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Metro Report Archives - November 2004 Articles

Tuesday, Nov. 30

Children in Workplace Policy, 4 Others, Now Effective

3 Service Sector Governance Councils to Hold December Meetings

Wednesday, Nov. 24

Thanksgiving 2004: Service Attendant Thankful for Safety of Relatives in Military

Operator’s Death Raises Concerns About Heart Disease Risks

Employees Star in "Go Metro" Campaign

Shoppers Invited to Use MTA to Reach Unique Shopping Areas

Tuesday, Nov. 23

U.S. House, Senate Vote $62 Million for Metro Rail, Bus Projects

Rail Operations Outlines Strategic Plan at Workshop

Friday, Nov. 19

MTA to Begin Online Sales of Monthly Transit Passes Dec. 1

Ed Marshall’s Struggle with a Mysterious Virus Almost Claims His Life

Division 8’s Munguia Brings MTA to Tujunga Elementary Pupils

MTA Cafe Menu: Closes Wednesday at 2 p.m. for Thanksgiving holiday. Remains closed on

Thanksgiving and Friday.

Thursday, Nov. 18

‘Metro Fit’ Campaign Promotes Using Public Transit for Exercise

Court orders probation, community service, court fees and $2,742.29 in restitution.

Employee Suggestions Aim at Keeping Division 5 Safe

Wednesday, Nov. 17

DPW Employee Charged with Defrauding Rideshare Program

Div. 8 Maintenance Chalks Another ‘How You Doin'?’ Victory

Officer Carrillo Commended for Help in Sexual Assault Investigation

Nurse Karla Becker Takes Pulse of MTA Bus Operation

Tuesday, Nov. 16

Board Committees to Consider Motions for December Meeting

9th Gift Giving Drive Seeks 9,000 Gifts for Skid Row Kids

CEO Hotline: Employees ask questions about RIFs and post-employment restrictions.

Rideshare Workshop> Transportation Coordinators Get Tips on Marketing Rideshare

Wednesday, Nov. 17

DPW Employee Charged with Defrauding Rideshare Program

Div. 8 Maintenance Chalks Another ‘How You Doin'?’ Victory

Officer Carrillo Commended for Help in Sexual Assault Investigation

Nurse Karla Becker Takes Pulse of MTA Bus Operation

Tuesday, Nov. 16

Board Committees to Consider Motions for December Meeting

9th Gift Giving Drive Seeks 9,000 Gifts for Skid Row Kids

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CEO Hotline: Employees ask questions about RIFs and post-employment restrictions.

Rideshare Workshop> Transportation Coordinators Get Tips on Marketing Rideshare

Friday, Nov. 12

Metro Fit: Work it out at MTA's noontime fitness rally and walking tour in Downtown onWednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 10

Veterans Day: From Vietnam to Desert Storm, MTA Veterans Remember WartimeExperiences

A Stitch in Time: Multi-talented Advocates of Knitting Join Forces at MTA

Tuesday, Nov. 9

Special report: Ventilating System Circumvents Interceptor Scent

Veterans Day schedule: Metro Café has limited service; Metro Store is closed on VeteransDay and the day after.

Friday, Nov. 5

MTA Hosts Annual California Transit Association Conference

Restored: Patsaouras Plaza Reopens to Traffic

Wednesday, Nov. 3

RRC’s Material Management Team Marks 2 Milestones

MTA Receives Award for Accessible Service

California Air National Guard Says ‘Thanks’ to MTA

Pasadena Visitors Bureau Needs Holiday Hotline Volunteers

Tuesday, Nov. 2

Board OKs Parking Ticket Plan, Central Computer Data System

Maintenance Employee Arrested for Alleged Insurance Fraud

‘Shakeup’ Bidding Begins Nov. 20 with Improved Documents

Letters to the Editor: MTA’s Multi-Pronged Efforts are Combating Traffic, Pollution

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Metro Planning ChiefJames de la Loza

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EDITOR'S NOTE: A study released in late September by researchers at UCLA’s Institute ofthe Environment declared that the region has not invested enough in new roads and masstransit to relieve gridlock and reduce pollution levels. The “Southern CaliforniaEnvironmental Report Card” said traffic congestion is the key source of the area’s pollutionand it proposed such measures as charging drivers fees for using the most congestedroadways.

“As a region, we have yet to come to grips with the immense impacts our transportationsystem is having on the environment and public health,” said Institute Director Mary D.Nichols.

In this letter to the Los Angeles Daily News, Metro Chief Planning Officer Jim de la Lozatakes issues with some of the points raised in the UCLA study and points out Metro’sefforts to combat traffic congestion and pollution in the region.

Letters to the EditorLos Angeles Daily News

Nov. 1, 2004

Metro’s Multi-Pronged Efforts are CombatingTraffic, Pollution

UCLA’s Southern California EnvironmentalReport Card report misses the point on thestate of traffic in LA County. In fact, Metro iscarrying out many of the report’srecommendations and our congestion trends aremoving in the right direction (October 27, 2004Daily News article “Gridlock efforts stalled”).

When carpool lanes are built, ridesharing ratesare up to five times higher than on freeways

without them. The facts speak for themselves—almost 85 percent of ourcarpool lanes are nearing capacity during the rush hour.

We maximize our transit investments by promoting the right solution forthe right situation. We are expanding the rail system to the very denseEastside and to the Westside along the Exposition Corridor, where railmakes sense. We’re also adding to our successful Metro Rapid busprogram and over the next several years, we’ll have 28 lines throughoutthe county. Our bus fleet is the cleanest in the nation, with over 90percent running on clean natural gas, including the first 200 natural gasarticulated buses ever.

Metro invests in our streets and freeways in innovative ways, such asfunding new technology to coordinate traffic signals so that motorists cancatch green lights from signal to signal along busy corridors - a strategywhich greatly improves traffic flow. Making the best use of what we haveis necessary in our urban environment, where air quality laws generallylimit our ability to widen roads and freeways.

Our traffic is getting better in the face of big challenges, but don’t takeour word for it. The 2004 Texas Transportation Institute study shows ourregion has made the biggest traffic improvements of any major city inthe nation, where we’ve had improvements in average delay, congestion,and overall mobility over the past decade.

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Our transportation investments are making a difference inaccommodating growth and maximizing mobility. Our efforts to encouragedevelopment near rail stations are also helping LA County grow smarter.If we can stabilize funding for our transportation needs, we can continuethe positive traffic trends over the past decade and earn straight A’s.

--James L. de la Loza , Chief Planning Officer

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Maintenance Employee Arrested for Alleged Insurance FraudBy ROY ROMERO(Nov. 2, 2004) Early today, Metro employee Paul Gonzales was takeninto custody by California Department of Insurance investigators foralleged insurance fraud.

Gonzales was booked into the Los Angles County Jail and is being heldon $60,000 bail. He will be arraigned in court Wednesday morning. Aformer service attendant at the Regional Rebuild Center, Gonzalesresigned his position earlier this year.

Gonzales is charged with 10 felony counts, including grand theft,insurance fraud, forgery and altering medical records, presenting falsewritten statements, and withholding information. All are violations ofeither the state insurance code or the penal code.

Gonzales initially filed a claim in January 2003 for a sore foot causedby his work boots. After months of treatment, his physician releasedhim to return to work in June of 2003.

Accused of lyingGonzales is accused of lying to his doctor and to Metro by altering hisAttending Physician Statements so he could remain off work and stillreceive Workers' Compensation benefits after his doctor had said hecould go back to work.

Metro is seeking for $35,000 in restitution connected with the allegedfraudulent claim.

Metro’s Workers’ Compensation Special Investigative Unit wasresponsible for the initial investigation before referring the case to theLos Angeles County District Attorney and the Department ofInsurance.

The Unit also referred the matter to Gonzales’ department foradministrative disciplinary action.

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Board OKs Parking Ticket Plan, Central Computer Data System

Action deferred on four other issues

(Nov. 2, 2004) The Board of Directors approved motions at its Octobermeeting concerning parking violations on Metro property and a centralcomputer data system. Four other issues have been deferred to futuremeetings.

Item 26, Parking Citations: The Board approved a motion givingMetro Security officers authority to issue tickets for parking violationson agency property.

In addition to helping solve parking problems, the revenue from thecitations will be used to offset security and enforcement costs. MetroSecurity officers would not be permitted to issue parking tickets in abus zone or other areas “considered to be an extension of the publichighway.”

Item 27, Universal Fare System: The Board voted to give the CEOauthority to negotiate a $6.1 million contract modification with CubicTransportation Systems, Inc., to provide a regional central datacomputer system for the Universal Fare System’s TAP card program.

The central data computer system would be the primary collectionpoint for bus and rail fare information gathered each day from Metroand the municipal transit operators participating in the TAP (smartcard) program.

Action deferredThe Board deferred action on three issues for consideration at futuremeetings. Committee action deferred a fourth motion for at least amonth. The items are:

Item 6, Boyle Heights Development. A local developer wants tobuild a multi-screen theater complex, 139 residential units and 74,000square feet of retail space on a 3.55-acre site owned by Metro inBoyle Heights. Deferred until December.

Item 18, Construction Change Order Procedures. Current Metrocontracting practices require the agency to audit contractors’ proposedchange order costs if the cost exceeds $100,000. Under the proposedordinance, Metro’s estimating unit would price proposed change ordersand management audit would review the estimates.

If a contractor’s estimates for the job did not exceed Metro’s estimatesby more than 5 percent, the contractor’s price could be acceptedwithout further audit. If the contractor’s price exceeded Metro’sestimates by more than 5 percent, the contractor could accept Metro’sestimate or request a higher value. If the higher value exceeded$100,000, the contractor would be required to justify those costs and

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submit its estimates to Metro for auditing.

Action on the item was deferred until November.

Item 20, Metro Orange Line Recovery Plan. With indications thatconstruction of the Metro Orange Line has fallen five months behindschedule, a motion before the Board would have authorized the CEOto execute a $7.9 million plan to recover schedule delays and settlethe contractor’s time-related claims. The issue was deferred until theDecember Board meetings.

