St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

Nov. 2,1948 Grofir-Urtuttrrai. 7C River News MISCELLANEOUS QUOTATIONS DEATHS 20 Ma Flag Symbol dasataa Sao reastaramat a. bem a of a a tortilla aartai Kra Columbia Team Will Mee Eliot in Mee 7olloub31 bid and asted prices are obtained from the National Association of Securities tellers. Inc, and other sources but are unofficial.

They do net represent actual transac-, Moos. They ere intended eg a Snide Mt the approximate refine Within which thesis Securities could have been bought or gold at the time ef comyinsticag Orion es any quotation furnished on request. 4 Dwelt. Sid.Askod. Deseret.

BILAskod. Deselet. Sid. Alked. Airline Fd 1 I 24 Teeter VIM 14 58 Teases 4.17 4.13 'Bid pPppp 1.90 31.75 I.

iiimerAute 43Vg 4614 'hooker Corp 2 314 UM ,5.12 5.71 Chentital 11.14 12.21 tat Ex ek 2614 28Vg 'United Bk 170 180 NowePlanFd 4.40 4.75 Diversind 12.65 13.86 7311 taloa 2114 .28 Velvet 1 4 IncFoundFd 1.71 1.71 DIVOTS! nif 11.26 12.34 3 AIM. BS I. 4 3 INVESTMENT UNITS Incerainy 22.84 24.19 DivP1Stk 10.91 11.98 2114 234 NEW YORK, Nov. I insil Sh Ltd i Electaulp 8.69 9.52 Beer Ctrs 4 1 Avis. $.12 9.23 Siterehand 9.90 10.85 4 SostmetreNet 42 4534 Desept.

Bit Asked. Bank .71 .64 Metals 9.41 10.37 Chas Candy 5 1 AirneutSee 5.15 5.65 'astir 11.01, 1.12 Oils 17.63 19.32 thew 0 it 12 1314 AffillatF Ins 4.13 4.52 Stittedi 14.65 PacCgt 11.88 13.00 eine Color 814 4Vg Amereallid 21.75 27.75 InvCoAm 27.33 29.71 Railroad 8.28 6.81 00411.0 CM 1214 illivi AmBueShre 3.93 4.33 imarBost 7.46 RREguip 7.27 7.97 sew, ()sag 2, ti eii AseougaFd 7.94 8.58 KeysCustB1 27.29 Steel 9.45 10.36 Coronado Moe 23vg AxellouFB 15.47 16.82 KeysCus1132 23.65 25.80 NAtnTS1911 3.60e Dumont Lab 1314 14 Blairtield 3.25 4.00, KeysCustB3 11.62 18.13 NAmT819511 2.59 ElyWalk coat Soya 321,2 BelingTrAm 94.93 98.19 KeysCusti14 9.42 10.28 Mutnam0 FA 15.18' 16.32 qw 7 pf 22 88 BoslonFlas 19.70 21.30 KeysCustK I 11.37 17.87 RepubinvFd 2.87 3.15 Falstaff pi 1114 16 BreadSttng 16.88 18.25 KeysCust K2 22.51 24.55 RuseerlFil 26.70 28.71 Vint Nat 4514- 4814 BullockFd 18.28 20.03 KeysCustS1 27.12 29.59 SelectAmS 11.37 12.31 Fultes ge le 1014 CaninvFund 4.15 5.20 Key8Cust82 14.36 15.17 ShorehTr 20.00 21.50 -1, nudn )37 vs 145 vs twSihtr5slInry KK 152..27: 153..7827 248,..715, 31...7.5 1 Fe; ft tia 34 38 ChemitelFd 13.59 14.70 KeysCustS4 4,91 1.42 TrustindShs .80 .90 Ont Cellueet 2714 10 DeletverFd 15.10 11.50 Managed Funds Int UnBelFtl 17.73 16 87 View mot owe 25 DiversifIrE 6.97 8.00 Agrieultur 4.23 4.61 UnI3d1FriC 6.06 Karon if 2514 DividendShs 1.49 1.63 Automobil 1.67- 4.05 lin pfStkF 19.86 Mimeo tom 1014 1114 NSF(' 24.79 26.50 Stolen. 3,91 4.37 Un comStklf 8.01 i Long Bell I. 17 18 16.37 17.50 Drug 3.11. 3.45 WellingFel 17.15 18.72 PAW 8 34 V.

EguityIrSh 4.25 ElecEnuip 4.17 4.60 WhitehFd 11.17 mai HI MaDon All 2014 22114 FidelF Ins 25.31 27.36 Genind 4.18 4.61 I 'I' Mayfair Het 58 FirstBoseo 28.75 30.75 MomeFurn 4.01 4.49 BANK -STOCKS 1 Medea I FIrstMuTF'd 5.50 6.12 Non-Ferr 3.7 4.16 NEW YORK, NOV. 1 terceCemm 155 165 Fundinvin ,14.76 16.18 Paper 4.14 4.56 MereC Nat 1114 OenespCor 45.71 49.15 Petroleum 4.71 1.19 Desert. 141.Asked. MidCont Air 1 714 OeninvestIr 1.37 5.76 Steel 4.72 5.20 BkolAm SF 4414 4114 'dent Rub 11 1214 Group Securities 19141980ndA 7.35 8.05 i Bonk of Men 25 26 Midwest pf 41 4314 Agricultur 1.94 7.53 I MassinvIr 26.59 28.75 i Chase Nat 36 3817o I Miss Bare. 414 514 Autontobil 6.38 6.92 I Mess I2d FI 12.03 13.01 'Chem 4111 4331 1 I.

NM, Val Tr. 4914 5214 Aviation 5,66 8.15 Mutueling 14.92 16.31 i Fst Nat Boa 49 52va I Mutual Bk :50 Building 8.22, 6.91 NeW138113 13.65 14.65 i Irving Tr 1514 '614 Nati Oats 15 17 Chemical 6.38 6.92 Natlinv 9 314 ,15 .9.89 Nati City' 40 42 I NutrIne Candy VG, 7 Eleetris 10.61 11.50 6.73 7.36 1 INSURANCE Oberan gem 1 2 Foods 4.83 I Notional Sesurities Aetna Cas 79', 83. Oberman pf 54 Svc FulivAdm. 7.10 1.24 inwP13c1 6.45 7.05 Ins 49 51 Old Ben Coal 103412vg OenBond 7.73 8.38 srefiltk 6.90 7.54 Aetna his. 5314 5514 S11 N5 Am Auto 43.

1 Olin Ind 2414 26v7 1ndMcb 7.46 8.06 Zoleit l' 133.4 lineVelicilnedp :5939 indStk. 6.46 7.0:1 12mm i Reardon pi 21' iewPriced 6.44 6.99 LCu owPS1k 3.79 4.14 Contin 5614 58'4' 51114 8814' M'ehandis 7.38 1.00 Selected 3.86 4.22 1 Firemen'iNve 14'14 Ke II it CN 50 55 Mining 1.70 6.19 Speculativ 3.43: 3.75 14 19 11 I Sento eeta 11 13114 Petroleum 811 9.01 NewEngFel 15.02 16.16 i Gt Am-Ins 3231 333' Scrug pr 91 95 RRBend 2.49 2.72 Stocks Itariff! Fire Shopleigh 71 RREguip 4.34 4.72 Agricul 9.79 11.73 1 Horne Ins 21vg 31 Sub Pre lIge 9 10 PI 9 Stock 5.35 ..5.61 Automobll 6.73 7.36 Norte River 24 26V2 Trolley. tem 1 I Steel 5.71 1.20 Aviation 1,54 7.17 I ST. LOUIS STOCK TRAKISACTIONS -111413 IN 1111. Lew.

poser! attels, Blv. sk 13.a Amor Invest $1 50 I- I .1" 35.. totTlei 91M2(15e General Iles 1 70e General Meters 2 50o GS 40 Brie. Western 4 00o 24 14 Hyde Pork -'1 0 812tve 21:1: is; Ill 501 3117's int- Shoo 3 00 Via- 434 Laeltdo Gat 20 7 5 St Sere 'A' 31 1 214 Seu Ilin Steel Seers Roebuck Sears Roebuck 78 43 42, 4 '7'2; 13 Stilt 1.00 75 4412 1412 14''s ,14 14 BID AND ASKED PRICES ON OTHER STOCKS egoept. SIC Deseret' Bid.

Asked. odd lot. lot of or declared sloe koala. BIA I 10 I Landis Ii New York listed stock nine of Its fiscal, year. Burk 2m IPA.

10 I Bla A.20a I7, 20 not listed here, but ad- f-Paid In previous fia Cent El Ifea 11 114 Mo Port tee 1712 1712 mined to trading. a- cal year. kAccumulated .0 Clinton 2.40 2712 RS tom 2a 2712 1 Plus cams. b-Plus dividend paid so far 1 Emir pf 1 c12 Sterl A 1.05o 20 'stock dividend. e-Paid this year.

Falstaff 112 2712 Wagner 513.4 or declared In ,1948. 0- Tdtal stock sales. Huss 12 In 1947. in-Paid 1589 shares. eel 7I tutu RId.

A14 Bunk 2m 1714- 1g Cent El 1122 11 II tk 4721,: Falstaff 112 2712 0 Huss 12 Hey Co 6 71'2 Bid. Asked. Landis la Bia 20 Me Pore 1,20 17'ea tiS tom 2a 29, Steel A I.05e 20 Wiener Exdividend. Vegetables A Pe St Louis Daily Market Prices paid to first-hand receivers: POTATOES-Ida r. No.

1. $3 50 to best mainly. $31'5 to uti1. 12 to $3 15: No. 1 tlii-lb.

aks 47c. Colo. burbanks No. 1. Nebr.

tn. No. 1 $3.35 to $3 65: No. 2 and $2.85 to $3.25: to $3 25: throwouts $2,25: 10-lb 40e. Minn.

and N. warba, coml. or btr '53 to trt No. 1. $3.40: coml.

to cobb coml. or trte. unwashed. $2.25 to i $2.50: wished. 112 h0 to $2.75 Win.

Chippewa 2. S2 10: frt. $2.75 to 't $3, Ind chippewa No. 1. $2 hi) to $2.75.

aONIONS-Callf. sw. Spanteh 3 to Ida. aw. Spanish 3 In.

No. 1. to 1-3 $1.50 whites, $12,40. Utah s. Spanish 3 S'! Colo.

a. Spanish 3 52: to $2.10: 2-3 $150 to $1.60: Minn, $1.50 to $1.75. 1 b. Wis. yet $1 40 to $1.60.

Iowa $1 40 to it 1.65. Wis. white picklers. 14-lb. lugs.

