The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)

FOUR PLAINFIELD, N. COURIER-NEWS, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1946 Telephone Plainfield 6-8000 VFW Officers Are Installed Dunellen-One of the largest VFW units in this area was inaugurated yesterday in Dunellen High School officers of Tri-Boro Post 5479 were installed and members initiated. Ceremonies were conducted by Dennis Winn Cice Commander State Department of VFW, his staff and members of the Perth Amboy Degree team. 1,000 Attend Ceremonies The ceremonies, witnessed by approximately 1,000 persons, opened with the invocation by the Rev. Thomas D.

Walker, pastor of the Methodist Church, and the National anthem, by Mrs. Orrel Greaney, accompanied by the Dunellen High School band. Commander George Wood of Harold E. Storr Post, Plainfield, was master of ceremonies. Following his installation, Post Commander Norman B.

Schuyler commented on the capabilities of his men, and urged that cooperation be shown in every respect. He stated that the veterans had proven their willingness and ability to serve their country in its time of need, and could, if given the opportunity, do even more to make this a better country in time of peace. He remarked that the men presently in command of VFW units, including himself, were somewhat more advanced in age than the other members, but that eventually the 'youth would take over' and prove itself. He said that he felt that his men were already in a position to do so. Commander Honored Commander Schuyler was presented with a plaque on behalf of the members of Tri-Boro Post 5479, in recognition of his efforts in ganizing the post.

Officers, in addition to Commander Schuyler, include: Senior vicecommander, Aaron Van Syckle; junior vicecommander, Fred B. Dickerson; quartermaster, Mitchell Jakubowski; chaplain, Walter Krapf; post surgeon, Dr. William Arpad Balogh; officer of the day, Louis Van Schondorff; guard, LaVerne Kirchner; adjutant, Henry Hodulik; public relations officer, Edward Michaels, assisted by John Tarpey of South Bound Brook, GerRamsberger and Henry Pfeil; trustees, John A. Tarpey, Charles Royer and Daniel N. Boyle; and judge advocate, Walter P.

Romer of Plainfield. Joseph Carouseli, commander of Jersey City Post 663, VFW, offered his regards to the Dunellen branch, and suggested that support given all VFW members whenever it was asked for in recognition of the work done by the men for their country. He described the feelings of veterans of returning to the United States and finding chaotic conditions existing between labor and management and in the various political fields. According to Commander Carouseli, service men were of the opinion that their services had been of little use because of these conditions. Extend Congratulations Congratulations were extended to Commander Schuyler and his men by Freeholder Joseph Morecraft and Mayor Alvah H.

Skinner, both of whom pledged support of public officials to the VFW. Possibility of the organization of women's auxiliary of the Tri-Boro Post was discussed by the Mrs. A. Gallegher and Mrs. C.

Levering vicepresident of the State Ladies Auxiliary, VFW, and Past State Department Ladies Auxiliary President, respectively. beGratitude was Dunellen expressed Board to of mem- Education, Harry S. Hannaford, and members of the Dunellen High School Band, the Rev. Thomas Walker and the Rev. Edward O'Connell, assistant pastor of St.

John's Church, who offered the benediction; Mrs. Greaney and Walter Bruun, who operated the sound equipment for their cooperation in making the program possible. Participants in the program, In addition to the officers and men of the Tri-Boro Post, included Anthony DeAndre of the Jersey City Post, Warren L. Rolfe, members of the American Legion Post 119 color guard and Past Commander LeVerne C. Bassett of 119.

2 Years -His sary of service was observed Drake on son of Mr. and attended Bound before enlisting. second anniverin the U. S. Navy by Paul Crivello, 29 Jan.

22. The youth, Mrs. Paul Crivello, Brook High School Dunellen A special meeting of the Common Council will be held today at 8 p. m. in Borough Hall, preparatory introduction of the annual budget.