Items 7 & 21, Subway Construction Ban. In committee action, thePlanning and Programming Committee and the Construction Committeedeferred action on Los Angeles City Councilman and MTA Director TomLaBonge’s motion asking the Board to “support an effort to overturnthe 1998 prohibition on the use of Proposition A funds (for) subwayconstruction….”

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‘Shakeup’ Bidding Begins Nov. 20 with Improved Documents

Revised reports have more information, are easier to use

By BILL HEARD, Editor(Nov. 2, 2004) Metro Bus operators will begin bidding for workassignments, Nov. 20, as operating divisions move toward the semi-annual December “shakeup.”

And for the first time in many years, operators will see formatchanges in the work runs, relief runs, CEA lists and other documentskey to the bidding process. The changes affect some 4,500 busoperators and transportation operations supervisors.

Gone will be the rather old-fashioned print and run-by-runorganization that has gone unchanged for almost 40 years. Thesereports, which will be posted at the divisions by Nov. 17, have beenupdated to include more information presented in crisp, new typefonts.

The change in the document formats was required when ServicePerformance Analysis and the ITS scheduling team – the group thatsupports the document production for the bus schedules and operatorassignments – switched from old mainframe computers to new desktopcomputer programs.

Quicker and easierBut, the change also gave the schedulers an opportunity for changesthey hope, in the long run, will help operators figure out theassignments they want more quickly and easily.

“We want to give the operators all the information they’ve had before,and in some cases give them better information,” says Larry Adrian,schedules systems supervisor. “In other cases, we’ve given them thesame information in a different format.”

One noticeable change, especially for lower seniority operators, wasmade in the Roster Report. Presented in a new format, it providesmore information now – pay time, start and end times for runs – thanthe old report, which gave only the pay time.

The CEA Report, which sets up carpool assignments for operatorsmaking relief or returning from their runs, will now be posted for useby operators, not just window dispatchers. The report will list theassignment numbers of the operators in the carpool.

‘Minimum training’“We’ve made as few changes as possible in the documents,” says EdMuncy, the department’s director. “We tried to do this in a way thatwould require minimum training of bus operators.”

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The Service Performance Analysis group and ITS have been working onthe redesign of the “shakeup” documents for over a year, according toTransportation Planning Manager Susan Phifer.

All sector schedule makers and managers, along with UTU andAFSCME representatives, have been briefed on the revised reports. ByDec. 19, all “shakeup” documents will have been moved from themainframe to the PC network.

The revised documents include the Basic Operating Schedule (BOS);Duty List, which can be separated into Duty Detail, Pay Detail andExtra Board Listing; Roster Report, which replaces the Relief RunReport; CEA Report, which now includes the “Transport Operator”instruction previously found on the Work Run pages; Regular Run vs.Tripper and Tripper vs. Regular Run; and Work Run Interline andRelief Run Interline reports.

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Division 15 Operator Ana Diaz-Swayneand TOS Harvey Brown of OperationsCentral Instruction are members ofthe 146th Airlift Wing at PortHueneme.

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Representing Metro at the event were, standing from left, Jim Lapatka,Stefan Chaznov, Dave Wakeling, Bill Hesser and Lorene Kelley. Seated areStaff Sgt. Ana Diaz-Swayne and Reginnia Kaping.

California Air National Guard Says ‘Thanks’ to Metro

(Nov. 3, 2004) The California Air National Guard said “Thank You” toMetro and other area employers, recently, during “EmployerAppreciation Day” at an airbase in Port Hueneme.

On hand to greet the Metro group wereStaff Sgt. Ana Diaz-Swayne, an EastValley Division 15 bus operator, andMaster Sgt. Harvey Brown, atransportation operations supervisor atOperations Central Instruction. Both aremembers of the 146th Airlift Wing.

The event, held to acknowledge thesupport of organizations whoseemployees have been called to activeduty since 9/11, included aninformation session about the 146thAirlift Wing, a tour of the base and a50-minute flight aboard a heavy-liftaircraft.

Attending Employer Appreciation Daywere Human Resources Director Stefan

Chasnov, Assistant Administrative Analyst Reginnia Kaping, AccountingManager Dave Wakeling, Accounting Supervisor Bill Hesser, Division 15Assistant Transportation Manager Lorene Kelley and TransportationOperations Supervisor Jim Lapatka.

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A C-130J-30 with the Metro group on board readies for take off at the 146thAirlift Wing’s base in Port Hueneme.

In wartime, the 146th Airlift Wing delivers personnel, equipment andsupplies to military commands worldwide. Their mission includesaeromedical evacuation, command and control, and airlift loadpreparation, as well as maintenance and operation of a fleet oftransport aircraft.

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ADA Compliance Officer ChipHazen accepts an award onbehalf of Metro for outstandingservice to people withdisabilities. Making thepresentation is CommissionerFrances Dawson-Harris of theLong Beach Citizens AdvisoryCommission on Disabilities.

Metro Receives Award for Accessible Service(Nov. 3, 2004) ADA Compliance Officer Chip Hazen accepted an awardon behalf of Metro from the Long Beach Citizens Advisory Commissionon Disabilities, Oct. 28, for providing “Outstanding Service andContribution to People with Disabilities.”

The award was presented at a “Disabilities Expo” held in conjunctionwith Disability Awareness Month 2004.

A number of other groups and individuals were also recognized fortheir contribution to the disabled community. The event featured avariety of information booths for people with disabilities.

Metro’s Chip Hazen and DaveHershenson staffed a Metroinformation booth. At right isDick Stillwell, Long BeachTransit manager of ServiceDevelopment.

Hazen and Gateway Cities Community Relations Manager DavidHershenson staffed Metro’s booth. They answered questions anddistributed system maps, bus and rail schedules, and Metro Bus & RailRider’s Guides.

The booth featured Metro literature produced for the disabledcommunity, including “Metro is for Everyone - A Guide To Metro’s

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Accessible Service,” “Frequently Asked Questions About Metro’sAccessible Service” and “Flash Cards” designed specifically to helpblind patrons identify and display the number of the bus they want totake.

Long Beach City Councilwoman Bonnie Lowenthal, who also chairs theMetro Gateway Cities Governance Council, was recognized for hercommitment to the disabled community.

Cynde Soto, another member of the Governance Council, and a formerchair of the Long Beach Citizens Advisory Commission on Disabilities,also attended the event. --From David Hershenson, Gateway CitiesService Sector.

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DEO Ted Montoya,right, and DirectorDieter Hemsingtake pride in theacomplishments ofthe MaterialManagement teamwith a specializedcake.

RC’s Material Management Team Marks 2 MilestonesBy SHANTAY IOSIA

(Nov. 3, 2004) The Material Management team celebrated twomilestones on a single day. October 4 marked the introduction of theM3 system as well as the 500th day with no lost-time injuries.

Dieter Hemsing, director of inventory management, coordinated thecelebration with food, drinks and a cake designed for the team.

“Dieter and his team have taken safety personal,” says Ted Montoya,deputy executive officer, Material Management. “This is a significantaccomplishment considering where we were several years ago.”

With about 300 employees allotted throughout the agency and theconstant handling of material, injuries become a perpetual risk.

“They have to constantly remember how to lift things safely or how touse box cutters and knives without injuring themselves,” says Dieter.“We do our best to make sure the work environment is safe but ifpeople don’t think, act or work safely they are going to get injured nomatter what you do.”

Impressed with the improvementDieter, in his 25 year with Metro, is impressed with the improvementhis team has made. Two years ago, he recalls loss-time injuriestotaling 600 days, the equivalent to the loss of two people.

To prevent injuries, Dieter has enhanced his safety program to includedaily exercises, continuous communication and consistent distributionof information throughout his department.

Employees begin their shift with a three-minute stretching exercise.

“It is extremely important to loosen their joints before they start

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especially in the winter when it gets colder,” says Dieter. “It alsoreminds them of why they’re doing it. They have a mini safety meetingevery morning.”

The safety communications program, called Material Safety Matters, isdistributed about once a month to Procurement staff through e-mailand information centers in each location. The bulletins use near-missesor on-site observations as an example.

M3 System ImplementedThe improved safety of the RRC material management team will soonbe accompanied by the efficiency of the recently implemented M3System.

M3 replaces systems that date back at least two decades – includingVehicle Maintenance System (VMS) and Material Management System(VMS). It automates, streamlines and simplifies much of the workrequired to manage all kinds of equipment maintenance.

M3 also tracks vehicle maintenance and parts use and inventory. Itcollects vehicle mileage, use of fuel, lubricating oil and other fluids,and it helps ensure that bus preventive maintenance is performed ontime.

“In the long term it will be an effective change,” says Hemsing. “Rightnow we’re learning how to walk with it.”

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Pasadena Visitors Bureau Needs Holiday Hotline Volunteers

Staff will answer visitor inquiries about transit, events

(Nov. 3, 2004) Thousands are expected to attend Pasadena’s RoseFestival Parade and the Rose Bowl Game this year – a perfect time topromote ridership on the Metro Gold Line.

Metro employees interested in helping visitors find their way to theNew Year’s events can volunteer for the Pasadena Convention &Visitors Bureau Annual Holiday Hotline.

Hotline volunteers not only answer transportation questions, they alsoare trained to field inquiries about the parade and football game, floatdecorating and post-parade viewing, parking, accommodations,directions, holiday activities and more.

The Convention & Visitors Bureau has 11 shifts of six volunteers eachto fill between Tuesday, Dec. 28 and Sunday, Jan. 2. Each shift is fourto five hours long and volunteers can express a choice of slots.Refreshments are provided.

To volunteer, employees can contact Nancy Ceballos or Jennifer Vargasat the Convention & Visitors Bureau, 626-795-9311 and request asign-up sheet. The deadline for volunteering is Nov. 22.