$1.25 BEANS-La. hor. $3 no to At: boat mainly, A3.75; lee. and poorer. sax.

A2 to A3.50. BEETS --Ng. bnchit. 25e to 45e. CABBAGE-lows 50-lb sits, $1.125, Wig 65c to red.

$1.50. N. Mi. box. 75v, savoy.

90e. CARROTS-Calf, la. 6s. A3.50 to $4.25. Hg.

bnehs. doz 25e to 40c. CAULIFLOWER-Calif. pony $2,75. CELERY-Utah pascal clsd, ert lel 501 to S2.75.

Calif ik'! to $3'25. Mich. golden heart. ert $2 to $2.25: hearts SI to SI 25. He.

g. heart bnch. doz. Inedium. 75e to smaller.

CUCUMBERS-Fla. bu. tcy. Si to $1 50. tomboy'.

$-1: La. bu. 31, field run, to it350. "o' HORSERADISFI-Near-by bulk loads per ewt. net to growers: No.

1. SIR to $20, 'Pointy. $18 No. 2 49 to $10. trimmings.

I $3 to 914. LE1TUCE-Ca1irW4-5s $1 50 to $1 25. i beat mainly. $1. bulk of sales', St.1.5n to 1 $3.25, poorer Ida.

4-5s, $2 75, to $3.75. maiffly, $3 to $3.25. Poorer. SI: hx. leaf.

bh, and box. 300 to 50c. b. Boston, I let. "5c to0c 4, iceberg, hu.

box. 50e, MUSHR'OOMS-Midwestern pt. crtn 30e MUSTARD- Hg. bu box. to 65c.

PARsILEY-Ha. dos 20c to 25e. BaBBNIB8-Hg. $1.25. bu.

box. $1.75. PEAS-Calif, bit, 51 SC) to $4. RADIsHES-Mg. e.

red. 30c to 40e, Whites to 35c. SPINACH-Hit, bloomstiale. bu. box, 40c to itt.

plainly. 50c to 65c, late sales, 85c to Al. SWEET POTATOES-La, P. iRlean. Mt.

No. 1. $1,75 to $1 OW, he Ti. ball. bu.

box. $1 to ItIL50. P. Rican. l.2' to $'2.

sy. gold. SI 50 to $1.75. Mt. $2.

TomAToEs-Callt. lug No. j. 1.25. I mainly.

$2.50 to $2.75. 1-lb. ertns. 100 to 15c. TURNIPS-Hg.

40e to 75e, box cut. 25c to 511c. bttlk per Met growers. 50c to 6tic: $1. TURNIP bitoilcox, 40c to 65c.

Tic-Homegrown. Cotton Slightly Higher 20 SMITH-POISEY. Carer on Nov. -1. 1948,.

dear Mother of Jerry T. Poesay, dear sister of Edna Stewart and Sunshine dear grandmother ilium-in-law and aunt. Funeral Thurs. Nov. 4.

at 1:30 to from Baumaun Funeral Home. 2504 Woodson Overland. Inter- went Lake Charles Park, SMITH. SAMUEL G. 5 Bes-: con Ferguson, 31.

1948, bi-, loved husband of Barth Libby Smith; brother of Elizabeth Smith Wade. Eleanor Armistead, Cynthia R. Stn1tt4 dear uncla. Funeral from the White Funeral Rome. 118 N.

Florissant PIPITUS011, Nov. 3. 3:30 p. to Valhalla Chapel of Memories, Deceased wu a member of 'Tuscan Lodge No. A.

P. end A. M. litram Council No. 1.

R. and S. M. St. Louis Chapter No.

S. R. A. BC. and Mis- sourt Conswtory No.

1. M. R. 8. and Past President of Pilot Masters and Mites ociety.

SOMMERS, Russell Oct. 31 1948. 6 a. beloved father of Lawrence A. SOUIMent.

dear father-In-law, dear grandi ether el rent. C. Sommers dear uncle and couin. 1 Funeral from Sehnur Funeral Rome. 3125 Lafayette aye NOV.

3. 1 s. lntermen Memorial Park terv. SONDAG. HENRY 3715A ming ono Ort.

30. 194S, dear husband of Lenora tiOndas (nee Vehey). dear father of La Verne and P. tricia Sonclardear sOn of Emma Bondag. dear brother 'of Irma; Nettie awl P.00to.r Sondes and Dorothy perm and the late JOSePti Sondes.

1 Funeral from Kriegshauser 1 S. Kingshishway. on 'rues, Nov. st a. m.1 to Fop.

St. Ptus Church. Interittent Resurrection Cemetery A member of Painters Local. 1 No. 11.) and Hob Name Society of St.

Pius' Church. i tuoliNs Goethe avo Mon. Nov 1.1.911. beloved hue- band of ft'uth nee Paley). our dear brother-in-law and cousin.

Funeral from Ziegenhein Bros. for. h109 Holly Hills, Wed Nov. 3 130 P. ni Interment Belle fontsina Cemetery'.

Fulton tilo.) paperi copy. TnomrsoN, nu. I A TH AN F.Of 4139 Sell FreateleCei eve on Pun, Oct. 31, dear -beloved husband of 'Emily E. Thompson (nee Nagel).

dear father of Orrin GordOn Thompson, Mrs. Gertrude Maater ant Mrs. Ruth MeDon4 Funeral from Kr. gahausec, Mortuarl. 4'228 8.

Kingshiglway on Wed Nov. at p. thence to Val- halla Cremat-ory. A of Ed. Louis' Medical Somety int 'Modern Noodmea of Atnertes TOR RI -flit Y.

Play AMETH R. are Brune)Entered inr rest Nov. 19. 4S. age Ati years beloved wife of Al- feed B.

Torbltrity. or dear sister, In-law and 1 Funeral, from wilily residence. Ditto mei Wed. Nov. 3.

at 2 to St. Martin's feharchf. Dittmer. Mo. Interment St MartIn't Cemetery tiTROPIC.

FTC ANTIMONY 3.Of ifsbh iSOOnSin in the sem- ice of his country. Aug. S. 1415, in Germany. beloied gen of Emily- and the late John Vukovich dear' brother of Stephen and Mary nephew and uncle.

Funeral 3. 8:30 a. In from Moydell a. Wtssissippi and Allen to Joseph, Croatian Church. Twelfth' and Russell bl.

interment rrktion Cemetery. A member of St. Nckelas No. 10 I' 17 WALSH. WILLIAM I 151QA Areo on Sun.

Oct 31, 191,... dearly beloved huebanel of Mary R. Waleh. dear father of Thomas W. Walsh; dear of Joseph Dunlap.

dear broth- er of Margaret Miller, deer uncle of Rev, Jahn W. Miller. dear fatherin law and uncle Funeral from Krieershauser's Mortuary. i 122N S. KIngshikhaey bl 'on Wed Nov: 3.

at $'30 eLf to St. Crontn's Church. Shtermentl. Calvary Cemetery. President of St.

Viectont de Paul Soctety I of St. Cronin Fetish, rnernber of Holy Name Skutt, and United. Cammerclal Travelers. Holy Nine Society will meet 1 at chapel Tllee eventng at clock WERNER. JACOB Lowell at i entered into rest San Oct.

31. 144s dear father of Pdildreci. Jr Wil-' ham Werner. Mrs 'Myrtle Serwan. Mrs: Dorothy Snyder.

out -dear brother. broth. er-in-las lather-in law, grandfather and unele. Funeral from Di rich Funeral Notre. i B319 Halls Ferry rd Wed Nov.

3. 2 p. m. Interme Friedens Cemetery Deceased was a member of B. A.

R. ILR WHITNEY. FOWL 3I.Iiiii Ael- land on Sat. 0(3, 30,, 191M. at beloved ustiand.ot.Yinma M.

Whitney tee Re at. dear father of I Harry R. and Ed In Whitney. our -dear father-in-law grandfather. broth- I etr, brother-in-law nd uncle.

FuneralLteorn Calvin P. Petite Ftinerel I tome 1S, Natural Bridge bl Tuts Nov, 2. at 2 p. so 1nterment Memorial- Park Cemetery. Ms.

Whitney was a of Kevet rue Lodge No: t243.1, A P. and A. Consisiore N. 1.. M.

R. 13.. and, Temple Shrine WittYWORTit, WISLIAM --Of QSI3 Stella. on Mon No 1. husband of 'Dolly Whitworth, (nee 'Devisi.

dear father of Whitworth and AlIc 4 1 Kotrba, father-i th 1.1aw. grandfaer brother. brother-1 -law and Untie Remains' at ed Fendler Funeral Home. 7420. Aftchrami at Koeln.

Time WILLIAM 4423'. in Al-co on Oct. O. 19-IA. dearly, beloved heynand the late Catherine WoelblIng Nnee Re sent.

deer father of. Roy W. and Ralph A Woelbling. deer, '1 brother ofi Mrs.itrabeth Melltnuenster and Outrtav dear lather-in- law. brother-m-lew.

grandfather and uncle. 1 Funeral from rtegyhauser 42:8 South King whys! on V7 St 2 p. m. Interment Sunset Burial A member. of Lambskin Lodge'No.

'460. F. and 'A: and low Twelve Club MASONIC NOTICES 1 25 1 AURORA LODGE A. M. Regulr m.

Wpr. wIll be our its Weleotrie SUDDEN I No ChT. A. P. and cominunteamcm 73()- Steward D.

rlanalran, Lest opaaairs 4Vtors Pt NARRIS 4 CLiETON HEIGHTS LODGE No 520 HARMONY TEMPLE Called commumention Tues NOT. 9. to conduct Irte BROTHER A litruntraL.LIA I gm Be ES 2 2I N0 5 It. Louis I ,111 (MARIUS 0 SMITH. W.

M. Louis ae, ZIti lo. CHARUS 0 SMITH. W. M.

1 JAMES WNTERTON JR Eecretary. KEYSTONE LO DC n413. A. F. and A Li I dell bl Called corn- 1 inttrileatIOn Tests Nov.

2. I P. to perform the dies of burial over the remains of oun- late brother. EDWIN I WHITNEY. Services at eCalvi F.

482S Inci AI te. at 2 m. Members urged to attend. Visiting brethren re. pectfoily inviin KENNETH ITITETIO LAMBSKIN LODOE NO 460.

A. A. M. 1054 Haled-Oahu's, bl. Called comolunication at 1 Irk.

to conduct funeral iservices over the remains of our late brother. WILLIANI WOEBLING. Funeral from Kriertsbauser's at 2 II. M. GEOI BYRON.

W. M. C. BURROUGHS. Secretary.

MIZPAH LODGErl-slo 63g. A. F. and A Mounts Monah 'Temple, Garrison and Natural BridgeStated COMMUni 'cation Nov. 7:30 p.