Effective Feb. 1, the Dunellen Public Library will remain open an additional hour in the evening, in accordance with a ruling passed by the Library Board at its last meet1ng. Present hours are from 7 until 8:30 p. m. New hours will be from 7 until 9 p.

m. ARRIVING for an immediate conference with Herbert H. Lehman, head of UNRRA, Sir Frederick gan steps from a plane in New York. Sir Frederick's recent statements concerning Jewish refugees from Poland aroused storm of controversy resulting in his being called before Lehman. (International) Aged Man Killed By Hit-Run Driver Raritan Township--Jacob S.

Jeppesen of Highland Ave. was killed Saturday (Jan, 26, 1946) when struck by a hit-run driver in Inman near Potters Crossing. Husband of the late Ida K. Judson Jeppesen, Mr. Jeppesen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, 77 years ago.

He had resided in this section since 1904, and was employed as a foundry worker at R. H. Hoe Company, Dunellen. He was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Metuchen. Mr.

Jeppesen is survived by two sons, Theodore J. Jeppesen, at home; and Carl S. Jeppesen, White Plains, N. and two daughters, Mrs. Svend Bigler, Jersey City, and Mrs.

Edward Kern, Cranford. Funeral services will be held at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the Higgins "Home for Funerals," Plainfield. The Rev.

Robert Daines will officiate. Interment will be in Clover Leaf Memorial Park, Rahway. Auto in Collision With Milk Truck Dunellen No complaints were made as a result of two accidents here, one on Saturday and one early Sunday morning. The Saturday accident involved a milk truck driven by Roy E. Smith and owned by Herman C.

Beller of New Market, and a car driven by Francis Joyce of 731 Bound Brook Rd. The milk truck was going east on Joyce car had just Bound Brooke west of South started from the curb going in the same direction when the two collided. Two passengers in the Joyce car, Marilyn and Margaret Joyce, suffered slight shock and Smith had two injured ribs. They were treatled by John Dr. La Verne C.

Bassett. Offi- cer Sobel investigated. At 4:02 a. m. Sunday, John Golday, 148 Vosseler damaged the top and sides of his car when i he turned over in the road near Gallagher's Corners as a.result of the front brakes locking.

Officer Walter Stone investigated. 3 DAYS FINAL CLEARANCE SALE BEGINNING TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th 458 FALL and WINTER HATS Formerly Sold From 2.98 Up At Ona Low Price Off On All Fur and Fur-Trimmed Hats FRANKLIN MILLINERY 155 EAST FRONT ST. ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUM AND ASPHALT TILE FLOORS Furnished and Installed TOLL BROS. Plainfield Business Office 40 Somerset St. Plfd.

6-8248 Enrollment Now Open to Individuals and Family Groups AMERICA'S NO. 1 HOSPITAL AND SURGICAL EXPENSE PROTECTION UNLIMITED First Year and Any Year Thereafter for men, women and children as to number of both Accidents and Sicknesses covered when confined in ANY hospital of your own choice. PAYS from Age 1 to 60 for as Long as 120 Days Each Disability Room and Board plus Miscellaneous Expenses. Extra for SURGICAL OPERATIONS if applied for. Full benefits for Mental and Nervous Disorders, Tuberculosis and after first ten months covers Female Diseases, Hernia, Tonsils, Adenoids, Appendicitis.

Pays from Age 60 to 80 for 30 Days' Hospital Expenses Only, each Disability. MATERNITY benefits optional, up to $60.00, after First ten months. Costs Only Few Cents Day M. A. FREEDMAN Dist.

Mgr. 169 Smith Perth Amboy, N. J. MAIL COUPON Please send me without obligation full pital Surgical Expense Protection, particulars about I America's No. 1 HosTODAY or Phone NAME PERTE AMBOY 4-2721 ADDRESS PhoneNO MEDICAL: CITY- STATEEXAMINATION REQUIRED () Employed- AGE Woman Injured In 3-Car Crash South Plainfield A Plainfield woman was injured as a result of a three-car collision on Hamilton Blvd.

near Hadley Airport early yesterday morning. The woman, Mrs. Marjorie Smith of 1122 Stillman was taken to Muhlenberg Hospital a and was treated for abrasions of the face, neck and head and a cut to her left hand, and discharged. Mrs. Smith was accompanied by her husband, Lt.