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Pedestrian enters restored walkway at the East Portal entrance to theGateway Transit Center.

Patsaouras Plaza Revisited

Unique brickwork of roadway is restored to original pattern followingextensive repairs.

(Nov. 4, 2004) A repaired and reconstructed Patsaouras Plaza reopened totraffic Nov. 2, following extensive improvements to the pedestrian,automobile and bus areas of the plaza’s roadway.

Buses were rerouted during the first phase of the reconstruction work,which began in mid-July, said Steve Noonan, Chief Engineer of the CatellusDevelopment Corporation who managed the repair work.

Patsaouras Plaza re-opened to traffic Nov. 2.

As workers labored to duplicate the roadway’s unique tri-color pattern ofthe brickwork, traffic was curtailed and bus access limited during theproject’s second phase, which took about six weeks to complete.

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Since the Transit Plaza first opened in 1995, the constant passage of heavybuses had displaced and cracked the brick pavers and granite blocks of thepedestrian crosswalks.

At the south turn of the busway, water seeping from the landscaped parkundermined the layer of sand supporting the bricks, and the weight andmovement of the buses caused them to buckle, said Noonan.

One of the areas that suffered the greatest wear was just west of the southturn where an emergency hatch provided access to a DWP transformer thatsupplies power to the Metro Red Line.

To give the roadway better support, workers closed the emergency hatchand removed its steel plate cover, said Noonan.

Before and after: Above, workmen replaced paver bricks from the deck of the south end of theroadway that had buckled under the weight of buses. Below, workers removed damaged graniteand replaced it with colored brick to mark pedestrian walkways.

The area at the top of the Vignes Street ramp also was damaged by busmovement. New bedding sand was placed and the pavers reinstalled.

The Plaza repair work was undertaken by Charles Pankow Builders, theoriginal builders of Gateway Center, and managed by Catellus UrbanDevelopment Corp., which provides property management services for theUnion Station complex. Nakada + Associates, Inc. is responsible for therepair work design.

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John Catoe, CTA Executive Committee Chairmanand Metro's Deputy CEO, address conferenceattendees.

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Metro hosts the 39th Annual California Transit Association Conference andExpo in Universal City, attended by more than 700 transit professionals.


Red, White and Transit

Metro Hosts 39th Annual California Transit AssociationConference


Metro hosted the 39th AnnualCalifornia Transit AssociationConference and Expo this weekin Universal City, drawing morethan 700 transit professionalsfrom throughout California forthree days of meetings,conference sessions, exhibitsand networking.

Metro brought together astatewide panel of transitexperts at this year’sconference, themed “Red, White

and Transit,” to discuss issues critical to today’s transit environment.Topics included transportation security, California regulations, universalfare systems, smart card technologies, transit-oriented development,public/private partnerships, procurement streamlining, bus operatorrecruitment and more.

Howard Putnam, Former CEO ofSouthwest Airlines, kicked offthe conference with a keynotespeech addressing leadership

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Howard Putnam talks leadership.

APTA President William Millar briefs attendees onthe results of the elections for California'stransit industry.

principles in transportation. Hisinsights into how Southwestbecame an innovator inproviding mass transit serviceswithin the airline industry werewell received by conferenceattendees.

The conference expo gave many industry suppliers an opportunity tomeet directly with transit agency executives to showcase theirproducts and technologies. Several bus manufacturers and theirpartners also provided demonstration buses outside the hotel forattendee viewing.

Metro's Jane Matsumoto andDavid Sutton show off ticketvending machine model withuniversal fare systemfunctionality.

Wednesday evening’s offsite reception at B.B. Kings Blues Club atUniversal City Walk was successful, with more than 300 conferenceattendees joining in for music, drinks and fun.

APTA President William Millarclosed the conference with ananalysis of the national electionsand their implications for publictransit funding. Millar said that,across the country, 23 out of 31public transit propositions wereapproved by voters. Thatrepresented $40 billion infunding to improve America’spublic transit systems. He saidthat obtaining the proper levelof funding will remain achallenge for the transit industryin 2005, and urged California’stransit industry to redoubleefforts to contact their members of congress to communicate theimportance of transportation funding.

Metro provided shuttles to/from theUniversal City Metro Red Line Station and

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the Sheraton Hotel for the CTAconference.

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When it reopensNov. 15, MetroCafé will introducea full menu oftoastedsandwiches>Sample menu

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Metro Café, Metro Store take a holiday onVeterans Day and the following Friday.

Metro Café will offer limited service Thursday,Friday in the cafeteria lobby while undergoingfinishing touches for a grand re-opening onMonday, Nov. 15.

Metro Store also takes a holiday; employeecenter will be closed on Veterans Day and theday after.

(Nov. 9, 2004) Metro Café will close, Nov. 11-12, so FacilitiesMaintenance can repaint the walls and install a new steam table, saysManager Bruce Ueno. A new toaster oven also will be added so delichefs can prepare Quizno’s-style toasted sandwiches.In the meantime, the Café will offer limited service in the lobby of thecafeteria until 2 p.m. while the main area is being repainted. Thecafeteria will offer pastries and sandwiches on Thursday and a moresubstantial selection of hot entrees in serving dishes on Friday.See Metro Café menu for week of Nov. 8.

When the cafeteria reopens the following week, Ueno plans tointroduce a new “menu ticket” ordering system customers will use topurchase food items in the grill and deli areas at breakfast and lunch.

The new ordering system is designed to streamline the grill and deliservice and speed up the checkout, said Ueno.

See article> How does it work?

To kick off the new menu ticket system, Ueno is planning a “grandreopening,” Nov. 15, with a drawing for prizes and free meals. Allmenu tickets turned in during the first week will be eligible for thedrawing.

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Interceptor air takescircuitous route to freedom:

leaving the room underpressure...

over the driveway...


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Industrial hygenist Collins Kalu, at right, managed project that enclosed interceptor tanks on P-1and installed a negative pressure ventilating system that controls emanating odors.

Ventilating System Circumvents Interceptor Scent

Trouble was brewing in the sewers beneath the Cityof the Angels but an amendment to the IndustrialWaste Control Ordinance of the Los AngelesMunicipal Code (LAMC 64.30) came to the rescue:

"To further control the waste grease dischargesfrom food service establishments, these regulationsshall serve to prevent sewage spills caused bygrease related blockages in the sewer system."

Therefore, by decree of the Los Angeles MunicipalCode, it was determined that a grease interceptorshall be installed at the Gateway Building.

And so it came to be, in the year 2002, that twointerceptor tanks, each with the capacity of 1,000gallons, stood sentry at the entrance to P-1.

But it wasn't long until the Metro employees andtownsfolk began to wonder about the bitter air anddownwind aroma that seemed to emanate from thecauldrons that burbled and boiled just outside theentrance to the elevators.

Suddenly, Collins Kalu, Sr. Industrial Hygenist in theOffice of Systems Security and Safety, developed aplan to circumvent and thwart the permeatingodor.

"We have enclosed the interceptor in a room anddisconnected the vent that leads to the roof," hesaid.

"Then, we installed a negative pressure system thatpumps the air in the room into an exhaust duct that

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across to the loading dock...

outta here.

winds along the ceiling of P-1 for 350 feet to theloading dock and ends midway around the bend,where the treated air can be safely discharged."

And so, the sad tale of the "eau de metro" comesto a happy resolution: Metro has complied with theregulation, the townsfolk are free to walk P-1 andthe sewers are, for the most part, better off thanthey were four years ago. – from Gayle Anderson

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Div. 18 Equipment Maintenancesupervisor Henry Prater.

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From Vietnam to Desert Storm, Metro Veterans Share WartimeExperiencesBy RICH MORALLOIt was his first firefight in Vietnam in 1967 and 20-year old hospitalcorpsman Jon Vandercook was scared."I was in the middle of a fire fight, tending to a marine lieutenant whohad just taken a bullet in his head," remarked Vandercook, today aMetro senior safety specialist. Meanwhile, Metro bus operator EdwardYork, another Armed Forces veteran, also talked about coming underfire as a young Navy machinist's mate when his ship arrived in DaNang Harbor in 1972.

Vandercook, York and other Metro South Bay members who served inthe military shared some of their experiences recently in honorof Military Veterans Appreciation Day on November 11.

A Marine foreverHenry Prater served three tours as amarine in Vietnam in the 1960s."Bullets shot through our cargo planewhen I was there in 1964," said Prater,an equipment maintenance supervisorat Carson Division 18. Prater's job wasto set up refueling stations forhelicopter missions. He was aboard anArmy cargo plane carrying supplies andequipment near Da Nang when heheard bullets burst through the walls ofthe plane.

"Earlier I had positioned an aluminumfuel filter that I was transporting behind the plane's co*ckpit. That filtersaved the pilot's and co-pilot's lives as the bullets ended up lodged inthe filter," narrated Prater who would go on to serve 21 years and

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Div. 18 Bus Operator LeslieAuzenne

Div. 18 Bus Operator Ed York. Inset: In theNavy, 1972.

seven months in the Marines.

Dental assistantHelping process marines for DesertStorm/Desert Shield in Saudi Arabia, Division18 bus operator Leslie Auzenne worked as adental assistant in San Diego from 1988 to1992. "I joined the Navy for administrativeoffice training but my high placement scoreslanded me a job as a dental technician," saidAuzenne who spent most of hertour coordinating the dental screening of newlyrecruited marines.

"I loved serving the military," saidAuzenne, also responsible for assisting indental surgeries, processing x-rays, and

cleaning teeth during her tour of duty . The Los Angelesresident recommends the military to high school graduates looking fora way to start their careers. "My son, who's in college, plans to go tolaw school and eventually join the Navy and serve in the JudgeAdvocate General Corps.

The Navy called Like Auzenne, York alsooperates a Division 18 busand served in the Navy. "Iworked on hydraulic systems,submarine periscopes, airplanesand aircraft elevators," he said."I was originally drafted by theArmy but after I tested for boththe Navy and the Air Force, theNavy was the first to call mein," said York.