M. M. Degree. Regular -business. log brethren welcome.


646. 6901 Delmar, --Special-regular communication 7 P. in. F. C.

Degeet, Visiting brethren wel. come. HARPY FIEBO. W.M. T.

O'ROURKE, Secretary. 'ALDEmAttOMMANDERY No. 18. K. T.Stated conclave Tuesday; Nov.

7:30 p. m. Transaction of business. Work in the Drder of the Visiting Sir Kn ghts welcome. W.

J. TUSCAN LODGE No. 360, A. P. aria' A.

6015 Westminster pl.Stated communication this evening at 8 o'clock. No degree work. Balloting. SENIOR WARDENS NI wr. Visiting brethren welcome.


P. and A. M.Special comlnunization this ((Caning at 7 o'clock to Conduct funeral service' of our late brother, AlA)NZO a HODGES Services at 0,0. L. Pleitech Funeral 5966 Easton ave.

at 4 p. nt. VOLA B. RAG. W.


and A. Lindell bl.Specialstated meeting Tuesday. Nov. 2. 7 p.

m. Work F. C. Degree. Visiting brethren Welcome.

I PRESTON E. pirrs, W. W. SPECIAL NOTICES 31I 1 ON and after thls date I will not be responsible for ony debts contracted by anyone other than myself. HENDERSON LOWE.

1712 Newstead. LOST AND FOUND 30 COLLIE Lost; female: 2 yrs. old; brown and Pet: liberal reward. RE. (ll 58.

GLASSESLbst: horn rimmed. bifocal, green case. on Newstesd, Natural Bridge or Pine Lawn; reward. CO. 5733.

SUM or after 5 weekdays. BATLost: irreY; 45xx back of TvarIal Saturday night; reward. Return to Daisy Wilson. 823 N. 18tb.

LADY'S GOLD VI4ATCHLast; mune (Glenn Johnson) bn the back; liberal. reward. HI. 4545, FURSELost; black leather; Olive car Monday a. nt.

reward. DE. 6066. WATCHLost; diamond platininsi-f: vicinity Lindenwood Express bus. down-.

town; Monds7 Morning; liberal reward. HU. 3403 PERSONAL .32 EDMUND-1 waltedvall evening for you to call. I'm terribly worried. Mother euspecte something.

VIROINIA. still angry but 11 orgie----Harold I left for Detroit. He's wir yoAuroNfog3lieh- neaL VEWARD 8100c information 1 int to contact wi Howard C. Kittel. son.

Contact, Chief of Police. St. Units. DETECTIVESt 35 DETECTIVE WILKERSON dose 1 ins and ail Kinds ineestigaUng: bonded 820 N. JE.

8894. .1 WHEN IN 00T. lrerscritic-alialtjaaadows. traFer, locates everywhere: no oblItatkms lot tnterviews: licensed. bonded.

CA. 0776. 1 II Additional Classified Continued Next Page DEATHS DEATHS 20 MARGARET (nee Foot. stel)FOrtified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church; widow of, the late Juengermann. dear, mother of Sister Marie Louise of Daughters of Charity Of St.

Vincent de Paul. our dear aunt. Mrs. Juengermarin in state at Funeral Nome. 1905 S.

Orand bi, after 10 a. m. Tues. until- 4:30 thence to St, Vincent's Chapel, 7300 St. Charles Rock rd.

Requiem mass a. m. Interment SS. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. A member of Ladies of Charity and Married Ladies of SS.

Peter and Paul's Church. KAENTER ARTHUR Keokuk. Oct. 30. .1948.

beloved eon of Mrs. Anna Reenter thee Gasket and the late W. Kaenter dear brother of Adele Frank A. Fred W. Jr" Angela Larson and Cecelia Nichols.

dear brother-in-law, uncle. nephew and cousin. Funeral from Wingbermuehle PUterld Home. -3819 S. Grand, Wed.

Nov. 3. 8:30 h. to St. Anthony Church.

terment Park TAWT1 Cemetery. KENNEY. THOMAS D.Of 4h66 Verret- twin on Oct 29. 1943. dear husband of Eva Kenney thee Griffith).

dear father of Thomas John. Robert. -Eva. Clarence. Richard.

Patricia and Eileen Kenney, dear brother. brother-infather-in-law, cousin, grandfather and uncle. Funeral fro --Kriettshauser Mortuary; 4228 South Kingshighway on Nov. 2. at 9730 a.

to St. John the Baptist Churcn. interment Calvary Cemetery. A clerk for the Police Dept. for 40 years and a member of Married Men's.

litodality of St. John the Bertilt Church, KLAUS. MARIE 225.7 Indiana. On Mon Nov. 1.

1948, at 4:25 I. dear daughter of Anton and Katherine Klaus (nee Berton) and.our dear cousin. -Funeral from Mutts Funeral' 110Me. 2906 Gravois. Nov.

4, 8.30 a. m. Requiem macs St. Francis de Sales Church. Interment Resurrection CeMeery.

ERANK-276S Caroline st. on Sun. Gat. 31, 1948. fortified with tho sacraments of Holy Mother Church.

de ak brother of Joseph King of Superior. Ariz. our dear uncle and brothorpin-law. Funeral a. from Jahn L.

Ziegenhein At, Sons Funeral Home. 7027 to St. Joseph's Croatian Church. Twelfth and Russell. Interment Resurrection Cemetery.

Membre alf Sioga KRAMER. ROSE (neo 5202 Bancroft, on Oct ao. 194s. fortified with the ascrsments Holy Mother dear Wife of the late Bernard Kramer. dear moths' of Rosalie Court and Ursula O'Connor.

dear sister. sister-in-law. mother-in-law. co I n. grandmother and aunt.

Funeral from Ft rtegshauser Mortuary. 4224 S. Kingshighway ht. on Nov. 2, at 830 e.

to St. Mary Magdalen -Interment SS. Peterand Paul Cemetery Please note change of time. LYNCH, MONTGOMERYOn Sat. Oct.

1944, husband of the late Clara i Bell Lynch. brother of Will Lynch -of Redmond. Ore uncle Of Payton and Catherine Lynch 'of Richmond, Va. Mr. Lynch at the Alexander Chapel, il 1.5 Delmar bi, until noon 'I ues.

Services at Grace Methodist Church. Stinker and on Thee. at p. m. Mr.

Lynch was a member of Tuscan Lodge No 36n, A. and A. M. McGINNIS. JOHN 0Of 12279 formerly of 3133A Humphrey st.

31. at .11 fortified with the sacraments of Roly, Mother dear brother of Misa Mary Muldoon. Funeral rom M. J. Croghan Sons' Funeral -Home.

7146 Manchester- eve Nov. 3, at 8:30 a. to St. Pius Grand and Utah. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

A member of Laclede Council No. 1196. K. of and Brotherhood- of Railway, Please omit, flowers. MeGRADE, CHENOT-Of 5S17 Page bi on Sat Oct.

wife of the late Henry C. McGrade, dear mother of Frank T. McGrade. dear grandmother Of Helen McGrade and our leer aunt. Funeral from Stuart Az Sans Chapel.

Union and Page bl. On Nov. 3 at 8:30 a. tn. to St.

Rose's Church. Inter ment Calvarv MeGRATIL WILLIAM (MACKISud denly at Loa Angeles. Car. on 29: 194S, beloved son, the late Daniel and Mathilda McGrath. dear brother of Johaqdt Laumann, Alice and Thomas McGrat ear friend of.

Pauline Moderr dear brat er-in-law, uncle. nephew and Mr. McOrath will lie In state Xriegshauser Mortuary. 422 8 S. Kings-highway after 7 p.

Nov. 2. Funeral Mira at 8:30. a. to St.

Mary Magdalen Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. A member of 12Sth Field Artillery Fast Na. 328 American' Legion McNICOL. GENEVIEVE Of '7013 Clatremore on Nov.

1. 194S. 'beloved wife of James' R. McNicol. dear, mother of Mrs.

Marie Schweitzer, daugh1 ter of Mrs. Genevieve Bender. dear sis- ter of Isabelle Holley. Marie Murrhr. Clementa Drayton.

out dear sister-in- 2 law. mother-in-law. grandmother and Enneral from Clark Funeral Home. 1125 Nod lamOntC on Nov 4. at a.

to Ascension Church. 7101 Natural, Bridge thence to St Peter Cemetery. MEIER, HERMAN 1,, 194S. 2:30 a. tn.

at Germantown, beloved hasband of Mary Meier Inee Welling, dear. father of Catherine Elention, Vincent. Meter, Bernadette Seib. Rose Lampe and August J. Meter Funeral from St: Bonifacts Church 9 a.

m. Interment St. Bonifacis Cemetery at Germantown. MILLER, ALEXANDER M.Mon., 1. 1'48.

our dear friend. Remains at Mayer Funeral ROMP, 4356 Lindell bl. Burial Mount Sinai Cemetery Wed 10 a. m. MILLIGAN.

JENNYOf 121X Bale on Oct. 31. 194S. dear aunt, great-aunt and cousin. In her 92d -year.

Funeral 'ram Wriegshauser's 422S Kingshighway on Wed, Nov. at 9:45 s. to St. Cronat's Churcla! Interment Caivarr MORGAIN. WILLIAM the BITM13 Apartments.

2266 Yale aye Maplewood. Nov. 194X. beloved husband of Joyce L. Morgan nee Lelley), dear father of Donald B.

and William D. Morgan Funzal trom the Eppp bapel, Hanley rd. and Forsythe Interment Elm Lean t'ernetery. NESTLIt. OTTiLIA J.

(nee Milentz. Oct. 29. 1946, dela. WIle of the late Oeorge R.

Nester. deer mother of Eleanore Unger and Elmer F. Nee- ter, dear sister suiren-iti-lew. mother-in- law, grandmother. great-grandmother and aunt.

I Funeral from Criticstenser Mortuary. 422s South Kingshighway. Nov. 2. 9:30 a.

m. to Our Lady of Sorrows Church. Entombment Valhal'a Maus-'etun. ORTRALS, H. JOHNOf 44.44 Dahlia I on Oct.

31. 194S. fortified with the Sacraments of Poly Mother. Church. Beloved husband of Elizabeth.

Ortbals (nee Heitztnani. dear father of Edwin, Ray W. Milton and Wilma Ott- bah( Loretta Tocit. Alvina Diekmann, Florence Jennings and Helen Boedges, dear brother. brother-in-law.

father-in, law. grandfather and uncle. Funeyal from Kriegshauser Mortuary, trl'llf Kincshigheay on 'Wed 'Nov. 3 lat m. to Our LAO; of Sorrows Church.