Bryan Smith, U. S. Army, stationed in New York. According to Police Captain Judson Ten Eyck who conducted the investigation, the local police received call at 3 a.m. yesterday from Joseph De Sesso, owner of the Club Le Hi on Hamilton regarding three persons who would not leave the tavern after it had been closed.

Patrolman Frank Cirigliano and Special Officer Anthony Di Canto were detailed and they warned the three persons and four other men together in car and told them to leave the borough. As Charles Lancsak, 96 Kossuth New Brunswick, one of the men, was approaching Hadley Airport, for no apparent reason, according to Captain Ten Eyck, his car went directly across the street and struck the operated by Mrs. Smith, going east on Hamilton which in turn crashed into the police car operated by Patrolman Cirigliano, who was following the Lancsak car. The three cars were damaged considerably. Five persons in the Lancsak car were released by Captain Ten Eyck on bail to appear before Recorder F.

Otto Linke in Police Court Friday evening. Lancsak was released on $50 cash bail on a careless driving charge and disorderly conduct on complaint of Cirigliano and Di Canto. The others charged with disorderly conduct released on $25 cash bail were William Ribar, 48 Kossuth Edward Coffey, 390 van Charles Gobac, 140 Green al from New Brunswick and Frank Ostaxovicz of Franklin Township. John Dashuck, 34, Brooklyn Ave. and Stephen 2.9 Somerset both of New Brunswick also riding in the Lancsak car, were released as material witnesses.

Lanscak was examined by Dr. had been fit to John F. Sellers, who stated. that he operate a Two Truck Loads Of Clothes Gained South Plainfield Two truck loads of clothing netting 110 cartons was collected in the Victory clothing collection for overseas relief conducted in the borough yesterday. Councilman Peter Kaymowics was chairman of the drive assisted by Councilman Phillips; George Truesdale, commander of the American Legion; Warrant Officer R.

D. S. Navy, and Charles Handville and Jack McGlean. Trucks were donated by George Dowser and Louis Robestelle and were operated by firemen Leo Brennen and David Gray, Praising the Boy Scouts and school children for their fine assistance, Councilman Kaymowics thanks to the various organizations and church pastors for their cooperation. Soldier Faces Hearing On Two Charges Raritan Township Pvt.

Floyd Block, 22, of Lakewood, presently stationed at Camp Kilmer, will be arraigned today at 7 p. m. in Police Court before Recorder Christian Jorgenson one a charge of theft of an automobile and driving while intoxicated. Block is alleged to have stolen an automobile parked in front of a Route 1 gasoline station, while a tire on the vehicle was being changed, and to have driven off in the direction of New York. The vehicle is owned by John Hallen Jr.

of Jersey City. Police are attempting to locate a companion, said to have with Block when the theft occurred." Urges Public To Give Clothing Dunellen- Mayor Alvah H. Skinner appealed yesterday to Dunellenites to support the Victory Clothing drive which will close on Thursday. The response to date has not been as gratifying as it might be, according to him. Mayor Skinner stated that although clothing has been sent to the various schools, many residents still do not know that a messenger will be sent by school authorities to transport the articles to the collection depots on request; in the event that the donor does not have children attending either the public or parochial schools, or is unable to transport the articles to the depots himself.

Supervising Principal Ralph W. Crane, who is serving as general chairman, announced that donations to date have been fairly extensive, but not as generous as expected, or as required. Articles will be sent to Europe. Transportation arrangements may be made by telephoning the public schools at Dunellen 2-6166 or St. John's School at Dunellen 2-6840.

Articles may be left at any of the four schools. GOP Club Holds Victory Dinner Middlesex Approximately 100 persons attended the victory dinner and dance held by the Middlesex Borough Republican Club Saturday evening in the private dining room at the Far Hills Inn, Pluckemin. The affair was to celebrate the November election when Mayor Louis Staffelli and Councilmen Charles Bradley, incumbent, and William Auld were elected. Former Mayor Justin Shearn, who did not seek reelection, was presented with a gift. Flowers were presented to Mrs.