York remembers like it was justyesterday when he first saw theshores of Vietnam in October1972. "There were 200 of uson our subtender as weapproached Da Nang Harbor. Wecould hear the enemy shootingat us from shore," remarkedYork. The bus operator,who served in the Philippines,Australia, Spain, Thailand andAfrica, also hasfamily currently in uniform.

"My son in in the Army in Iraq now," said York. "I'm looking forward tohis return in February."

Tank mechanicPaul Aldana and ThomasFox, bus operators withArthur Winston Division 5,also served in the military."As a Marine tank mechanic

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Div 5 Operators PaulAldana, above, and,right, Thomas Fox.

I was always right behindthe combat units duringDesert Storm/Desert Shieldin 1991," said Fox whomaintained the main turret,hydraulics and gear box oftanks. Fox's other militarytours included Japan, Korea and Hawaii.

"I was an Army truck driver in Okinawa in 1969," said Aldana whoworked 15-hour days loading ships with medical supplies andammunition bound for Vietnam. "I operated this huge 15-ton one-floorhigh truck tractor that could move trailers and supply boxes onto theships," Aldana said.

Provided emergency treatmentWith bullets flying overhead that Vietnam June day in 1967Vandercook focused on providing emergency treatment to thewounded officer and prepared him for evacuation.

"Sleeping in a hole full of water during the monsoon. Climbingmountains and wading through rice padies while carrying a five-gallonwater can, mortar rounds and machine gun ammo in addition to mymedical gear and M-14 rifle. Patching up wounded Marines andidentifying dead comarades. These are my memories of Vietnam," saidVandercook.

Vandercook was later commissioned, and with 31 years of militaryservice will retire as a commander in January.

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November Committee Meetings

Planning & Programming, 1p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 17

Executive Management &Audit, 9:30 a.m., Thursday,Nov. 18

Finance & Budget, 10:30a.m., Thursday, Nov. 18

Construction, 11:30 a.m.,Thursday, Nov. 18

Operations, 1 p.m.,Thursday, Nov. 18

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Board Committees to Consider Motions for December Meeting

Items 10 and 31, Subway Construction Ban

Item 22, FY 2005 Budget Amendment

Item 14, Agency Nomenclature

Item 17, Transit Television Network

Item 8, Santa Monica Transit Corridor

(Nov. 16, 2004) Although no Board ofDirectors meeting is scheduled inNovember, Board committees willconsider a number of motions, includingeliminating a prohibition against subwayconstruction, an amendment to the FY2005 budget, Metro nomenclature, andTV programming on Metro Buses.

The next full Board meeting is scheduledfor Monday, Dec. 13. No committeemeetings are scheduled for December.November committee items include:

Items 10 and 31, SubwayConstruction Ban: After his motion washeld over from October, Los Angeles CityCouncilman Tom LaBonge is again askingthe Board to “support federal legislationthat lifts the prohibition on the use of federal funds…” for subwayconstruction and operation in the area reaching west of CrenshawBoulevard to North Robertson Boulevard in Beverly Hills.

That area includes a “high potential risk zone” where methane gas hasbeen found in the ground. According to LaBonge’s motion, “newtechnologies have been developed to vent gas, prevent fires andimprove the general safety associated with subway construction.”

A similar motion in September won unanimous approval of the LosAngeles City Council. The Board’s Planning and ProgrammingCommittee and the Construction Committee both are scheduled toconsider the issue.

Item 22, FY 2005 Budget Amendment: The Finance & BudgetCommittee will hear a motion to amend the FY 2005 budget toovercome an expected $20 million shortfall in fare revenues this fiscalyear – $9 million in bus revenues and $11 million in rail revenues.

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Through the first quarter of FY 2005, fare revenues are under budgetby $4.9 million. Ridership is “relatively flat,” according to a Boardreport, and the fare restructuring increased overall revenues by 2.5percent, instead of the 10 percent increase projected in the budget.

Projected fare revenues for the fiscal year, based on first quarterresults, are $263 million instead of the $283 million budgeted, a $20million difference.

Item 14, Agency Nomenclature: The Executive Management & AuditCommittee will receive a report outlining guidelines for the use of theterms “Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority” and“Metro” and for the Metro logo.

The guidelines are intended to provide “a unified and consistentidentification system that will improve public awareness of the agency,and strengthen the perceived connection between the agency and itsmultiple functions and initiatives.”

The logo and nomenclature guidelines will apply to all printedmaterials, website, projects, signage and vehicles.

The guidelines note that the legal name of the agency is “Los AngelesCounty Metropolitan Transportation Authority,” while the popular nameis “Metro.” Official documents should use the full agency name.LACMTA is an acceptable alternative when space is limited.

“Metro” is to be used in any and all internal and externalcommunications and is to replace “MTA.” According to a 2003 survey,more than two-thirds of LA County residents are familiar with theagency’s logo and associate it with Metro.

Item 17, Transit Television Network: An Orlando, Fla., electronicmedia company wants to equip Metro Buses with video screens toprovide passengers with entertainment, news, weather, games andadvertising messages.

The Executive Management & Audit Committee will consider a motionauthorizing the CEO to execute a 10-year revenue contract withTransit Television Network (TTN). The contract could earn Metro up to$67 million over the life of the contract.

In a 90-day test last spring, OPIS received favorable feedback fromoperators and passengers on two Metro Rapid Line 720 buses. Nosimilar installation is planned at this time on the Metro Red Line.

TTN has installed OPIS units on buses in Orlando and in Milwaukee. Itis currently being evaluated by the Chicago and Atlanta transitsystems.

Item 8, Santa Monica Transit Corridor: The City of Santa Monica isrequesting $30 million to purchase land for a rail right-of-way forpotential future development of a Downtown/Civic Center terminalstation for the Metro Exposition Light Rail Line.

The Planning & Programming committee will consider a motionapproving withdrawal of the money from the city’s TransportationDevelopment Act (TDA) Capital Rail Reserve.

The parcels under consideration total 145,000 square feet and are

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located in a one-block area on the north side of I-10 Freeway betweenMain and Fourth Street or between Fourth and Fifth streets.

In other action, the Operations Committee will receive a report on aFreeway Service Patrol Big Rig demonstration project aimed at clearingaccidents within 90 minutes on the I-710 Freeway; a report on thefeasibility of converting the last car on Metro Red Line trains forunrestricted bicycle use; a report on an effort to keep debris andrubbish cleaned up on the Union Pacific tracks paralleling the MetroBlue Line; and a report on the “Metro Connections” bus servicerestructuring program.

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Gift givers receive colorfulreminder that gifts are due

Dec. 9.

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CEO Roger Snoble picks up "gift giving tag" from task force coordinatorBesie Rush-Johnson to launch ninth annual gift drive for the Fred JordanMission for Skid Row Kids program.

9th Gift Giving Drive Seeks 9,000 Gifts for Skid Row Kids

Volunteers staff the Gift Giving task Force

(Nov. 16, 2004) This year will mark Metro’s 9th annual Holiday GiftGiving Drive for the Fred Jordan Mission for Skid Row Kids andcoordinators are setting an ambitious goal by asking employees andtheir families to donate 9,000 gifts to the charity.

“Every year since the Gift Drive began in 1996, generous employeeshave given more and more gifts,” says Bessie Rush-Johnson, GiftGiving Task Force coordinator.

The Gift Giving Task Force will host aninformation table in the 3rd floor lobby from11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., from Wednesday,Nov. 17, to Friday, Nov. 19.

The Task Force seeks donations of newunwrapped gifts that can include an abundanceof suitable items such as blankets, toy cars anddolls, games, pencils and paper, stuffedanimals, footballs, soccer balls and basketballs,rain gear, back packs and even canned goods.

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Gift Drive coordinators will visit MTA operatingdivisions that don’t conduct their own toy drives, beginning Nov. 22,to distribute gift tags. The gift tags must be attached to theunwrapped gifts, which should be delivered to coordinators by 12:30p.m., Thursday, Dec. 9.

The gifts will be delivered to the Fred Jordan Mission on Friday, Dec.10, at 10 a.m. MTA employees and family members over 16 years ofa*ge will help distribute the gifts to kids at the Mission on Sunday, Dec.19, from 9 a.m. to 5 pm.

Volunteers staff the Gift Giving Task Force. This year the members are, from left,Linda Perryman, Phillip Waldman, Jackie Davidson, Gracie Alvarado, Barbara McDowell,Bessie Rush-Johnson, Keith Compton, Joan Chu, Mary Talbert and Yanira Rivera. Notpictured: Deborah Bishop, Liza Bates, Rose Ann Sanchez, Jeanne Kinsel, and JuanitaWright.

Gift Drive Chronology:

Dec. 9, Gift Drive deadline

Dec. 10, Deliver gifts to the Fred Jordan Mission

Dec. 19, Gift distribution at the Mission

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Welcome to 'Share the Ride' Workshop

Rideshare vendors from Flexcar to Enterprise Rent A Van to LA DWP andTorrance Transit offered alternative transportation options to ridesharecoordinators from nearly 200 participating employers.

TransportationCoordinators Get Tips onMarketingRideshare

Above, Getty Foundation coordinator CarlaMachuca collects information. Below, EnterpriseRent A Van representative Amber Brown, atright, offers suggestions.

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(Nov. 16, 2004) Employee Transportation Coordinators from across LACounty gathered at Metro Headquarters, Tuesday, for training on how tomarket rideshare services in their companies.

The “Share the Ride Workshop,” hosted by Metro Commute Service, providedtips on effective rideshare marketing. In California, companies with 250 ormore employees are required to offer rideshare programs.

The ETCs were introduced to Metro’s new Employer Pass Program, to theTAP fare program being readied for introduction in 2005, and to the MetroLiner articulated bus scheduled for use on the Metro Orange Line next year.