Interment Resurrection: Cemetery. A member of Married Men's Sodality, Ushers Guild, Rosati Dramatic' Club and St. Vincent De Paul Society of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish and C. of A Prorub Nr. PALM.

CARL Randall entered 'Into rest Sun Oct. 31. 1948, beloved 1 husband of Palm, our -dear brother-in-law and uncle. Funeral Wed Nov. 3.

1:30 from W. A. Stock Mortuary, Grand and Florissant. Mr. Palm was a member of Swedish National Society and Meat Cutters and Butcher; Local 545 API PRIMM, JEAN Lisette fell asleep Bat- Oct, 30.

1948. dearly beloved husband of Dollie L. Primm. dear father of Durward Primm, dear brother. brother-in-law, uncle and "veal, Uncle Funeral from Kriegshauser Mortuary, '422s Zingshighway Wed.

Nov. 3. 1:30 m. Zntombnient Mount Bob. ROW, FRANCES JOSEPHINEOn Ck-t.

O. 1P48. dear wife of the late Greenfield P. R060, mother of Julia Bruce. Ca the McDaniel.

Blanche Ringer and Rattle Curry and our dear frondmothm, aunt and mother-in-law. Funeral from the Alexander Chapel, 6175 Delmar on nterment Valhalla. StalDBISINK, LOCISK E. (new 8trati4-- Of S72ti Magdalen ave Brentwood, Me. on Nov.

1. 1948, beloved wife of-- Joseph R. Damns-Mk. dear mother of Jeanne a.nd Thomas J. Sanclbrink, our dear stster-ln-law and cousin.

Funeral from M. J. Crognan and Sons runeral Home, 7146 Manchester, On Thurs Nov. 4 lit 9:30 4. Bt.

ry Ma Magdalen Church, Brentwood, Mo. Interment, Resurrection Cemetery. SCHERSTVHIL, RUTH A. (see Fleisher) Pt 37112)). Keokuk on Oct.

314 194. dearly beloved wile of Sydney M. Scherstuhl. dear mother of Joan Victoria and Robert Prank Scherstuhl. dear daughter of Louis H.

and Dora M. Fleisher inee Kuhn), dear sister of Harold L. and Paul M. iHeisher. dear daughter-In-law of Prank and the late Lydia.

Srherstuhl. dear stster-In-law, granddaughter. niece and aunt. Funeral from Kriegshauser Mortuary, 42 S. Kingshighway on Nov.

3. st p. tn. Intzrment New St. Marcus Cemetery.

6 SEVIER. JOSEPH 3655A nica entered Into rest on Oct. 31. 1948. at 1:50 a.

beloved husband of Cecile Seller (nee Thieman), dear brother of Emil Seller, dear uncle, son-In-law and brother-in-law. Funeral Nov. 3. at 9:30 a. trnm Goodbart Goodhe St Funeral Home.

222M St. Louis sec, to St. 14 borine Church. Interment Ctivari Cemetery. "-Deceased wee a ranber of MarquettatCouncil 606.

K. et and the Anglers of Missouri. Inc. SITETIVIN. PPC.

smarms in action tri Prance on Aug. 21'; 1944. OD 5112 Wabada. dear son of Jamas and Lucille Sheeran thee Miller). dear brother of Rose May Sheeran, our dear gnmdsort, nephew and cousin.

Funeral from Sullivan's. Euclid at St. touts on Nov. 3. et 9:30 a.

m. to Bleseed Sacrament Church. Calvary Remains will he In state after fi p. nt. on Nov.

2. SIMON. 1101r--01 5442 Chippewa on 1. 1948. dear beloved husband et Wright dear brother.

Funeral from It rlegatuitmer 4228 8. Kingshighway on Nov. 4. at 14 a. in.

Interment Belle The Carmac, 120-foot inspection boat of. Cargill, arrived in St. Louis yesterday for a 10-day stay and docked south of the Admiral on the river front. The steel vessel has a crew of 14 and operates on the Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico, as well as the rivers. It came here from Minneapolis.

I The Federal. Barge Line's Franklin D. Roosevelt was more than 100 miles up tho Missouri River, bound for Omaha on a special trip to mark the completion of that tity's barge terminal. The Roosevelt, due tn. Kansas City Thursday, will drop one barge there and then will continue to Omaha with a second barge, arriving there Saturday.

Stages and Forecasts 1 River stAges and forecasts from reports to the United States Weatber Bureau at a. wi. NM 1. 1948; Flood Stage Chance Stage 7 a. tn.

24 bra. Stations. In feet. in feet. In feet.

Hastings. Minn. 15 4.4 1 La Crosse, Wis. 12 .00 Dubuque. Ia.

18 iti8 I .00 Davenport, Ia. 15 31 -I- OA Keokuk. la. 1 14-04 Iiannibal, MO. ,11 1.

Louisiana. Mo. 1 .8 1, .00 Dam 24, tallwater 23 12.7 i .00 Miss. Dam g5. tallwater 23 12.0 -914 Morris, 111.

13 6.0 Peru, III. 17 8.4 .00 Peoria, 18 12.1 .0.1 Havana. BLL 14 Beardstown, III. 14 9.g Grafton, '18 MO Dam '2 6 at Alton, 111.1 Pool .1 23 3 .00 Tailwater 00 Ilismatek, N. D.

14 ruerre, EL I 1.5 slow citr. Ia. ,19 4.9 .00 Omaha. Neb. 1 9 .4 Nebraska City.

Web. 11 8.2 St. Joseph. M. 1 8.7 Kansas City, Mo 2 8.8 .00 Waverly, Mo.

18 10 0 Chillicothe, Mo. 18 3.8 Brunswick, Mo. 12 Boonville. M. 21 .0 9 Jefferson City.

Ito. 23 7.9 S1 Lakeside. Mo. 6 50.9, .1 Bt. Thomas, Mo.

2 1.9 -Oa Jerome. Mo. 1 Hermann. Mo. 1 .00 St, Charles.

M. 25 11.. t. ST. LOUIS.

MO. 34 --4J .2 10.1 Meramec Park 7 Md. 11 1.6 .00 Union. Mo 12 0.2 .00 Valley Park, Mo. 14 r-1- 0 1 Meramec MO.

11 1.6 .00 Union. Mo 12 0.2 .00 Valley Park, Mo. 14 Chester. Xli. 27 1.8 Cape Girardeau, Mo.

32 8.1 Pittsburgh Pa. 25 16.7t .00 Parkersburg. W. ao 10.8t r0.2 Cincinnati, Ohio 52 11.74 Louisville. lo-wer I.

55 10.0 0 4 Evansville. Ind. 42 9.14' .00 Mount Carmel. M. 17 1.1 0.3 Nashville, Tenn.

40 g.0 Chattanooga. Tenn. 30 '07A Florence, 8 10 0.7 Dam 52. Brookport, rn. 37 9.8 Cairo.

40 8.8 New Madrid, Mo. 34 3-7 -OM-Memphis. Tenn. 34 10.0 Helena. Ark.

44 3.5. Fort Smith. Ark. 22 4.2 -0 1 Van Buren. Ark.

22 4.6 Little Rock. Ark. 23 0.4 .00 Arkansas air. Ark. 42 Vicksburg.

Miss. 43 Shreveport. Los 314 .4 .00 Camden. Ark 26 4 New- Orleans to. 17 2 1 tPool stage.

Data including precipitation for yesterdfty. RIVER FORECASTS The Illinois will not change ch during the next 48 hours. The Missouri from Lexington to Glasgow will fall during the next 43 hours; from Glasgow to Hermann it will rise; except change little at Hermann for about 24 hours; below Hermann it will not change much. 'Stages Indicated 'Tuesday morning: Lexington, I 2 3 -feet: Waverly, 9.9 feet; Boonville. N.I feet: Jefferson City.

8.1 feet; Hermann. 7.5 feet: St. Charles. MO feet. The Mississippi from Dam 24 to Cape Girardeau will not change materially during the next 4A hours.

Stages indicated Tuesday morning: Grafton, 14.9 feet; St. Louis. toot: Chester 2.1 feet. At St. Louis there will hi no material in the next 48 hours.

Weatlier Reports From Other Cities UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OP COMMERCE. WEATHER BUREAUData for 24 hours ending at 7.30 p. central time. Nov. 1, 1948; Temperature STATIONS.

High Low Precip. Atlanta. Ga. 75 591 Bismarck N. D.

55 37', Boston. Mass. 52 Chicago, III. 67. 45 Cincinnati.

Ohio 69 55- Columbia. Mo. 64 50 .77 Denver. Colo. 65 31 Des Moines, 61 45 Detroit, Mich hi 54 Ednionton, Alberta 42 18 El Paso.

Tex. '71 1 tort Worth. Tex. 77 62 Galveston, Tex. 83 72 .05 Havre, Mont.

50 33 Huron. D. 50 29 High Low: Atlanta, Ga. 75 59' Bismarck. N.

D. 55 37', Boston. Mass. 52 4. Chicago.

III. 67 45 Cincinnati. Ohio 69 55-, Columbia. Mo. 64 50 Denver.

Cob. 65 31 Des Moines. Ia ()I 45 Detroit, Mich. hi 54 Edmonton, Alberta 42 18 El Paso. Tex.

'71 41 Fort Worth. TeL 77 62 Galveston. Tex. 83 72 Havre. Mont.

50 33 Huron. D. 511 29 Kansas City, Mo. 60 50 L08 Angeles. Cal.

82 '53 Medicine Hat. Alberts 44 21 Memph is. Term. 7 55 Miami. Fla R0 74 Mills -St.

Paul. Minn. '70 41 New Orleans. La. 74 65 New york, N.

Y. 58 55 Oklahoma City, Ok. 62 60 Omaha. Neb. 59 42 Phoenix.

Ariz. 75 43 Pittsburgh. Pa. 59 52 Portland. Ore.

47 36 Prince Albert. Sask. 47 14 T. 1,91:18 CITY 69 55 Louis Airport 68 50 Salt Lake City, Utah 62 San Francisco. Cal.

65 g6 Springfield. Mo. 65 5R Washington. D. C.

70 48 Winnipeg, Manitoba 44 30 .87 28 57 I. 03 Hog Prices Lower; Steers; Lambs Up The market for live bogs st National Stockyards yesterday was mostly 25c to 50c per hundredweight lower than Priday's average, but some sales were down ss much as 75c. Compared with Saturday, the market was unchanged to 25 cents lower. The hulk of the good and choice 14) to 270 pound hogs brought to $2a. Top was $23 early in the session.

while most late sales were made at $2475. weights of hogs were in supply. Salable receipts amounted tct 12.500, against 14,792 a aweek ago and 8334- a year ago. In the cattle trade. steers were moderately active and unevenly strong to 50c higher.

