Traduction a well en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)


n puits m


(=successfully, to a high standard) bien
→ She speaks French well.
→ All the batsmen played well.
You did that really well. Tu as très bien fait ça.
to do well bien s'en sortir
→ She did very well in her exams.
→ He did very well, didn't he?
→ The business is doing well this year.
She's doing really well at school. Elle s'en sort vraiment bien à l'école.
He did as well as he could. Il a fait du mieux qu'il pouvait.
to pay well [job] bien payer
→ This new career doesn't pay nearly as well as the old one
well done! bravo!
→ "Daddy! I came second in history" -- "Well done!"

(=thoroughly, completely) bien
Mix all the ingredients well. Mélangez bien tous les ingrédients.
Wash your hands well with soap. Lavez-vous bien les mains, avec du savon.
How well do you remember your mother, Franzi? Tu te souviens bien de ta mère, Franzi?
to know sb well bien connaître qn
→ I don't really know her very well.
How well do you know him? Vous le connaissez bien?
well done [meat] bien cuit (e)
Do you prefer your steak rare, medium or well done? Vous préférez votre steak saignant, à point ou bien cuit?

to think well of sb penser beaucoup de bien de qn
to speak well of sb dire du bien de qn

as well (=in addition) aussi, également
→ He needs to improve his reading, and his writing as well.
We worked hard, but we had some fun as well. Nous avons travaillé dur, mais nous nous sommes bien amusés aussi.
as well as ainsi que
→ It is in his best interests as well as yours.
→ She published fiction as well as historical studies.
→ He likes folk music as well as rock.
→ Jim Morrison was a poet as well as a singer.
We went to Chartres as well as Paris. Nous sommes allés à Paris ainsi qu'à Chartres.
It has symbolic as well as economic significance. Cela a une signification à la fois symbolique et économique.

(as intensifier) to be well worth doing valoir vraiment la peine d'être fait
The film is well worth seeing. Le film vaut vraiment la peine d'être vu.
well before sth bien avant qch
→ I woke well before dawn.
well after sth bien après qch
→ He came home well after midnight.
to be well aware of sth être bien conscient (e) de qch
→ Her friends are well aware of what she has suffered.

sb might as well do sth, sb may as well do sth qn ferait aussi bien de faire qch
→ Anyway, you're here; you might as well stay.
You might as well tell me. Tu ferais aussi bien de me le dire.

sb would do well to do sth qn ferait bien de faire qch
→ The President would do well to remember that he wouldn't have made it without the support of Black voters.

sb may well do sth, sb could well do sth (=it's quite likely) qn pourrait bien faire qch
→ The murderer may well come from that area.
→ Ours could well be the last generation for whom movie going has a sense of magic.
You may well be right. Vous pourriez bien avoir raison.

it's just as well c'est aussi bien
It was just as well she wasn't there. C'était aussi bien qu'elle ne soit pas là.

well and truly bel et bien
→ We were well and truly beaten.
The war is well and truly over. La guerre est bel et bien finie.

well and good, all well and good, This is all well and good, but ... Tout cela est bien beau mais ...
If they arrive before I leave, well and good. S'ils arrivent avant que je parte, très bien.

to be well aller bien
→ He's not very well.
→ Are you well?
I'm not very well at the moment. Je ne vais pas très bien en ce moment.
to feel well se sentir bien
I don't feel well je ne me sens pas bien
get well soon! remets-toi vite!


(introducing comment, new subject) bon
→ Well, let's get some breakfast.
Well, as I was saying ... Bon, comme je le disais ...

(correcting yourself) enfin
→ There was a note. Well, not really a note.
It's enormous! Well, quite big anyway. C'est énorme! Enfin, c'est assez grand.

(expressing polite doubt, criticism) eh bien
→ Well, I thought she was a bit unfair.
→ Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.

(expressing surprise, anger) eh bien
→ Well! I don't know what to say to that.

oh well (expressing resignation) bon
→ Oh well, never mind, I didn't really want to go anyway.
→ Oh well, it could be worse.


[tears] monter (aux yeux)
Tears welled in her eyes. Les larmes lui montaient aux yeux.

[emotion] envahir
→ Love for him welled inside her.
Gratitude welled in her. La gratitude l'envahissait.

get-well card
n carte f de vœux de bon rétablissem*nt

oil well
n puits m de pétrole

well up

[tears] monter (aux yeux)

Happiness welled up inside me. Le bonheur m'envahit.

well-adjusted , well adjusted
équilibré (e)
→ ... a happy, loving and well adjusted family.

well advised , well-advised
[action, decision]
sb would be well advised to do sth qn serait bien avisé (e) de faire qch
→ Moderates believe the party would be well advised to talk to the government.

[house, room]
bien aménagé (e)
→ Guest rooms are commodious and well-appointed.

adj bien assorti (e)

[meeting, lecture, show, play]
qui attire beaucoup de monde
to be well-attended attirer beaucoup de monde

well-balanced , well balanced

[person] (=stable) équilibré (e)
→ ... a fun-loving, well-balanced individual.

[diet] équilibré (e)
a well balanced diet une alimentation équilibrée

[child, animal]
→ well-behaved little boys
to be well-behaved [soldiers, football fans] bien se comporter
→ The troops have been remarkably well-behaved so far.

well-being , wellbeing
n bien-être m
a sense of wellbeing une sensation de bien-être
→ Singing can create a sense of wellbeing.
→ His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.

adj bien né (e)

adj (=courteous) bien élevé (e)
(=of good family)
de bonne famille

well-brought-up , well brought up
adj bien élevé (e)
→ He's just a well-brought-up, middle-class boy.