To interest their employees in using Metro and other commuter services,Tuesday’s seminar offered the ETCs such tips as promoting ridesharing atcompany events; using posters, brochures, electronic messages andnewsletters; and stressing W.I.I.F.M – What’s In It For Me

Metro CommuteServicesmanager DavidSutton, greetstransportationcoordinators atmorning session.

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The Division 8 Maintenance team celebrates its August contest win.

Div. 8 Maintenance Chalks Another ‘How You Doin?’ VictoryBy ERIC RAPP(Nov 17, 2004) West Valley Division 8 Maintenance continues to pile upwins in the ‘How You Doin?’’ program, winning Best Maintenance Divisionfor August.

At a recent celebration, Maintenance Manager Pat Orr stressed that morethan just winning awards, the efforts of the employees are vitallyimportant to thousands of Metro riders as well.

“What you do makes a difference to our customers,” said Orr. “Keeping ourbuses running on time and clean makes it possible for them to get to workand school every day.”

San Fernando Valley General Manager Richard Hunt congratulates theDivision 8 Maintenance team.

San Fernando Valley General manager Richard Hunt was also on hand, notjust to help Maintenance employees to celebrate their continuing wins, but

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also to answer questions they had about Metro’s newest bus, thearticulated Metro Liner.

In addition to managing the sector, Hunt is still manager of New VehicleTechnology and was in charge of the selection of the bus. Division 8 will bethe first to receive the Metro Liner.

Hunt answered a wide range of questions, including some about thepowerplant, the articulating mechanism, training for mechanics andoperators, and new fuel technologies, not only on the Metro Liner, but forthe future.

“We’re already planning for the future, when newer and more stringentemissions restrictions take effect in 2007 and 2010,” Hunt told themechanics and service attendants, “and we’ll be ready.”

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DPW Employee Charged with Defrauding Rideshare Program(Nov. 17, 2004) A former LA County Department of Public Worksemployee was scheduled to appear in Los Angeles Superior Court,Wednesday, to answer charges of defrauding Metro’s RideshareRewards Program.

April Gonzales is charged with felony grand theft and public officercrime for allegedly misappropriating $700 in Target gift certificateswhile she was employee transportation coordinator at DPW’s AlcazarStreet facility in Lincoln Heights.

DPW audited its Rideshare Rewards Program, last March, afterreceiving a tip and brought discrepancies to the attention of Metro’sOffice of the Inspector General, according to Senior Investigator BrianO’Reilly.

O’Reilly alleged that Gonzales sometimes enrolled fictitious employeesin the Rideshare Rewards Program or enrolled employees who werenot carpooling. Other times, he said, she kept gift certificates thatshould have been distributed to DPW employees.

LA County District Attorney Anthony Colannino filed one count each offelony grand theft and public officer crime charges against Gonzales,Oct. 7. She was arraigned, Oct. 28, in Superior Court and pled notguilty to both counts and was released on her own recognizance.

The Rideshare Rewards Program, started in 1997, encouragesridesharing by workers at companies with fewer than 250 employees.Through the program, employees who rideshare can earn Target,Ralphs or Best Buy gift certificates valued at up to $120.

Rideshare Rewards will be revised and combined with anotherincentive program in December. It will be renamed the Metro RewardsProgram.

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Nurse Karla Becker of theRisk ManagementDepartment operates 40-footCNG bus around the yard ofCarson Division 18.

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Nurse Karla Becker Takes Pulse of Metro Bus OperationBY RICH MORALLO(Nov. 17, 2004) Never in her wildest transit dreams did CaseNurse Karla Becker of the Risk Management Department envisionherself driving a Metro bus.

But there she was on a recent morning, turning a huge steering wheeland operating a 40-foot CNG bus around the yard of Carson Division18.

"I normally drive a small two-door HondaCivic," said Becker, a claims unit casemanager. "When I drove that bus for the firsttime I actually looked for a clutch."

Becker and three other Metro and LongBeach Medical Center employees participatedin South Bay Service Sector's annual medicalstaff transit orientation.

"The three-hour tour shows what takes place ata division from the time a Metro operator signson to work until he or she pulls the bus out of

the yard," said Jackie Anderson, who coordinates Workers'Compensation claims for the sector.

Demonstrate daily environmentAssistant Transportation Manager Craig Smith, who let all of thevisitors take a turn at driving the bus, wanted to demonstrate the dailyenvironment of an operator. "We showed the visitors how an operatorsits, steers and stops."

On the maintenance side of the yard, Manager Ken Matsuno had aservice attendant show the visitors how to hook up the fuel nozzle toa bus, and use cleaning equipment to blow away dirt and dust insidethe bus.

Rosie Espinoza, a client services representative with Long BeachMedical Center, appreciated the chance to visit the 15-acre Metro busyard, located near the 110 and 405 freeways in Carson. "The trip wasvery informative and I now understand the working environmentof bus operators."

Becker, who normally spends her time at Metro Headquarters workingon case files on the computer or attending coordination meetings, saidafter the field trip that she had a better understanding of whatoperators have to deal with.

"When I was driving the bus I realized that an operator really has tobe aware of everything around the bus, even objects that are at a

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distance," she said.

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Senior Transit Security Officer Mario Carrillo, center, with hisCertificate of Commendation. From left, rear, are Sheriff’sCommander Willie Miller, Transit Police Chief Capt. Dan Finkelsteinand Lt. Mike Herek.

Officer Carrillo Commended for Help in Sexual Assault Investigation(Nov. 17, 2004) The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department hascommended Metro Senior Transit Security Officer Mario Carrillo for hispart in solving recent cases of sexual assault in the Union Stationparking garage.

Following the arrest, Sept. 2, of suspect Steven Jackson, 33, Carrillohelped the Sheriff’s Transit Services Bureau discredit alibis the suspectoffered deputies. This information helped detectives in filing threecounts of sexual assault against Jackson.

“The Transit Services Bureau and Sheriff’s Headquarters are gratefulfor Senior Officer Carrillo’s keen investigative skills and commendedhim as a partner and team member,” said Lt. Mike Herek.

DNA evidence gathered during the investigation confirmed thatJackson committed sexual assaults in the Union Station parkinggarage, according to Sheriff’s Detective Jeanine Lum.

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Maintenance staff at Arthur Winston Division frequently provide safety suggestions thatcontribute to their success at avoiding lost-time injuries. PHOTO: RICH MORALLO

Employee Suggestions Aim at Keeping Division 5 SafeBy RICH MORALLO

(Nov. 18, 2004) One Arthur Winston Division 5 mechanic came forwardwith a suggestion that buses should not block pedestrian walkways in thebus yard. Another staff member noticed that division “housekeeping”could be improved.

"As a result of our people putting safety first, Arthur Winston DivisionMaintenance has gone 160 days without a lost-time injury case," saidAssistant Maintenance Manager Sergio Rubalcava.

Mechanics and service attendants at the 10-acre Chesterfield Square busyard used the Field Observation and Feedback (FOF) Form to reportsafety questions and help establish the 160-day Arthur WinstonDivision milestone, according to Rubalcava.

In the previous five-month period, the maintainers had three lost-timecases.

Employee suggestions"Regarding the suggestion with the blocked pedestrian walkways, somebuses waiting in line at the refueling island would end up parked overpart of the pedestrian walkways which forced people off of thedesignated walk paths," said Rubalcava. "The FOF on housekeepingrecommended that air hoses be wound back up after use so they wouldnot present a tripping hazard in the shops."

In both cases, thanks to employees who took time to write down theirsafety suggestions on the FOF, corrective action was taken and the 115 -member maintenance staff continued to work together and achievea division record of five months without anyone missing work due to an

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"Our people are also using the FOF to make positive comments toreinforce what is safe and to get agreement to change unsafe behavior,"said Maintenance Manager Alex DiNuzzo.

Remember to be safeHelping make safety a priority are those employees who remember to besafe.

"When I work my mind is full of safety at all times," said Andrew Warren,a 22-year mechanic.

Vernon Jackson, another mechanic who has 21 years with the agency,said, "My slogan is to keep safe and aware of your environment."

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With City Hall in the background, members of a walking group get in somehealthy exercise following announcement of the new “Metro Fit” campaign.


‘Metro Fit’ Campaign Promotes Using Public Transit for Exercise

Metro, Heart Association, YMCA launch campaign

Are you getting enough exercise each day?


(Nov. 18, 2004) Metro, the American Heart Association and theKetchum-Downtown YMCA held a fitness rally at the Metro Rail CivicCenter station, Wednesday, to kick off “Metro Fit,” a new fitnessawareness campaign.

“Metro Fit” encourages health-conscious Angelenos to incorporate moreexercise into their daily schedules by connecting with publictransportation.

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Barbara Lashenick of the Metro Art DocentCouncil and a Los Angeles Conservancy tourguide lead members of a “Metro Fit” walkinggroup stride across a street near the DisneyConcert Hall.

Are You Getting Enough Exercise Each Day?

(Nov. 18, 2004) Studies reveal that Angelenosare not getting nearly enough physical exercise

Fitness instructors from the Ketchum-Downtown YMCA lead a “Metro Fit”warm-up exercise.

The Metro Fit program promotes walking to and from transit forcommuting. It recommends using the stairs at Metro Red Line stations,discovering local attractions by Metro and on foot, and combiningbicycling with public transit.

“For busy county residents, working the recommended amount ofexercise into their daily routines is nearly impossible,” said CEO RogerSnoble. “Let the Metro system be your own personal trainer. It’s aready-made par course to help you lose pounds, save money anddiscover L.A.”

Lack of exercise hurts

The many detrimental effectsassociated with lack of dailyexercise include high bloodpressure, stroke, diabetes,obesity and heart attack.

Many public health advocatesrecommend 10,000 steps perday to maintain physical fitness.Public transit is an excellentway to help reach that number,as it requires more walking thanAngelenos typically do in a day.

With a Metro bus or rail stoplocated within a half-mile radiusof most residents’ homes in LosAngeles County, those who usepublic transportation round-tripcan achieve around 2,500 steps– about a mile – of additionaldaily walking exercise.