Heifers. cows and bulls were, mostly 50c up and veelers were The majority of the good steers sold between $29.50 and 334, but 14 of the best yearling steers brought S36. Top on vealers was $34.50. Salable receipts of cattle amounted- to 6000 and calves 1000, against 7015 cattle and 2004 calves a week earlier and 9999 catble and 3h90 calves a year ago. Fat lambs- and yearlings were strong to 5c higher generally but some sales of yearlings advanced 50c.

The bulk of the good and choice wooled lambs gold at $24'to S24.75. Latter price was top. Receipts amounted to 3000. against 5617 and 2793. The market will open today as usual.

United States Department of Agriculture reported the hog trade as follows: Good and choice 180 to 270 pound hogs, 324.75 to 325: top. 525; late sales mostly $2475; heavier weights 150 to 1,0 pounds, $24.25 to 324.75: lev, 130, to150 pounds, 322.50 to 324.50: good sows 400 pounds down. 3'2175 to 323.75: over 400 pounds. $20 to $21.50: stags. 1650 to $20.

Cattle. majority good steers. S2950 to 334 14 head yearling steers. $36: medium steers largely $23-50 to $28: good heifers and mixed yearlings. $2650 to 3321 one, load good 855-pound heifers at $32: common and medium, $19 to $25: common and medium cows, $17 to $20: odd head good.

S21; canners and cutters mosly 313 to $17: medium and good bulls, $21 to $2.50: cutter and common, $17 to $20: good- and choice vealers. 27 to common and medium. $17 to $27. Sheep. bulk good an'd choice wooled lambs.

$24 to top. 32475 to all interests for moderate sprinkling; considerable scattering of medium and good lambs. $22 to $23.75: cull to medium thmwouts. $16 to 521: geveral loads good and choice shorn lambs, $23.75 to $24: deck medium and good Texas clipped lambs. No.

2 skins $22.50 several decks medium and good wooled yearlings. $20.:50 to 322: load good to choice, 822.50: aged sheep steady; slaughter ewes, $7 to $8-50. bell 36. 39. To wrench 42.

Conjunction 43.To pound with foot 31: Inactive 33. Neat 35. Ring, es 45. flelen's city 46. Forty winkl 48.

Slanders 50. $esame M. Glacial ridges 53. Departed 55. Regarding 56.

To come 10 uo Lxvintrkrta 55. Regarding 56. To come 2.1Sloth tered 4. 'God of love 5. Willow basket 6.

13arium 7.For exam- pie (abbr.) a Lump 1(slang) 9. Soviet city 10.1 Retaliation IL Sword 3Z I IlI 15. 1mb 154 KA55 4, laBANES, WILLIAM L. Prisoner of war, Gooks. Japan.

June 11., 1943. eon of Mr. and William L. Baker of 7236 gorsithe. University City.

Services from C. R. Lorton 7233 Delmar 2 p. Nov. 3.

Burial Gait Grove Cemetery. BALTZ, PFC. HAROLD W.Killed in action in Germany on Dee. 1. 1944, of Cape Girardeau, Mo, formerly of Pocahontas, Ark.

Funeral from Sullivan's, Euclid at. BL Louis on Wed. Nov. 3. at 8:30 a- m.

to Blessed Sacrament Church. National Cemetery, Jefferson Barraeks. Deceased was a member of BC Vincent Council No, 1111, Knights of Columbus, Cape Girardeau. Mo. Members of all councils will meet at Sullivan's Ptmeral Home Tues, Nov.

2. 1948. at 8 P. m- BARRETT. GERTRUDE P.On Mon.

Nov. I. 1948. mother of Mrs. Robert Lee Morton and Mrs.

Harry Eviston McGovern and sister of Alroy S. Phillips. Funeral services at Wagoner Chapel, 4161 Lindell 2:30 HP. -rhurco BASTIAN. JOSEPH 1.of fitiS5 Labs- die on Oct.

31., 1948,, at 6:20 p. beloved husband of the late Henrietta E. Bastian (nee Richter). -dear father of. Joseph Harry Bastian and Mrs.

R. Emmett Byrne, 'dear brother of Charles Bastian. our ci a a brother-in-law. grandfather and uncle. Funeral from E'uclid at Bt Louis on Nov.c3 at 1:3) p.

zn. Interment Bellefontaine Cemetery. A member of Contracting Plumbers Amociation, ant North Bt. UM Buttnessmens Association. BAUMAN.

EDWARD Quincy Sun. Ova 31, -1948. beloved bus- band Of the late Bauman. dear lather of Edward J. Bauman and Mrs.

Anna Goddard (nee Bauman), dear brother. brother-ln-Law. tather-in-law grandfather and great-grandfather. Funeral from Ziegenheln Bros. Mortuary.

6409 Gravols at Holly Nov. 3, 3 p. m. Interment New St. Marcus Cemetery.

Mr. Bauman was a member of Royal League Constant Nb. 115 and Brewers and Maltsters Union No. 6, BAUMAN, LOUISE M. (nee Carron)--- Of Bioomsdale, suddenly on Nov.

1. 1948, at 11 a. In. beloved wife of 'Marna J. Bauman.

dear mother of Welton, 011ie, Lee, Arthur. Harvey and Vincent Bauman, Mrs. Dorothy LUCAS and Mn. Edith Ridley, our dear sister, mother-in-law, grandmother great-grandmother and aunt. Remains in state at Euclid and St.

Louis avenues. until Wed Nov. 3 et 10-a. thence to Basler Funeral Home, Ste. Genevieve, BECK.

ERVIN D.Of 2804 Pasteur ave. On Sum Oct. 31. 1948. beloved husband of Carol Beck (nee Kilgore).

deer father of Dorothy Howard. Kellen Everist, Imogene Ewart, Ermon, LeRoy and David Beck. Funeral Nov. 3, at 1:30 p. In from Baumann Bros.

Funeral' Rome. 25fl4 Woodson Overland. Interment Mount Lebanon Cemetery. REilEERLE, ROSA (nee Rupp) Of 3809 Connecticut. formerly of 916 Wyoming on Oct.

31, 1948. beloved wife of the late Michael Reck-, erle, dear mother of Theresa Kratky John, Henry, Fred and Edward Beckerle, our dear mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. Funeral from Witt Bros. Chapel. 2029 s.

Jefferson ave. 1 :30 p. to New St. Marcus Cemetery. taBERRA, CAPT.

CHARLBs. Of .6043 Pernod, killed in action in Germany, Nov. 18, 1944. dearly beloved on of Ida and the late Emil Berra, dear brother of Mrs. Louise Beer-.

znann and John F. Berra. dear brother-in-law. uncle, nephew and cousin. Graveside )services at Resurrection Cemetery.

Watson and McKenzie on Nov. 3, 2:30. p. Kriegsh'auser Service. BOEMLER, WALTERAt Indianapolis, Oct.

Eh. beloved husband 4 of Minnie Boemler, dear father of George. Robert and Norma. dear brother of Gladys, and Trances Weiser (nee Boemler). BOONE.

LAR ROEGER--On Sat Oct 30, 1904. Wife of Daniel J. Boone, Ester of Clarence Kroeger. Private service was held. Entombment Oak Grove Mausoleum.

BROCKMAN. HERBIERT Msse ly Clayton. entered suddenly Oct. 30. 4M 11O a.

in husband of the late Hilda Demkey Brockman (nee Pohlmann), (losr father of Mrs. Iona Mrs. Arlene Schroeder. Elmer and Edwin clear brother of James D. Charles and JosPoh Brockman, our dear grandfather, father-in-law.

brother-la-jaw and uncle. Mr. Brockman will lie in state at New Douglas, Noy. I noon until 7 thence removed to Math Her-Mann Sons Chapel, Fair and West Florissant ayes rues. 110 a.

Funeral Wed Nov. 3 at I in. Interment Bethel Cemetery. Fond. Mo.

BROCKMAN. HILDA DEMKEY (nee Pehimann)Of New Doug bus. 111.. entered into rest suddenly Oct. :10, 194S.

at 11'30 a. beloved wife of the late Herbert R. Brockman. deer daughter of the late William Pohlmann, dear sister of Mrs. Mary Selser.

Mrs. Lydia Head. William, Otto, Albert and Oscar Pohlmann and the late Edward P0111- mann, dear sister-in-law and aunt. Mrs. Brockman will lie In state In New Douglas, Ill 1, noon until 7 p.

thence removed tct Math Hermann Song Cliapele, Fair and West Florissant Tuese 10 a. tn. 'Funeral Nov. 3 It 3 p. nt, Interment Friedens Cemetery.

BUCK. MARY Iowa on Oct. 194R. wife of the late Charles Buck, dear mother of L. Buck.

dear sister of Arthur J. and Charles Cunninghant ickir deag sister-in- law and aunt. Funeral from Oebicen Chapel. 26301 Tavola, mi. Wed-, Nov.

3, at 9:30 a. In, St. Wenceslaus- Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. COLLINS, FRED Oct.

19-18. dear on of John E. Collins. dear' brother of Elden W. Collins Alton, Funeral front Morrell Funeral Home.

4212 St. Louis Nov. at 10 a. M. nterment National Cemetery.

Barracks. EMERY, CLARENCE Nov. 1. 194M, at 11:15 a. dear father of Helen.

Clarence Jr. and Alice WitanIts Emery, dear brother of Mayme Webster. Waunita Emery. 1 Carrie Whiting. Viva Moore and the late Ruby Meyer.

dear. brother-in-law. uncle and cousin. Funeral from Schnur Funeral -Home. 3125 Lafayette Nov.

a. at 3 p. m. Interment Valhalla Cemetery. GARLOCK.

MARY ANN (nee Kraemer) --of 7405 Wise Nov. 1, I 10 a. dear Mother of Howard. Floyd. Laura and the late Ruth Garlock our sister.

mother-in-law. grandmother, great-grandmother aunt and cousin Funeral from Watson-Bocklage. 6536 Clayton Nov 3. 2 p. m.

Richmond Heights Presbctertan Church. Silverton pl. and Lindbergh dr. Interitent Valhalla cemetery, Parking rear of funeral home GRIESBAUM. HENRYOf New Baden entered into rest at S'10 Oct 31 beloved husband of Helena Oriesbaum.

father of Francis Oriesbaum and brother of Xavier, Emil. Louis and Erwin Oriestiaum. Mrs. John Schaefer and Mrs. Marcy Edwards.

Funeral at 2 p. m. Nov. 3. from the Zion tvangelical add Reformed Church.

New Baden. to Baden Cemetery. Rev. H. 1...

pastor of the church. and Rev Otto Bassler of Waterloo will officiate. Friends rnay call at The Hempen Funeral Home. New Baden. after ti p.

n't. today until noon West when body be removed to church. JULIA Oct. 30. 194h.

dear sister of Mary. Agnes. Georg. and Al our dear autter-tn-law and aunt. Funeral froth Ttobert'i Funeral Home.