[house] bien construit (e)

[person] bien bâti (e)
→ He is well-built, with short dark hair.

pertinent (e)
choisi (e)
in well-chosen words en termes choisis

well-connected , well connected
adj bien introduit (e)


[food, meal] bien cuisiné (e)

(=not rare)
bien cuit (e)


(=clearly visible)
[colours, outline]
bien défini (e)
net (te)

(=precisely defined)
[problem, structure, distinction]
bien défini (e)
→ Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure? ...
→ Today's pawnbrokers operate within well-defined financial regulations.

adj mérité (e)
→ The group are enjoying well-deserved success.

adj bien conçu (e)

well disposed , well-disposed
to be well-disposed to sth voir qch d'un bon œil
→ They are likely to be well disposed to an offer of a separate peace deal.
→ Our kids are very well disposed to what we're doing.
to be well-disposed towards sb être bien disposé (e) envers qn
→ He felt well disposed towards her.

adj bien habillé (e)

bien mérité (e)

adj cultivé (e)
→ Many of the immigrants are well-educated.

adj bien équipé (e)

well-established , well established
[tradition, custom]
bien établi (e)
→ The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas.
[company, organization] bien établi (e)

adj bien nourri (e)
→ ... his well-fed children.

well-founded , well founded
[suspicion, criticism]
fondé (e)
→ If the reports are well founded, the incident could seriously aggravate relations between the two nations ...
→ We must respond to well-founded criticism with a willingness to change.

well groomed , well-groomed
soigné (e) (de sa personne)
→ ... a very well groomed man ...
[appearance] soigné (e)
→ a well-groomed appearance
[hair] bien coiffé (e)

well-heeled *
adj nanti (e)

bien membré

adj (=having knowledge of sth) informé (e)
→ They become as well-informed as possible on the issues involved.
→ She explained it in terms which any reasonably well-informed person could understand.

[person, act]
bien intentionné (e)
→ He is well-intentioned but a poor administrator.
→ ... rules that, however well-intentioned, are often hopelessly impractical.

[remark, criticism]
judicieux (-euse)
[shot, throw]
bien ajusté (e)

well-kept , well kept

[house, garden, hair]
bien entretenu (e)
[hands, nails]
soigné (e)

(=closely guarded)
bien gardé (e)
→ It was such a well-kept secret, not even his wife knew.

well-known , well known

connu (e)
→ a collection of recipes from more than 40 well-known names
→ He became a well-known figure in the US in the 1950s.
[brand, product] connu (e)
→ pirated versions of well-known brands
a well-known film star une vedette de cinéma connue
She was a very well-known author. C'était une auteure très connue.
to be well-known for sth être bien connu (e) pour qch

[fact, phenomenon] bien connu (e)
it is a well known fact that ... c'est un fait bien connu que ...
→ It is a well known fact that people always buy presents for the person they wish you were rather than the person you are.
→ These findings could help explain a well-known phenomenon, that ...
it is well-known that ... il est bien connu que ...
→ It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda's staple diet.

apprécié (e)
→ He was quiet, well-liked and did well at school

adj très aimé (e)

adj bien fait (e)

adj bien élevé (e)

[person, remark, action]
bien intentionné (e)

adj bien intentionné (e)
→ Any decision taken by them now, however well meant, could complicate the peace process.
→ ... a well-meant experiment gone wrong.

adv pratiquement
well-nigh impossible pratiquement impossible
→ It's extremely difficult, well-nigh impossible to choose between them.

adj (=rich) aisé (e)
to be well-off être aisé (e)

[system, organization]
bien huilé (e)
→ Just as important, it has a well-oiled organization.
a well-oiled publicity machine une machine publicitaire bien huilée

well-paid , well paid
bien payé (e)
→ The staff were well paid.
→ well-paid chief executives
[job] bien payé (e)
→ I had a well-paid job.
→ The job is well paid.


[person] bien conservé (e)
→ Annie is a well-preserved 50-year-old.

[building, fossil, monument] bien conservé (e)
→ Although many of the stones have fallen out, the monument remains very well preserved.

adj cultivé (e)


[personality, person]
complet (-ète)
→ He is a highly intelligent and well-rounded man.
→ what it takes to be a well-rounded human being
a well-rounded person une personne complète

(=convincingly drawn)
[fictional character]
bien campé (e)
→ a narrative full of believable, well-rounded characters.


[person] qui parle bien

[words] bien senti (e)
well-spoken words des paroles bien senties

[shop, fridge]
bien approvisionné (e)

[book, magazine]
écorné (e) par l'usage

[remark, entrance, tackle, pass, run]
fait au moment opportun

adj aisé (e)

well-travelled , (British) well-traveled (US)

to be well-travelled avoir voyagé
→ Kids are so much more well-travelled, confident, and worldly wise these day
→ the most sophisticated and well travelled of their country's citizens
→ a sales oriented role for dynamic, well-travelled, ambitious individuals

well-tried , well tried
[treatment, remedy, method]
(=tried and tested)
[tactic, remedies]
éprouvé (e)
→ There are a number of well-tried remedies which are perfectly safe to take ...
→ It's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit.


(=much used)
[path, track]
souvent emprunté (e)
→ He made his way along a well-trodden path towards the shed.

a well-trodden path to sth (=popular method) un moyen souvent utilisé pour qch

well versed , well-versed
to be well versed in sth être très versé (e) en qch
→ Page is well versed in many styles of jazz.

n supporter mf, supporteur (-trice) m/f
→ Scores of well-wishers had gathered.
letters from well-wishers des lettres de soutien

well-woman clinic
n (British) centre prophylactique et thérapeutique pour femmes centre prophylactique et thérapeutique pour femmes


[carpet, clothes]
usagé (e)
→ well-worn brown shoes

[phrase, expression] éculé (e)
→ To use a well-worn cliche, it is packed with information.

adj bien écrit (e)

Traduction a well en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.