“Achieving at least 30 minutesof walking exercise per dayutilizing public transit can helpAngelenos achieve their fitness

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on a daily basis.

According a recent study by UCLA researchers,41 percent of county residents get no morethan 10 minutes of continuous exercise eachweek, which is lower than the 30 minutes aday, five days per week that is recommendedby the national Centers for Disease Control andPrevention.

An Atlanta survey conducted earlier this year byGeorgia Tech found that how much time peoplespend driving has a great impact on whetherthey are obese. Driving time, in fact, had agreater effect on weight than gender, ethnicity,education or income.

The survey found that, for every extra 30minutes commuters drove each day, they had athree percent greater chance of being obesethan their peers who drove less.

The Atlanta survey is particularly relevant to LosAngeles, where most residents spend muchmore than half an hour per day driving.

goals while at the same timereducing risk factors for disease,our nation’s number one killer,”said David Beaver, corporatemarket director for theAmerican Heart Association.

‘Metro Stair Climb’

Health-conscious residents canalso take the “Metro StairClimb” using Metro Red Linesubway steps to increase heartrates and help improvecardiovascular health. Subwayportal steps range from about60 to 200 steps, withWilshire/Vermont Metro Red LineStation having the most: 324steps.

Metro Fit also encourageslunchtime and weekend walkingtours to discover new areas ofthe county.

Metro’s Art Docent Council, for example, offers the “Art’s A Trip”docent tour the first Saturday and Sunday of each month at Metro Railstations. Fitness enthusiasts can walk approximately 3,100 steps onthese tours.

The Los Angeles Conservancy provides low-cost, two and a half-hourweekend tours of historic portions of Los Angeles, includingDowntown’s Evolving Skyline (2,916 steps), L.A.’s Historic Core (4,525steps), and Union Station (5,025 steps).

Self-guided tours are also available on the Conservancy’s web site

A Los Angeles Conservancy tour guide leads “Metro Fit” walkers along asidewalk near the Pershing Square Metro Rail station.

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Court orders probation, community service, court fees and$2,742.29 in restitutionBy PAM MURANO(Nov. 18, 2004) Former Division 15 employee Lolita A. Hicks Dolliole-Crowder pled guilty, Nov. 16, to two counts of insurance fraud forfiling a false claim for Workers’ Compensation benefits.

Crowder, 50, of Palmdale, was arrested Dec. 30, 2003, on 16 countsof insurance fraud. The 23-year Metro employee had alleged that shewas injured, Dec. 3, 2003, when she was physically assaulted and hiton the wrist by a bus passenger.

An investigation by the Metro Special Investigations Unit found that,while there was an argument with a passenger, Crowder was notphysically assaulted. She was accused of faking the injury to collect$3,000 in Worker’s Comp benefits.

Crowder paid $2,742.29 in restitution to Metro. She also will berequired to complete 300 hours of community service, pay $120 incourt costs and will be on summary probation for a period of threeyears.

A sentencing hearing will be held April 13, 2005. At that hearing, thejudge will determine whether to accept the plea based on hersubstantial completion of the community service agreement, herpayment of the restitution and court costs and consideration of anyacts that may affect her probationary status.

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Ed Marshall

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Ed Marshall’s Struggle with a Mysterious Virus Almost Claims His Life

A common fruit helped keep him alive

By SHANTAY IOSIA(Nov. 19, 2004) The deceitful creature crept into Ed Marshall’s unwarybody and silently began its game of charades. First, it disguised itselfas a common cold, then the flu and finally pneumonia.

The unknown virus, which appeared in September2003, confused doctors and forced Marshall, theLogistics Department assignment coordinator clerk atthe Regional Rebuild Center, to the edge of his life.

In the end, it was a common fruit – available on everygrocer’s shelf – that helped keep Marshall alive. But,the struggle he endured while he fought for his life andhis doctors searched for clues to a cure was a long

and difficult one.

Ed Marshall had struggled with a heart murmur and respiratoryproblems as a child and was accustomed to the diagnosis. But he grewsuspicious as the new and puzzling symptoms continued into its sixthmonth.

An unidentified virusDuring a routine checkup, test results revealed an unidentified virussimilar to hepatitis B. His alarmed doctor immediately contactedMarshall who returned for more tests.

The cunning virus tried to convince doctors it didn’t exist, but asMarshall’s symptoms progressed, doctors worked relentlessly to findthe source.

They soon discovered that the virus had attacked Marshall’s heartmuscle. The muscle deterioration prevented his heart from functioningbeyond 25 percent of its ability.

Doctors struggled to preserve Marshall’s heart while attempting toidentify and destroy the virus. Meanwhile, Marshall experiencedperiodic episodes, or moments when his heart stopped beating.

Suggested a hearttransplantDoctors were able torevive him each timebut as his heartweakened, functioningat a feeble 13 percent,

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Metro’s Ed Marshall, lower right, says his brush with deathhas strengthened his family and made him a more patientperson. With him are his wife Gloria, and children, from leftJordan, Rashawnda and Rachard.

they told him there wasno more they could do.They suggested a hearttransplant and saidthat, if he survived theoperation, he wouldremain on disability forthe rest of his life.

A defeated Marshallsurrendered andprepared farewellspeeches to his wife,Gloria, and children, Rachard, Rashawnda and Jordan.

“At that point no sermons or scriptures came to mind,” says Marshall,a Christian. “I was just frightened. When a person approaches thebrink of death, that’s when the real decision comes. I could either take(a new) heart or die.”

Then, a doctor who was on the team treating Marshall came to hisbedside and offered the first words of hope he had heard in over aweek. He advised his patient to exhaust other options beforeconsidering a transplant.

Awoke to an odd smellMarshall agreed, but his heart continued its irregular patterns. When itstopped for the third time, he awoke to an odd smell -- the scent ofbananas.

“You don’t have to worry about that happening anymore,” he recallsthe doctor saying. “Your heart was craving potassium.”

A medium-size banana contains 467 milligrams of potassium, whichhelps regulate the heart rate and lower a person’s blood pressure. Thepotassium helped stabilize Marshall’s heart, allowing him to avoid thetransplant.

Marshall defied medical theories and was released from the hospitalwith the promise of a full recovery. He regained his strength and theanonymous virus crept out as silently as it made its invasion.

Now healthy and back on the job at the RRC, Marshall says, “It was areally horrible experience. I pray that no person would have to gothrough what I had to endure.”

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Metro Cafe Menu for the week of October 10 - October 14 , 2005

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayBreakfast Burrito or Quesadilla


English Muffin Breakfast Sandwich $1.55 with Cheese

$1.95 with Meat

Fresh 3 Egg Omelets $2.25 with Vegetables

$3.25 with Meat & Cheese

Georgia Peach Chicken

$3.99 al a carte $5.29 meal

Southern Pulled Pork $3.99 al a carte

$5.29 meal

Carne Asada Steak or Chicken Burrito

$3.99 burrito $5.29 meal

Pork Chile Verde $3.99 burrito $5.29 meal

Orange Mojo Cumin Pork

$3.99 al a carte $5.29 meal

Spicy Cuban Rotisserie Chicken

$3.99 al a carte $5.29 meal

Sweet & Sour Chicken

$3.99 al a carte $5.29 meal

Asian Marinated Pork Loin

$3.99 al a carte $5.29 meal

Tandoori Chicken $3.99 al a carte

$5.29 meal

Coconut-Curry Fish $3.99 al a carte

$5.29 meal

Individual Pizza, Made to Order


Spinach & Cheese Calzone


Chicken Parmesan Rolletto $3.95

Individual Pizza, Made to Order


Garlic Chicken Calzone


Philly Rolletto $3.95

Individual Pizza, Made to Order


Neapolitan Calzone $3.95

Chicken Parmesan Rolletto $3.95

Individual Pizza, Made to Order


Garlic Chicken Calzone


FourMaggio Rolletto $3.95

Individual Pizza, Made to Order


Spinach & Cheese Calzone


Chicken Parmesan Rolletto $3.95

Deli Sandwich, Made to Order

$2.19 Half $3.99 Whole

Ranch Chicken Club Panini $4.59

BBQ Chicken Panini $4.59

Deli Sandwich, Made to Order

$2.19 Half $3.99 Whole

Ranch Chicken Club Panini $4.59

Cuban Panini $4.59

Deli Sandwich, Made to Order

$2.19 Half $3.99 Whole

Ranch Chicken Club Panini $4.59

Caprese Panini $4.59

Deli Sandwich, Made to Order

$2.19 Half $3.99 Whole

Ranch Chicken Club Panini $4.59

Cajun Panini $4.59

Deli Sandwich, Made to Order

$2.19 Half $3.99 Whole

Ranch Chicken Club Panini $4.59

Mediterranean Beef Panini $4.59

Check out all of our new specialty

sandwiches including the Red, Hot & Blue,

Cubano, Bacon Mushroom & Swiss,

and BBQ Bacon Cheddar. We also have all of your old


Check out all of our new specialty

sandwiches including the Red, Hot & Blue,

Cubano, Bacon Mushroom & Swiss,

and BBQ Bacon Cheddar. We also have all of your old


Check out all of our new specialty

sandwiches including the Red, Hot & Blue,

Cubano, Bacon Mushroom & Swiss,

and BBQ Bacon Cheddar. We also have all of your old


Check out all of our new specialty

sandwiches including the Red, Hot & Blue,

Cubano, Bacon Mushroom & Swiss,

and BBQ Bacon Cheddar. We also have all of your old


Check out all of our new specialty

sandwiches including the Red, Hot & Blue,

Cubano, Bacon Mushroom & Swiss,

and BBQ Bacon Cheddar. We also have all of your old

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Exhibition Caesar Salad $5.49

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Exhibition Caesar Salad $5.49

Roasted Vegetable Tortellini - available all

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Exhibition Caesar Salad $5.49

Chicken Bruschetta Pasta - available all

week! $4.99

Exhibition Caesar Salad $5.49

Portabella & Sausage Pasta - available all

week! $4.99

Page 1 of 2


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Four-Chile Chili $1.45 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Black Bean Soup $1.25 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Four-Chile Chili $1.45 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Broccoli Cheese Soup

$1.25 8oz Cup $1.65 12oz Bowl

Four-Chile Chili $1.45 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Vegetarian Six-Onion Soup

$1.25 8oz Cup $1.65 12oz Bowl

Four-Chile Chili $1.45 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Creole Gumbo $1.25 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

Four-Chile Chili $1.45 8oz Cup

$1.65 12oz Bowl

New England Clam Chowder

$1.45 8oz Cup $1.65 12oz Bowl

Page 2 of 2


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Metro to Begin Online Sales of Monthly Transit Passes Dec. 1By ED SCANNELLBuying Metro’s monthly transit passes is about to get easier for peoplewith Internet access. Beginning December 1, 2004 Metro customerscan purchase their regular monthly pass or EZ Transit Pass online.