1905 H. Grand hi Nov. 3. a. m.

to Holy Family Church. Interment, Calvary Cemetery. HESTER. ERNE5T-18lb La Salle. Nov.

lq4S 4:15 a. dear husband of Jewell Heater. dear son of Nethe Heater. our dearbrother. brother, Am-in-law.

uncle and Ptmeral from Eutis Poneral Home, CIO Grooms. Nov. 3. 1.3t) p. nt.

Interment New St, Marcus Cemetery. WEISNER, LULA (ater'Zero)--Of 6517 Arsenal on Sot Oct. 30. 1943. dear Wife of the late Walter C.

Weisner. dear mother of Walter J. Heisner. dear sister or John and Charlie Zerm and our deor sister-m-law, alOther-in-lae, grandmother and aunt. P'uneral from Kriegsbauser Itortunry.

4228 South Kingshiglurs, on rtbee Now 2. at S'311 to SolohnnY Church. Interment Mirk Loon HOLSHES See Settervtuhl. HUMPLEIt. PLANK 4 iota.

t. 31. 11443. beloved bus. band of the late Johanna Seamier dear tattler of anrut I A Haarhain and Jewel Mueller, our dear brother.

brother-in-law. father-in-law. grandfather. grout-grandfather and uncle. Funeral Floc.

3. 130 ill. le from the Jos FenCer Jr. Funeral Home. Michigan at Nage.

Interment Hamra Cemetery. ALONZO ELOf 10743 Lack-link rd suddenly en Mon- Nov. 1. 194cl dear husband of the late Armente Births Hodges. beloved lather of Mrs.

AMbe Kinsey and Alden B. Hodges and eur dear beother-lii-Mer. father-m-law. gruttlather. great-gnuidlattter and isnot.

in tut r3rd rear' Pmen Nlm. 3, et 1:30 In from the Cleo. L. Pleltsch Chapel. 5 Zeman ave.

interment Mount Lebanon Cemetery Mr, Hodges eras a member ot Waletife Lodge 613, A. F. A Alhambra Gto and Hee Morns Chewer No O. Z. S.

Masonic services Toes. at p. In- nt, chapel lot In rear of )11ENN1E toes Violet) 3222 suddenly on 30. 1 4 wickew of Andrew Hoffmann. dear mother of Andrei, V.

Krvin and MAL Basel Creath dear mother-in-law. mint. Itrantimottmor and greett-ltrende mother. Service at Wagoner Mortuary, 4161 bt Nov.A3, 2 p. m.

ilement Oak Grove Cemetery. I noinawni. Defiant toga dadorrook Of 4541 Rama ea Sow- 1. 194g. stator of the Iwo Lama aad Jen' aio Anderson sad our dear alater-ni-law sad aunt numeral how tarehreann-Warral Chaae1, 1005 pools bL at 11 al Wad-.

Soy lutenment Maradrial Ptak Congtory. On Saturday the Giobe-Democrat-KlefOX Quizdown have among its contestants the first girl to appear on two sessions of the question-answer radiocontest in its three years in St. Loubs. She is 11-year-old Marie lice lat of Eliot School, 4242 which will be competing with another North St. Louis school, Columbia School, 3120 St.

Louis. In Quizdown's first school year she was a fourth-grade entry of the same school. And this year she'll have as a I team mate her little red-haired sister, Juliet Tjoflat. The youngsters are daughters of Dr. and Mrs.

O. E. Tioflat, 4224 North Grand. The physician father is of Norwegian ancestry. The memberalof the Eliot School team and theiparents, with the last-named pupil in each grade being an alternate; are: Fourth Smith, 4331 North Twentieth, Mr.

and Mrs. Otis Smith; Shirley Farley, 4322 North Florissant, Mr. and Mrs. William Farley; Juliet Tjoflat. i Fifth Grade: Dorothy Leahy, 4222A North Twenty-second, Mr.

II WI Mrs. Thomas Leahy; Herman Tucker, 4019 North Twenty-first, Mr. and Mrs. Herman nicker; Doris Niemann, 3917 North Twenty-first, Mr. and Mr Harry R.

Niemann. 5 Sixth Grade: Marie Tioflat; Eugene Brunk, 4225A North Eleventh, Mr. and Mrs. L. Brunk; Glen Walker, 4315A Islorth Twentieth, Mr.

and Clay Walker. Members of the Columbia School team are: Fpurth Grade: Judith Ann Tiemann, 2604A Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Tiemann; Gary Hollingsworth, 2722 North Garrison, Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Hollingsworth; Leroy Edging, 2700A Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs. Conn Edging. Fifth Grade: Robert Steele, 2907A North Grand, Mrs. Ruby Steele; Marion Heist, 2803 Dodier, Mr.

and Mrs. Valentine Heist; Delores Adams, 2724A St. Louis, Mrs. Rosa Lee Adams. Sixth, Grade: Rosemary 1919A Bacon, Mrs.

Katherine Vitale; Larry Sullivan, 2405 North Jefferson, Clarence Sullivan; Howard Bittick, 2403 North Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. George Bittick. The Quirdown broadcast over Station liMO will start this Saturday at 5 p. instead of the usual 4:30 p.

to permit broadcast of the Missouri-Oki horns football game. Former East Sider Found Shot to Death Andrew F. Poison, 43, formerly of Granite City, was found shot to death yesterday in the dormitory of the Shell Pipeline Company at Kankakee, Ill. He was a maintenance man for Shell and lived, at near-by Harristown. Coroner Ea P.

Madison said Pol. son had been despondent because of ill health and he is believed to have ended his own life. He left Granite City, where he was employed as a truck driver, 15 years Births Recorded BOYS 0 and B. Adams. 1220 111.

18th, I. J. and W. Berry, 1734 Washingkow W. and M.

Bonney, Wellston W. arid M. Corell 1463 S. and Overland W. and W.

Eastman. 808 Riverrieta M. and A. Granger. East St.

Louis E. and B. -Laney. St. John M.

and R. Harris. University City M. and J. Hasselfeld, Kirkwood G.

and 3425 Connecticut J. and M. Hodge Sr 1015A Victor A. and HOlfrrialln, Ellisville i J. and R.

Knichel. 3805 Clarence D. and A. Knob, Normandy V. and M.

Kuesel. 965 Canaan J. and R. LaMear, 7727A Water A. and D.

to bard. '2413 N. 13th G. and E. Cain.

8636 Church rd. H. and C. Mc iu, nnell. 1615 N.

Ar1ngt014 P. and A. Mele, Normandy PI and E. Meyer. 2419A N.

9th W. and C. Morris, 14IR John. i J. and J.1Nicholson.

1651 Carver Lane P. and D. Page, 81024 Frederick i J. and M. Pool.

617 Belt T. and B. Reynolds. Jennings W. and O.

Sanders. 5859 Nina R. and B. Schmieg, 2827A Burd H. and L.

Schroer, 2174 E. Warta 1 E. and D. Schwartzkont Overland G. and M.

Seilnacht. Lemay C. and G. Stahl. Jennings A.

and R. Tallman, Overland L. and B. Walker 4617 Sacramento A. and M.

Wilson, 3712 Selena GIRLS. W. and L. Bellerson. Wellston.

J. and L. Bevers, 1806 Iowa. R. and D.

5072 Cabannet Z. and M. Cloud. 3609 N. Eleventh R.

and C. Darmugh, 4834 Greer. J. and B. DILVIS, 3063 Sheridan.

1 K. and B. Emmenegger. Lemay, L. and E.

eannon. 3539 Le Salle. i J. and E. Glover.

University City. G. and J. Ori.enlea, 4221 E. Aldinsi.

E. and V. Gutknecht. Washington Pork. C.

and A. Harkey. 5029 Page. E. and N.

Harris, East St. Louis. H. and R. Hubbard.

4001A N. Eleventh. E. and M. Huelskamp, 2313 Salisbury.

J. and E. Jacobs. 4226 Swan. D.

and L. Jelks, 1039A Nnorth Sansh. W. and M. Karlan, 4007A Shrevei E.

and L. Koehler. Affton. R. and D.

Krick, 4944 Lisette. P. and M. Leause, 116 S. Beaumont.

K. and S. Lewis. 5716 Saloma. M.

and A. Loftus, 5042A Wells. O. and C. Morris, 4202 Finney.

1 L. and J. Radon, Webster Groves. E. and R.

Roberts, 4428A Evans. C. and N. Rohr, 5979 Ridge. 1 G.

and L. Rollhaus, Berkeley. C. and J. -Scarborough.

Affton. R. and D. Schmidt, 3940 N. Twentieth.

A. and M. 3610 Tennessee. R. and M.

Schutte. J. and J. Starks, 2915 L. and O.

West. 1826 Lafayette. Burial Permits Wi Illani W. Cox. 3626 McDonald.

Thomas Berry. 2401 Cora. Howard Tate Hooks. 2290 Cam Lucy Gates. 2224 Spruce.

James D. Procior. 2527 N. Broadway. Edna Mueller.

3938 Winnebago. Henrietta Frielingsdort. 2710 S. Grand. Ralph Mc Brian.

Centreville John Henry Franz. Times Beech. Cladde Collins. 4753 Wsshington: Alice Mary Sampson. EdwardsviD James Kelly.

Moberly. Mo. Hazel E. Garver. 43'19Marylan August E.

Koenig. vrznA 8 Jefferson. Abe- Gerstein. University Otis- Davis. 4421 Aldine.

Henrietta Fischer. 65F.3 Pershing. William a Reynolds. 4636 eseramente. Jess Pena, 4215 Page.

Josephine M. Braun, 4983 Stint Anna Walsh. 44)08 Julia Scanlan, Spanish Lake. Regina Meyer. 8644 Church.

Margaret Regan, 6816 Waldemar. Viva Buermann. 3532 Crittenden. Augusta Shea. 5408 fi BrostiwaY.

ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PU7-7Y .71 MaggIOU tilialARMMMOMA nagMUM CIRIA A piR oNIS mg MECUM A 1010021111 oRgovzioN IN 1 gi RIP ME GG PRO No 511115.: MOM FA MIRO INTISORM wiziNg IDEMA ago 'mow 12E4 BEI 4,3 oaluA.m glIAMIAM WS1101120 oDualm inag back 61. Shabby 89. Tidier 62.Weird DOWN 13. To choose 40. Evening by ballot party 16; Placed 41.

American 19. Snug President I retreats 44. Flat 21., Aerial ma- CT. Top of neuver head 22. To scatter 49.