Shearn, and Mrs. Staffelli, Mayor Staffelli a former Mayors George Harris and George Lincoln, Councilman Bradley and Borough Attorney Joseph Mutnick Jr. spoke. Councilmen Introduced at the were the Rev. Frederick Cornell Maynard, pastor of St.

Luke's Lutheran Church, Dunellen, Salvatore Crivello, Auld and James Kelly. Hoagland, borough clerk and chairman of the dinner committee, introduced Harvey Whitlock, tax assessor, who presided at the dinner. Republican committeemen women were also present at the affair. EYES Eyes examined with modern instruments will SCIENTIFICALLY give precise accuracy. EXAMINED DR.

PERRY GOLDENTHAL FRONT ST TEL PL 10384 OP 72 EAST FEATURE MODERN SECTIONAL SOFA! Spring construction throughout and upholstered in fine grade tapestries. All Three Pieces $219.00 See Our Showrooms During This February Sale! Budget BEDROOM SETS Terms KITCHEN SETS LAMPS END TABLES HASSOCKS MIRRORS "The House That Confidence Built" ESTABLISHED 1922 FURNITURE HOUSE 327 WEST FRONT STREET 6-3556 PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY St. John's Five TriumphsAgain Dunellen-Compiling a five-point lead in the opening half and protecting it the rest of the way St. John's registered a 21-16 victory over Arbor to remain undefeated in the Recreation Commission Junior A. Basketball League Saturday night at the Dunellen High court.

Defeating the Kaydets and West End Raiders, the Spartans and Boy's Club stayed knotted for the lead in the Junior B. League, Standings, lineups and scores: JUNIOR A LEAGUE Team Pet. St. John's 1.000 Red Raiders .750 Middlebrooks .750 Arbor .250 Buccaneers .250 Middlesex .000 Red Raiders Middlesex A Banos, Peterson, 1 Barna, 3 6 Reynolds, 0 1 ON Phillips, 2 0 4 Peterson, 1 Anderson, Forder, 12 Richards, 0 Wug'horst, Hamshar, 2 Poltorak, Vail, 0 0 Ziegler, Totals 12 135 Totals 9 2 20 Score by periods: Red Raiders 6 -25 Middlesex 09 -20 Referee, Stien; umpire, Kostiuk. Buccaneers Gregory, 3 7 Refino, 0 0 VanNest, 0 1 Henry, 1 0 2 Mistov, 0 0 0 Middlebrook A HIll.

Cardillo, ON Rosoche, 1 Boban, Boroski, DeGhetto, 00 Romanok, 0 0 Totals 2 10 Totals 9 0 18 Score by periods: Buccaneers 3 3 -10 Middlebrook 8 -18 Referee, Fuchs; umpire, Kostiuk. St. John's Hessler, 3 00 Gillette, 0 Shottinger, 2 1 5 Conn, 0 Wenzel, 2 4 Arbor Five Berg, Stienbeck, 0 Ozzie, Larsen, Hendershot, 0 Wares, Totals 8 5 21 Totals 4 16 Score by periods: St. John's 3 Arbor Referee, Stien; umpire, Kostluk. JUNIOR LEAGUE Team Pet.

Spartans 1.000 Boy's Club 1.000 Legion Five .750 Clippers .750 Knights .250 Pirates .250 West End Raiders .000 Kaydets .000 Spartans NO -15 Kaydets 8 Legion Five OH 10 10- 20 Knights 8 Clippers -17 Pirates -15 West Boy's End Club Raiders NO -12 MIDGET A LEAGUE Contest Possible For Fire Board New Market In the event that the incumbents in the Board of Fire Commissioners, District 2, River William Kenzulak and H. Rus sell Perrine, file petitions for nominations, a contest will develop in the election Feb. 16. The two men have not stated their intentions to date. Martin Holzer and Peter Gavula are expected to run for election to the Board.