Online orders must be placed by the 15th of the month to ensuredelivery by the 1st of the following month. For example, to order aJanuary 2005 regular monthly pass or EZ Transit Pass, the order mustbe e-mailed to Metro by December 15, 2004.

To place an order, customers will access Metro’s website and click on either Metro Pass or Regional Pass.

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Munguia’s Career Month presentation atTujunga’s Mountain View Elementary Schoolincluded a ride on a Metro bus.

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Mountain View Elementary School pupils gathered for a group photo withOperator Munguia.

Division 8’s Munguia Brings Metro to Tujunga Elementary PupilsBy ERIC RAPP

(Nov. 19, 2004) First-graders at Tujunga’s Mountain View ElementarySchool got to have fun while learning about Metro and a career intransportation, Nov. 18, when Metro Bus Operator Bert Munguia visitedthe school for “Career Month.”

Munguia, assigned to WestValley Division 8, has visited theschool each year for the pastfive years to talk about his job,about Metro, and about safety.

His son Oscar is a student atthe school, and he and his wife,Shanna, a schoolteacher, areboth active in the Parent-Teacher Association.

“When parents get involved, ithelps kids learn about theircommunity,” says Munguia, afive-year Metro veteran. “It helps them in their future lives.”

After talking to the first graders in their classroom, Munguia had aspecial surprise – a Metro Bus, courtesy of East Valley Division 15,was waiting for them on their playground.

After showing the kids some of the bus’s safety features, such as thehanging straps and the wheelchair ramp, Munguia took them on a

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brief spin through the schoolyard, producing giggles and shrieks ofglee.

“I really enjoy doing this,” said Munguia. “I’m already looking forwardto next year.”

Tujunga elementary pupils respond enthusiastically to Division 8 OperatorBert Munguia’s Career Month presentation.

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U.S. House, Senate Vote $62 Million for Metro Rail, Bus Projects(Nov. 23, 2004) Both houses of Congress passed a spending bill, Nov.20, that includes more than $62 million for the Eastside Light RailProject and two other Metro rail and bus projects.

President Bush is expected to sign the $388 billion federalappropriations bill for FY 2005 into law soon. The bill provides:

$60 million for the Eastside light rail project

$675,103 for the final federal installment on the Metro Red LineNorth Hollywood Extension, and

$2,000,000 for Metro Bus acquisitions.

However, because of a provision added by House and Senate leadersto make room for last-minute spending increases for NASA, educationand veterans’ healthcare programs, those sums will be reduced by8/10ths of a percent.

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Rail Operations General Manager Gerald Francis, front and center, and management teamattend the Metro Rail Strategic Plan Workshop Nov. 19. More than 54 Rail Operations executiveofficers, managers, supervisors and administrative staff participated in the half-day workshop.


Rail Operations Outlines Strategic Plan at WorkshopBy WILBUR BABB

(Nov. 23, 2004) The Metro Rail Operations management team held it'sMetro Rail Strategic Plan Workshop, Nov. 19, to discuss, outline and definestrategies vital to accomplishing agency goals and objectives over the nextfive years.

More than 54 Rail Operations executive officers, managers, supervisors andadministrative staff participated in the half-day workshop.

"It's important for us to examine our progress and have a plan that's insync with the overall agency mission," said Rail Operations GeneralManager Gerald C. Francis. "But it's equally important to forecast andoutline our goals and objectives and identify the resources necessary tosucceed."

Management teams representing Administration, Wayside Systems,Transportation, Fleet Services, Operations Safety and Bus OperationsControl (BOC) reviewed FY 2004 and 2005 accomplishments, outlinedchallenges and discussed strategic and budget plans.

The management teams later engaged break-out sessions to further definestrategies to accomplish the agency's goals and objectives.

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Division 5 Service Attendant Rochelle Crear-Wilson,above, coordinates care packages for relatives in themilitary, including brother Tony Crear, at right.

Retired Army Sgt.Tony Crear’s 24 yearsof service includedtours in Korea, Japan,Kuwait andAfghanistan.

Thanksgiving Season: Service Attendant Thankful for Safety of Relatives in MilitaryBy RICH MORALLO(Nov. 24, 2004) This Thanksgiving Rochelle Crear-Wilson will make acall to Killeen, Texas, and talk to her oldest brother and his family.That call will be the highlight of her holiday.

"I am so thankful that God has allowed my brother to make it homesafely after so many years of military service," says Crear-Wilson, asix-year service attendant at Arthur Winston Division 5.

Her brother, retired Army Sgt. Tony Crear, served worldwide duringhis military career, including posts in Colorado, California, Korea andJapan.

"By 2001, my brother had spent 24 years in the Army and was aboutto retire when he was sent to Kuwait and Afghanistan," says Crear-Wilson. For five months he served as a medic, not only helping injuredsoldiers, but also treating children hurt during the war.

Care package coordinatorCrear-Wilson, who attends Cal State Dominguez Hills, was the family'scoordinator for the care packages that were mailed to Tony. "We wereonly allowed to mail shoe-sized care boxes overseas, so I really had tolearn how to pack items efficiently into those small cases."

"We sent Tony and his fellow soldiers what they could really use in thedesert - family letters and pictures, Kool-Aid, beef jerky, candy andlots of baby wipes since they couldn't take a bath," says Crear-Wilson.

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During her brother's deployment, Crear-Wilson and other familymembers - two other brothers and a sister - banded together to makesure Tony's wife and children were taken care of.

For the past two years, Tony has been home in Killeen where he worksas an Army security officer, but Crear-Wilson believes Thanksgiving isa time to continue to be grateful for the well-being and health offamily members.

"Thanksgiving - I'm so grateful for another holiday when everyone inmy family is safe and sound," says Crear-Wilson, who hasn't given upher job as care package coordinator. "My 22-year old cousin is in theMarines and just left for Kuwait."

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Geri Brodie gets ready for her close-up,complete with a new hair style and wardrobe.

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Printing Services Supervisor Rob Hartert is Santa in "Go Metro" ad.

Employees Star in "Go Metro" Campaign

Fame doesn't come easy for hard-working cast and crew ofMetro Design Studio photo shoot. See 'Go Metro to Roll Credits'


(November 24, 2004) When duty and stardom come calling in thesame e-mail, what’s an employee to do?

Offered an opportunity to appearin a Metro Design Studio photoshoot, a number of employeesjumped at the chance.

In a recent Metro Design Studioproduction conducted in mid-October, Geri Brodie, of theChief of Staff office, wastransformed into a blissful buspatron at Dodger Stadium whohas bonded with a Metro Busoperator played by Metro RailOperator Miguel Rukos.

Brodie, who beat out otheraspiring celebrities for thesought-after role, was chosen forher “bubbly, exciting, open andwarm-hearted” persona that captivated Creative Director MichaelLejeune.

“Employees really are the spirit ofMetro,” says Lejeune, “and that energyshows up in the ads. Besides, it’s fun toassume a different identity for a fewhours. In this shoot, Metro TransitSecurity Lt. Keith Bowlin is abusinessman commuter, Jose Miranda’sson is a summer-fun beach boy, andPrint Shop Supervisor Rob Hartertmakes an ideal Santa.”

Responses to Metro casting calls aregrowing. In addition to a welcomechange of pace and a new identity,

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Jose Miranda, Jr., son of ServicePlanning Supervisor Jose Miranda, getsready to "Go Metro" to the beach. Atright, is Transit Security Lt. KeithBowlin, who plays a businesscommuter. Below, method actor RobHartert gives Santa a distinctlyCalifornia interpretation.

Metro stars go on location for out-of-the-ordinary backdrops, such as DodgerStadium, a city park, the Metro GoldLine maintenance yard and aphotographer’s studio.

Now in the second installment of asuccessful campaign, “Go Metro”delivers a new message every month,popping up on billboards, newspapers,posters, banners and the familiar “kingads” posted on the sides of Metrobuses.

Will fame and fortune ruin theseupcoming Metro stars? Not until March,says Brodie, when her image goes up allover Southern California.

“I’m telling all my friends to ‘go Metro’to see my ad,” says Brodie, “ but I’mstill going to be the same down-to-earthperson I’ve always been. Just have yourpeople call my people.”

Go Metro to roll credits>Production: Metro Design Studio

Photography: David Zaitz

Casting call and production assistance: Sr. Marketing AE Gricel Sanchez

Rail Operator Miquel Rukos tries thedriver's seat of a new 45-foot MetroRapid bus to prepare for his starringrole as a Metro Bus operator.