Knife 25. Persian ells 52. To regret 27. Clever 54. Hearing 30.

Soil (pL) organ, 32, Vigilant 57. Road 34. Dinner (abbr) U. New York 37. Wipes out (abbr.) 33.

Compla. so Musical tent tots Mo. Pac. Bondholders to Get $11,159,525 Payment of $11,159,525 in Interest to holders of Missouri Pacific Railroad first and refunding mortgage bonds was authorized yesterday by United -States District Judge George H. Moore on the petition of the corporation's trustee, Guy A.

Thompson. The Judge overruled the objections of holders of other of the road's bonds that the funds should be used for boncf retirement. The interest is a one-year payment at a five per cent rate on $223,190,500 in bonds. Approximately $79,000,000 in additional interest Is due on them. Also authorized were interest payments on first mortgage bonds of two of the railroad's subsidiaries, $1,810,000 on bonds of the International Great Northern Railroad and $102,000 on New Orleans, Texas Mexico Railroad securities.

Scott Base General Transferred to Europe Brig. Gen. Edward W. Anderson, deputy commander and chief of staff of the Technical Division, Air Training Command, at Scott Air Force Base, has been transferred to "an important pobt the United States Air Forces in Europe," it was announced yesterday by Mal Gen. Charles C.

Chauncey, commanding general of the technical division. The nature of Gen. Anderson's new post was not disclosed and his successor has not been named. He will leave for Europe Nov. 9.

$650 Loot Taken in Store Burglary Theft of 18650 worth of radios, Silverware and other merchandise from the South Side Piano and Furniture Corporation store at 2622 South Broadway was reported yesterday by Edward Stevens, president of the firm. He said the loot was obtained by burglars who forced open the front door sometime between 7 p. m. Sunday and 8 a. m.

yesterday. Marriage Licenses Carl M. Loeffler Venice L. Yates David Outerman Audrey Mueller Donald Brinkman Flora B. Kilkinson Francis A.

Elvers Verde E. Pitman Prank J. student Ida M. Deters Robert W. Fuhrmangt Gladys D.

Hiner Ineeph D. England Mrs. Lela Reed Clarence P. Mitchell Alice M. P.

Woodco*ck Kenneth 0. Penn Beulah F. Ruble Harry P. Hacker Ida M. Topel 1 Donald P.

Garvey Dorothy Mae Cagh Harry C. Ca Ines Mary, G. Lykins Charles Parnell Mn. Magnolia Moat Oliver BIM g5 Matt le B. Dudley Arthur H.

Muth Martha H. Coil 2132 Idmund 717 Baden 5930 Cates 8746 Kingsbury 2409 Lelia 3923 N. Nimbi 2820- Magnolia 3532 Pestalossi 374'2 Garfield 2325A Dodier 4509 Miami 4161A leilmore 3715 Olive 3715 Olive 4975 Nagel 4975 Nagel 2629 Geyer 3434 St. Vincent :3509 Crittenden 3509 Crittenden Lenin 2920A Lenin AcademV 926 Academy 2231 Lucas 2644 Lucas 2216A Delmar 2640 Randolph 11I9A N. Park pi 3'755 Shreve Salvatore Z.

Lombsrdo 4838A Leduc Patricia A. Turney Richmond Heights Andrew P. Geist Jr. Highland. Mary V.

Coil 3755 Shreve Albert J. Vishneau 4412 Strodtman Jennie F. Meyer Ferguson Clyde IL Jackson 4016 Delmar Mattis Stinks 4016 Delmar Clarence F. Myers 1833 Maiden lane Geraldine H. Woefel 4722 0119 zdward H.

Grosser Jr. Chicago, Ill Elizabeth J. Sprague 5501 Bartmer Raymond Harkey 4161 Washington Mrs. Minnie M. Riley 4162 Washington Clemens E.

Kloeppel 6 Parkland PI Rita Lamb 4816 St. Louis Norman' Stathan 5085 Miner a Mrs. Gladys L. Lemons 904 Rutger Walter E. McGuire 5(12o Julian Bernice M.

Krause 6309 Bartmer Gerre L. Jones Kansas City. Mo Charlotte M. Reinhold 701 S. Second Delbert L.

Welge Maplewood Betty Jana Bryant 6015 l'otomac Vincent' Amador 3858 Cleveland Rita M. Meier 3843 Cleveland Dave Jackson 93? N. Newstead Ruth Williams 223 S. Beaumont Homer H. Gamble Louisiana.

Mere G. Parson, 2956 Market Stanley G. Bauer 4214 Lee Marie V. Fischer 3208A Greer Earl W. Lueck Florissant Garnette G.

V. Oehler 6061 Schulte Edwin L. Swallow 4715 Clifton Violet A. Hanco*ck 6636 Etzel Walter A. Manlove 3039 Franklin F.

Tyler 3107 Lawton Stacy-Murray Jr. 4036A Fairfax Mrs. Olevi Thames 4648A Vernon Benedict Behrle 5114 Enright Josephine M. giusken. Florissant Victor F.

Lambrecht 4414 (Meath Virginia C. Hercules 5637 Finkman Charles Harr 5056 Easton Rose M. Scrum 4774 Hammett pl All Slaughter 4005 Olive Bonnie H. Leonberger 4005 Olive Eugene C. Baunurarth Jr.

4911 Botanical Helen D. Caldwell 1805 Nebraska James A. Nobel Kirkwood Elizabeth J. John Kirkwood Jame" V. Vitale 1539 N.

Eighteenth. Sotfhle H. Pisarkiewies 1909 Blair John C. Glesmann Wentzville, Mo Mrs. Mildred N.

McVey Wentzville. Ito Frank Z. 'rumer Chicago. Gyrate 13. Johnson 4253 Enright David F.

Lamb 1115'Clinton Mrs. Rosa Rosenburg 2201 Hadley John X. McCarthy 4037 Cottage Margaret J. Dietrich 2816A N. Spring Norman N.

Itimmich 6709 Morganford Mary H. Zoeller 2314A Louisiana John P. Weingettle 7431 Tenn Norman E. ItImmieb 6709 Morganford Mary H. Zoeller 2314A.

Louis lanai John P. Weingettle 7431 Tennessee' Marcella I. M. Reichert 5915 S. Broadway Willie P.

Quinn 4731 Newberry ter Erma L. Jones 4526 Page James t. Allen 4527A Delmar Nola M. nemesia 4627A Delmar West Madison 92 5 N. Leonard Mary Smith 512 N.

Charming Gerald N. Zinuhertnamt Jennings Lenore Schwedt 1292 Goodfellow Herman L. Noffriteleter I 5907 Sherry Beulah Schroeder 4328 Maryland Robert P. Simbrip 5305 Delmar Nancy I. Lemg 5 3456 Winnebago Ales Kohoutelc 4100 Schiller pl Mildred EL Wertich 3167 Pennsylvania Ltsr Zdwszd W.

Bootie 11 O'Fallott. 11 Forrest Dawson .1210 N. zighili tester C. Mare X. Miller Kenneth Howell Ile Bream Orge D.

'Molten Betty Ido Coy Paul N. Crows Nellie Adkins Howard W. Huber Hake Williams Dupe 1 Dupo 16371 Itimourt 1402 8ummItt 809 Summitt 413 Bond 4803 'Bunkum rd 416 N. I-veil 01 560 N. Sticiamenth 428 N.

William A. Tiernan 5778 Missouri Ruth U. Mason Beulah Club, Louie BELLEVILLIK. Prank B. Rorie 'Waterloo Catherine Krebs Bee Athens FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 BENSTK-NIXRAUS MOWTVARY 1431 UNION POrest 1176 AITIN P.

FICIrrZ Punorat Home.t..8 Natural Bridge, NVergreen 2767. LEZDNER 1711DMITALINO CO. 2223 St. Leans. CH 1654.

rtst. 1,4 ROWLAND MORTUARY 4104 Illancriestes 911 SCHNITA ruwrfut, BOa. 3123 Wefts. GRand 7780. TIED YINDLIER.

Ft'XIMAL EOSCIC natant 0102 LOckikart 3560 CEMETERIES Hors maxreettivm bag choice atTats available. becaupd ta beautiful MT. Doom czatirriorT, 1114 FERRY RD. ItUeren 6600. 101MORIAL PARLNoe-rectartaa, per, pettsal: ear veterans fres.

IV, ran HUNSZT BURIAL PARK Serattle1; pon-esclartaa. prepetual emir terina. 10180 Grarola rt. Victor CREMATORIES 7 Omt. GaOrs cRAPIEL AND cialitA: ToRTTtm arrest aad Derma la St.

Lotus. 7430Q et. Charter rd. CA. 6616.

ALRALLA CHAIM. ag annookutt. St. Charles id. CAtan7 WO.

FLORISTS 11- am s3.5o gor: 115 lar. 3601 O. Oared Opea Lag to 5:30 a. Oust Om. an diki Not Belot.

Nish. Lew. Clem Chimes. Bld Asked. 235 1834 18 1834 1234 13.2 194) I Ir.

135'4 I 30s ii 102 428a 42 42 135 66. a 85. a 68 30 64 64 64 1 63 88 85 i 534 1534 .4 1534 1534 20500 6 2 V. 2 i t. 213 4 i 4.

131) 42: a 42 4234 42 43 15 6 6 6 8 634 180 534 54(1 534 Sia 534 534 Illinois Oil BOND Leo V. Horton Pt el No. 1 J. W. Bugg Community.

SW SW 21-6N-2W. i pump testing the Trenton limestone et pumped 35 oil a day Total depth 3191 feel. CLINTON COUNTYThe Soho Petroleum Compeny No. A4 434 feet south. 3 IS feet east NWC 1-1.

Is preparing to test the Trenton limestone at 3932-36 feet. Total depth 3936 feet. The T. M. Conrey-V.

'0. Duncan No. 4 Oullick, NE NW Is testing the Cypress Stkil total depth 1291 and Is stopped to saturated sand. COLES COUNTYThe Stevens Ar Forsyth No, 5 G. A.

Brining, SW erN SW 3-11N-7E. is testing the Rostelare limestone at 2019-26 feet 'aftr a 50-quart shot of nitro. Total depth 2(44 feet. EDWARDS COUNTY-- The Kingwood 011 Company No. 1.

John W. Fieber, NE SW, SW- 'Lill-28-14W. Is cleaning out to test the MiClosky limestone at 3046-3123 feet. Total depth 3123 feet' FR A NK LIN COUNTY The 3 W. Men-hell No.

I Hort. SW SW SW 34-6S-4E, a wildcat. lel attempting to loosen stuck drill PIPis et 3014 feet. GALLATIN COUNTYThe Petrollettm Company No. B2 E.

