasant room for LOW'S THRIFTY STORE REDUCING year end inventory on cabinet Bank For real value in quality building ma- console 39.93 working man, WV. Spfld.

4-2417. St. sinks. Holyoke. From Tel.

$29.90. 6429 Grossman'a, torials for your new home see the UN- Necchi. desk model 170 ROOM BOARD for man. Parking. Tel.

20 161, er Elec. Sew. m-c $25. Girl's Bike $5. St.

known Tel 3-8570, Terrific trade on your old machine. ROOM, BOARD Re laud. for work, man REMINGTON (Port.) typewriter $20. Sing- for quality at low prices. 15 Dale Free Westinghouse, desk model 109 ION LUMBER SUPPLY CO.

The yard Vigorelli. desk model 170 2-2375. port. sewing mach. 310.

Chic. CERAMIC TILE distributor master ad- Free home demonstration. Pay $1.25 wk. with clean habits $20 wk. TV home 2093-J hesives.

Albert Fitzgerald, 32 Osborne All maker carry A. gUArantee. Open eveN. priv. 6-8163.

RESNOR gas unit heater, 120,000 BTU Tel. Spfld. 4-5605. until 9. Easy Sewing Machine 864 A THE CHEERFUL, HEARTH meals output.

Call 4-0787 weekdays. CAREY 210 ASPHALT SHINGLES Main St. Tel. 7-0301. if desired.

I'leamant atmosphere. 7-4652. SINGER Sewing Machine all elec. in SPECIAL $6.70 15 LB. FELT $2.85 SEWING MACHINE, Brand new 1954 de- WITH Private family of 3 adults.

Garage. beaut. brand new mahng. console. WESSELL LUMBER co 111XA model.

RP WA forward and reverse, References. Tel. 2-1909. etc. Will sacrifice $49.

a week. 6-7242. 911 State St. Tel. 6-3157 over ping and heavy monograms, blind atitching, darna, mends, embroid- Rooms Without Board 68 SNOW TIRES 650-16, 1 yr.


ere. buttonholes, etc. ale $49.95. Kenyon': ATTRAC. rms.

with or without pvt. bath heater. Ream. Call aft. 7 p.

TESTED CINDER 714 Sumner Ave. Tel. for business men or woman, Also gar. STORM OFF. TEL.

4-6533. SPINET PIANO (Lester-Batay Ross). Like avail. Terhun Hall, 161 Maple St. 41 Comb.

STATE up 6-8157. FRAMING -sheathing pine. roofers. Galanek new. will sacrifice for cash, 6-3388.

A COMFORTABLE rm pvt. home ex- WESSELL LUMBER. 911 Alen knotty South- STOVE zas oil. Hardwick. $73.

Call entr. bus. sent. Dartmouth Ter. Buy sell trade Victor's Shoe, 2477 Main.

wick. Tel. JO 9-3378. 2-0772. SKATES ICE ROLLER.

Men's used shoe. Lumber College Highway. 2.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.