Joseph Florek, secretary to the Board, announced that petitions must be filed by Feb. 11. Election will be held between 3 and 7 p. m. in the River Rd.

firehouse, when voters also will be requested to approve the budget, totaling, $5,500. as in the previous year. Board also includes president, Charles Reutsch; vicepresident, Charles Smith, and treasurer, Perrine. Treasurer Charles Cullinan of District 3, Arbor Hose Company, is Lurtz, whose term expires. seeking reelection, with.

Gottlieb Frank Mannon announced that petitions must be filed by midnight, Feb. 11. Election will be held between 3 and 7 p. m. in the Arbor Firehouse.

Approval of the budget, totaling $4,950, also will be requested. Current budget, totaling $5,250, is somewhat higher than the new one. New Market John Orts, supervisor of safety for the Public Service Corporation, will address the New Market Parent-Teacher Association today at 8 p. m. in the school in conjunction with a safety program arragned by Police Chief Arthur H.

Schlunsen. Motion pictures on safety also will be exhibited. DIVE-BOMBERS BUSY In the Marshall Islands, Marine Corsairs and dive bombers dropped 645,325 pounds of bombs on by-passed atolly? during a single 30-day period, continuing their neutralization of Wotje, Mille, Maloelap and Jaluit. WHY BE FAT Get slimmer without exercise You may lose pounds and have a more slender, graceful figure. No exercising.

No laxatives. No drugs. With this AYDS plan you don't cut out any meals, starches, potatoes, meats or butter, you simply cut them down. It's easier when you enjoy delicious (vitamin fortified) A YDS before meals. Absolutely harmless.

In clinical tests conducted by medical doctors, more than 100 persons lost 14 to 15 Ibe. age in a few weeks with AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. Try a 30-day supply of AYDS, only Money back on the very first box if you don't get results. Tear out this ad as a reminder. FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT of the appointment of Sir Archibald Clark Kerr (above) as the new British Ambassador to the United States has been made by the London Foreign office.

Kerr will succeed the Earl of Halifax who has asked permission to resign his appointment on May 1st. (International) St. John's .750 St. Joseph's .000 Mustangs MHO HM .250 St. John's Mustangs 5 7 0P -21 Black Hawks -27 St.

Joseph's 18 U4 MIDGET LEAGUE Team Pet. Dodgers .750 Troopers .500 Dodgers NH -12 Troopers 6 GIRLS' LEAGUE Team Pet. MOB Escadulle 1.000 Mamuee .000 Gremblins .000 MOB Mamuce D' Acosta, 1 -000001 2 Wajno, Verse, Swenson, Goerg, 2 Tranonsky, 1 Conklin, 6 Beecter, McRone, 2 Leland, Dillon, 5 Dillon, Totals 10 1 21 Totals Score by periods: MOB -21 Mamuee Referee, Kostiuk; umpire, Barna. Gremblins Phillips, 1 0 0 Nye, 0 3 1 0 Golden, 0 Golec, Barone, Higgans, 0000. I Bevans, 0 Escadulle A 0 Brown, 3 Rennie, 2 Bolen, 0 Monohan, 0 Shields, 0 Marshall, 0 Dillon, 0 Totals Totals 0 12 Score by periods: Escadulle Gremblins 3 -12 Save! ROOF ON FREE YOUR ESTIMATE SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO All Materials All GUARANTEED Long-lasting slate- surfaced asphalt shingle roofs Phone 6-3611 SEARS Open West Saturday Front St.

Team Pet. Escadulle -12 Black Hawks 1.000 Referee, Kostiuk; umpire, Barna. Trigger quick starting SUNOCO PLUS DYNAFUEL INCOMPARABLE SMOOTHNESS SS HERE'S WHY ONLY DYNAFUEL GIVES YOU THIS PLUS ALL gasolines (including Sunoco Dynafuel) are composed of "light" and "heavy" mole. cules. As the gasoline goes into the cylinders from the carburetor, some of the "heavy" molecules separate from the rest of the gasoline and go to certain cylinders which get most of the "heavy" molecules while other cylinders get mostly "light" molecules.

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The Courier-News from Bridgewater, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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