H. Busiek. NE SW 31-7S-10F. is testing the Tsr Borings send at 2124-al feet. Swabbed eight oil an hour niter 60 (marts of nitro.

Total depth 2133 feet. The Sohin Petroleum Company No. C2 Buslek. SW NE SW 34-78- 10s. is testing the Tar SPrings sand at 211S-30 ifeet.

Swabbed 12. oil am hour after 6ii quarts of nitro. Total depth 2132 feet The carter Oil Comnanv N. 3 George Hardy NS SW SW 10-sS-10E. Is testing the Hardinsberg send at l21O-211 Swabbed A1-1 oil a day sifter 40 quarts, of nitro.

Total derith feet. JASPER COUNTY The 1.T. 3. Lynn, No, 1 Dlckson NIA NE SE 12-17N-10E. is pre-raring to test the limestone at 2694-1702 feet.

A two-hour drill istern' teat at feet recovered WPS In minutes. 400 feet clean oil. SO feet oll cut mud -ilte bottom hole tressure was 600 pounds Total denth 2713 feet. IFFEEPSON COTINTY--The r. -Howard No 1 A.

FL McLaughlin. NW SE SW 2-3S-2E. a wildcat, is 'drilling below 2775 feet A one and one-half-hour drill stem test 1 hi the Au Vases sand at 2565- 66 feet for 10 feet oil. Of feet oil tint mud. MIADISON COTINTYThe LeRoy wildish.

No 1 Stanley FVfling NE NW NE 7-5N-7Wi ts drilling below 1600 feet. Set 10-loc1i nine at 45 eet. PERRY COUNTY The National Assriaelated Petroleum Company No. 1 3 A. 1 Ernest.

60 feet eolith. 6R feet west NEC wileet. is 'drilling wow 140n feet with rotary tools. 1 cornTvThP Calvert Toe -Aurora oasoiine Company 'No. 16 no, Schneider, NW NW NW 4-4N-14W.

a wildcat, is testing the Mcelloskv limestone at After loon" acid. wahbed 111 nil and A twater in 6 hours. This well opeos a new area. Total depth 2014 feet The A. 3.

Starter. Jr -P. E. Goldberg No. 1 L.

Strieby. ann feet nor'n rin NE 0-5N-111E. ls testing theMerloslev limestone at 11017-n1l feet. Flowed 15 rill an hour after 'Moo acid. Totei tient!" non feet.

COUNTY The Phillips Pe. ttoleum Company-N. Thirteen No. I WO, bash Commurity. SW SE NE 24-15-14W.

is testing the O'Here limestone at 2544-19. Total denth 2851 feet The same oneretors No. 2 Marks. NW SW NE 2.1N-14w. Is orenering to test the McClosky limestone at 2589-94 feet.

A drill stem test recovered MI in one anti one-hell trinnteg. Flowed natural clean oil In 7 minutes Is one-boll mile from othet oil wells Total depth 2801 feet. 1. WARIDNOTON COUNTY' The L. B.

Stehlecci-v E. Murry No. A Alosis S. Hun-- leth. NW' NW ISE Is testing the silurien itmestitin at 2272-R' feet Bailed 30 oil a day.

'Total feet. WAYNE COTINTYirhe Central Pirie tine Coropany-Pobicson-Pucett. 'No. 1 SE SE SE 30-1R-OE. a wthicat.

Is drilling ahead rigging pp rotary toots, wurrr couNTyTho Superior Oil Company No. 1 L. Smith. NW NE NW a wildcat. Is drilling below 29410 feet with rotary tools.

The Magnolia Petroleum Company No. 1 Lloyd E. Taylor. NW NW NE a wildcat. is tasting the MeClosier limettone at 34571-60.

After reaeldieing with 34100 gallons. swebbed 714 oil In 5 hours. Total feet. The Geom. C.

Schnortmeker No. V. L. S. BayleY.

SE SW SE 2-713-0E. Is celening. out after a 100 chart shot in Mehl sand at 1849-70. Total depth 31.10 feet. Wu old well abandoned as dry.

Flour Prices Wlour prices in the St. toots area yesterday were unchanged from Saturday. Quotattorut follow 100-pound cotton sacks In carlots): Bakers' hard wheat patent. 1k5 to S71.9Bll bakers' soft wheat patent, 5367 sto $6.33. Cash Soybeans soybmni.

No. 2 yellow. 14 Ver ceCt Moisture, were quoted yesterday at 2 6 per bushel for Missouri beans and 42 29 for Illinois bipttna Prices sre to producers st countr7 polp. 1 Local Clearings Clearings at St. Louis Monday totaled against year ago Individual debits Friday totaled 061.000, sestrust NEW YORK, Nor.

1 futures firmed in late trading as mill buying and short covering found offerings limited. The trading volume lagged. partly reflecting the pre-election influence. Some liquidation dew eloped among traders, who felt that the market would be under 3e1ling pressure until the peak crop movement has passed. Buying In the neer deliveries wee credited tn export 1 Shippers looked for a more active export demand soon.

Final prices were 150 to 40c a bale higher. Washington trade advice said that the ECA is readying additional cotton purchases authorization to foreign countries. covering both the current quarter and. in some cases, the first quarter of next Sear. Additional exports of 6092 bales were reported.

bringing total shipments. for the season to date to 898037 bales. against 295,008 the same period last season. Net Open. High.

Low. Last. chge. 31.01 31.10 110.0R 31.08 0.06 March 30.1IS 31.07 30.95 21.05 Mar 30.s0 0.04 0 ryt.luly 29 51 29.h2 29.53 29.6t 0.05 Oct. 27.3A 27.2t 27.3St 0.06 Dec.

27.0S 27.14 27.06 27.14t 0.05 Middling spot 31.59t. UP 7 Nominal. 24EW ORLEANS. Nor. 1 Net Open.

Low. Close. Cttge Dee. 1.7 31.06 30.94 31.01 )tar. 30.47 31.03 30.93 oo2 Stay 30.75 30.79 30.70 30.77 0.02 July 20.56 29.59 29.52 29.57 0.03 Oct.

27.27 27.3b 27.25 27.34s 0.05 Bid. Spot middlings 30 AVERAGE AT 10 MARKETS Average price Monday of middling 15-1S' Inch cotton at 10 designated Southern mar, keta warn 30.92c. 1 I 1 1 1 4 Other her Produce 1 PTCANSSouthern paper shell. 13c to 1 33c; seellings. lie to 15e.

1 CHESTNUTBImported, per 29e. POPCORNNear-by large Yellow. shelled, tacked, per $9.50: ear. per de- livered St. Touts basis.

$3. COCONUTSHonduras sacked 100s, 311 kes 311 50. CIDERNear-by cartons roue 1-ka1lon tars. S2; 6 1,, -scion jars. $1.75.

Chicago Stocks ACROSS 1. Carved 17. Liberty 26. Uprisings ornament 18. One of 28.

Old Catho8. Generated Henry lie (abbr.) H. Pipes 12. Greek mar- 'wives 29. Ancient chariot ket places 20.

Water 14. Animals note 23. To deceive 15. To labor 24. Profound Dee pt.

Div. Was. I Desept. fly. Close.

I 1 A dm iralCorp .454 111114 i Seersliosb 2a 42'4 1 A dvaneta 'um Ise 5, SholimorProd 1.90 30'4 A IlledLab 1 20 i Si anodeSteol I 1314 Am Airline' 7 go lb 20 A RaISIS Pie 18 013entilW its 2 40a 2674 AmTalt Tel 9 1531'a Sid Forging' .808, 11 A nasoadaCep 2i4's 381S il le I 2b 8034 A .900 117's StIStiSora 1 15 sir Asbestos Mfg PP StudsbalterCo le 2filP A utemIlash 141 314 SunbeamCorn 2 36.4 It Avis 1 a .110,8 71.4 Sundstrand Tool II 12 Bolden 1 1.204 1614 Sunray il 1 13 SerahellB rem 1411 934 ThorCorp 2b le BothStool 2.40b 391 a i TransCe 2 I 257s II inksM is 151's 20881.40811St 218 4818 a Burton.D Isle 1.20a 1758 i Unit Alt Linos 1314' Butler Bros II' United Corp 3,1 CanadPas 11411, 1414 USSteel 5 841s Can 111 Soo 11 'WestinghElee la 26' p' SWCorp .00 114e i WieboldtStrs 1.20 1511 Ch leery .80 111,4 Co 11.41 121P ChrystorCera 4 6054 i WiseBankshrs 1,4 10. I Colum Gas 121p 1 Tates-A merM ell I 18 Comalth Ed Is .1118 2734 Stock sales today. Cartiss.Wriphg le 103p 35.000 Warw. Bead 2 ddyamper To 99 salmi today. INIMI.

IF loarM Ills le 14 rourWh 13 rAut 718 Ex dividend. trite di enElee 1.704 421,4 rights. 'Id-Called- pt en MOtOrt Was 0574 ad-Part paid. 1.11.-eibwatorte.600 of am With last I 10 'warrants. sm Without IndepanouT 11se 2084 warrants- extra 'mite arvostor 1.400 301P ler extras.

b-P las stink BolloggSw 10 dividsad. I-Cask Sr LibMoNAL lb I steak. -Deglared er IL ineelaPrint 2 19 I paid is far this year. Marsh I leld 1' 251,4 I I-Payable Is Melt. es.

IliidWostCorp IR 121.4 1 timated sink value on 01 Hart 1188 12 ex-dividend date. 11- 01 Merit 14 pi. pi I 1314 Paid last pear. iiDo' Wont, Ward 2a 50 I glared isr. paid after Nat-Stand 2 3474 dividoad or split.

Oak Mfg us. k-Degiarod it paid meekard Mot SU 47,8, I Otis soar. Si miasma. PaaAatAing Ws 914 halve lassie mtell PeabodyCoal .00 11 duds' in arrears. lw DeabodyCoal If IA 2018 I Paid this pear.

dial. roman A le 11105. dead omitted, defrred MeeplosOLIIC ft Pi ar. se agtion galas at Pare011 Is 115s4 last dividoad aseetiaa. adiaCeepAni .901 151k r-Doelered 1941.

Pay-Radio- K.Or AI 614 able le 1049. y-Ligui. 1 PopubSteal Is 113 dela. dividend. a-Pav.

Pexall Drip 5 lis stink. abut 71' liktLNatiltkYda I 32 Omsk' value Illidetermiaed SobvittorGum Vs. 1212 'on desiontios lit 1 2 '3 L4 1 7 ,5 i-25 il 38' ,30 tA 39 37 47 51 s3 ili fp $1 4 a 2z Z9 O. 30 '12 3E 5" 2 5I 53 5 it.

St. Louis Globe-Democrat from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.