STARRINGMetro Bus scenes:

Geri Brodie - Bubbly, Warm-hearted Patron

Miquel Rukos - Metro Bus Operator

Jose Miranda, Jr. - Beach boy

Elba Higueros - passenger

Eric Rapp - passenger

David Singer - passenger

Keith Bowlin - Businessman commuter

Nate Lu - Fitness guy

Metro Rail scenes:

Rob Hartert - Santa Claus

Sharleen Yoshimi - passenger

Carolynne Clifford - passenger

Giovanni Higuera - passenger

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Paula Carvajal - passenger

Anne Flores - passenger

Corazon Arellano - passenger

Dotti Kesinger - passenger

Charmayne Avant - passenger

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Division 1 Service Attendant Carl Velasquez wasamong many who asked Dr. Budoff about

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Dr. Matthew Budoff, a cardiologist at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,recommends measures employees at Central City Division 1 can take toprevent heart disease.

Operator’s Death Raises Concerns About Heart Disease RisksBy SHANTAY IOSIA

Learn the ABCs of Preventing Heart Disease

(Nov. 24, 2004) Almost two months after Central City Division 1Operator Jorge Sanchez died of a heart attack on the job, divisionemployees were voicing concerns about heart disease risks and otherhealth issues.

To better educate the employees about heart disease, hypertension,healthy dieting and other health risk factors, Division 1 managerssought professional advise.

Dr. Matthew Budoff, a memberof the American HeartAssociation’s speakers bureau,held a seminar, Nov. 17, to giveDivision 1 employees the ABCsof preventing heart disease.

“Statistics say two-thirds of usin this room will die of a heartattack or stroke,” he said to anaudience of about 50. “That’swhat kills Americans. Thatdoesn’t mean we can stop all ofthat, but we can reduce that bytreating ourselves better.”

Aspirin prevents clots

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concerns or symptoms following his lecture. “A is for aspirin,” said Budoff,an associate professor at

Harbor-UCLA Medical School. He explained how aspirin thins the bloodpreventing blood clots from blocking passageways. The physicianrecommends that most men over 45 and women after menopausetake a baby aspirin, about 81 milligrams, a day.

“B is for blood pressure,” he continued. Budoff described bloodpressure as the pillar of cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure,which tends to target African-Americans, is treatable and reversiblethrough diet, exercise or medication.

“If you lower [your blood pressure], you lower your risk of havingproblems.” he said. “You will live longer if you check your bloodpressure regularly; we know that to be true.”

Cholesterol, the C of the ABCs, is another factor to be conscious of, headvised. “The higher the number, the higher the risks.”

No fad dietsDiet, Budoff said, could not be personalized for his attentive audiencebut he would not advocate fad diets. Instead, he warned his listenersabout eating fried foods and foods high in salt.

He recommended substituting a potassium supplement for salt andsuggested daily portions of fibers, fruits and vegetables.

Exercise, his final precaution, “is probably the most important, butprobably the hardest for any of us to do.”

A twenty-minute walk each day increases a person’s metabolism andhelps reduce weight. “Everything else gets better when your weightgoes down.”

Heart scan raffleAfter Budoff’s talk to the employees, The American Heart Associationraffled two heart scans. The scans photograph the chest cavity tocheck for any plaque build-up.

The organization estimates more than 64 million Americans have beendiagnosed with one or more forms of cardiovascular disease.

Budoff encouraged his audience to live healthy lives and not to ignoresigns of heart disease.

“Heart disease is a silent killer,” he warned. “You don’t feel bad untilthe day it hits you.”

About 40 operators, mechanics, staff and management gathered to hear Dr.Matthew Budoff, a speaker from the American Heart Association give adviceabout living a healthy life and reducing the risks of heart disease.

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Learn the ABCs of Preventing Heart Disease

Aspirin. About 81 milligrams a day thins the bloodand prevents heart attack and stroke.

Blood pressure. Keeping blood pressure downreduces stress to the heart and brain.

Cholesterol. The lower the number, the lower therisk.

Diet. Daily portions of fiber, fruits and vegetablesreduce risk of heart disease.

Exercise. Most important to healthy living. Expertsrecommend a 20-minute walk each day.

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Web ad reminds shoppers in the San Fernando Valley to "Go Metro" forholiday shopping.

Shoppers Invited to Use Metro to Reach Unique Shopping AreasBy DAVE SOTERO

(Nov. 24, 2004) Metro is encouraging holiday shoppers looking forgifts in some of LA’s unique shopping areas to use the Metro Bus andRail system this year.

Downtown Los Angeles provides a treasure trove of shopping districtsfor every gift-giving need. Entire blocks are dedicated to sellingeverything from jewelry to fashions, toys to flowers, produce andmore.

The Toy District has 12 square blocks of wholesale-priced toys,including action figures, stuffed animals, games, and knicknacks.Shoppers can access the area, bounded by Third, San Pedro, Fifth andLos Angeles Streets, via Metro Red Line and DASH “D” buses.

In the Fashion District, located between Broadway, Wall Street, 7thStreet and Pico Boulevard, shoppers can find discounted women'swear, men's wear, children's wear, accessories and textiles. SanteeAlley between Ninth Street and Olympic Boulevard is an excellentlocation for bargain fashion shopping.

In the Jewelry District, located between Hill Street and Broadway,from 5th Street to 8th Street, shoppers can save 50-70 percent offregular prices for such jewelry items as precious gems, gold and silverwatches, rings and chains.

The Flower District between San Pedro and Wall Streets in downtownoffers cut flowers, potted plants and exotic blooms.

Grand Central Market, located at 317 S. Broadway in Los Angeles’Historic District, is the oldest of all concession-type markets on thePacific Coast, offering produce, dried goods, spices, meats, poultry,seafood and 13 ethnic eateries.

Both Chinatown and Olvera Street are within walking distance fromUnion Station. Chinatown, also accessible via the Metro Gold Line andDash “B” Buses, provides shoppers with jewelry stores, herbalmedicines, teas and clothing. Many specialty stores sell fine art,

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Chinese antiques and jade.

Olvera Street, at 845 N. Alameda Street, offers festive holidayshopping, including clothing, curios, toys, candles and fragrances.

Little Tokyo, bordered by 3rd Street, Alameda Street, Central Ave and1st Street, is yet another ethnic shopping enclave that can easily bereached via the Metro and DASH systems.

The Original Farmer’s Market and the Grove, located at Third andFairfax, offer authentic arts and crafts, antiques, jewelry, clothes andsouvenirs. It is accessible via Metro Bus 217 and Fairfax Dash Bus.

Choices also abound for upscale shopping via the Metro system.

Metro Red Line stops at Hollywood/Highland give high-end shoppersa choice of boutique shops offering designer clothing, watches,perfumes and more.

The Universal City Metro Red Line Station provides shoppingopportunities at Universal City Walk for, among other things, collectibleitems and Hollywood souvenirs.

On the Metro Green Line, shoppers can access Plaza Mexico, locatedadjacent to the Long Beach/I-105 station. Considered the MexicanUniversal City Walk, the plaza offers everything from clothing to freshvegetables, electronic equipment to beauty supplies. There's also ameat and seafood market and bakery.

Metro also serves most major shopping malls in Los Angeles County,including Northridge Fashion Center, Topanga Mall, Macy’s Plazadowntown, CityPlace in Long Beach and Hastings RanchShopping Center in Pasadena, as well as Old Town Pasadena.

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3 Service Sector Governance Councils to Hold DecemberMeetingsBy RICK JAGER(Nov. 30, 2004) Three of Metro’s service sector governance councilswill hold monthly public meetings in December.

The San Gabriel Valley Service Sector and the Gateway Cities ServiceSector will not hold December meetings.

Governance council meeting times and locations are:

San Fernando Valley Sector: Wednesday, Dec. 1, 6:30 p.m.,Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center Community Room,6262 Van Nuys Boulevard, Van Nuys.

Westside/Central Sector: Thursday, Dec. 2, 3 p.m., La CienegaTennis Center, Sunset Room, 325 S. La Cienega Blvd., BeverlyHills.

South Bay Service Sector: Friday Dec. 10, 9:30 a.m., CarsonCommunity Center, Room 209, 801 E. Carson St., Carson.

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If you havequestionsabout these,or any,HumanResourcespolicies,contact BruceMoore at922-2613.

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Children in Workplace Policy, 4 Others, Now Effective

Children in the Workplace

Appropriate Workplace Attire

Fitness for Duty

Employee Assistance Program

Reasonable Accommodation

By BILL HEARD, Editor(Nov. 30, 2004) A new Metro policy regarding children inthe workplace, along with revisions to four other policiesaffecting employees, took effect this month.

Children in the Workplace, HR Policy 3-17, sets clearguidelines for when it’s appropriate – “only in rare andunusual circ*mstances” – for an employee to bring a childto work. Noting that it’s an employee’s responsibility tomake childcare arrangements, the policy says that whensuch arrangements falter, the employee should first lookfor alternatives.

In emergencies, and when alternatives are exhausted, an employeemay submit a written request or phone his or her supervisor “andmust receive prior supervisory approval before bringing a child/childrento work.” It’s the employee’s responsibility to supervise children in theworkplace at all times.

Children are not allowed in such high-risk areas as bus and rail yardsor construction zones. Those who are ill with infectious diseases can’tbe brought to work.

Metro-sponsored events, such as Take Our Daughters and Sons toWork Day, remain appropriate times for employees to bring children towork.

Appropriate Workplace AttireThe revised policy for Appropriate Workplace Attire, HR Policy 4-4,follows CEO Roger Snoble’s announcement earlier this year thatemployees may wear business casual clothes every day – not just on“casual Fridays.”

While deleting the “casual Friday” reference, the policy says businesscasual dress “is for employees who do not have meetings with publicofficials or external clients.” In that event, “employees are expected todress appropriately for a formal business environment.”

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Business casual attire is defined as “open-collar shirts, no ties, blouses,slacks, jeans, athletic shoes, all of moderate style, design and color.”Social casual wear – tank tops, bare midriffs, clothing with offensiveslogans, etc. – is not appropriate in the workplace, the revised policysays.

Department heads may increase the dress standards for theiremployees. Supervisors can make the determination whether anemployee's attire is appropriate and can send the employee home tochange, if necessary, on the employee’s own time.

Fitness for DutyThe chief purpose of the revised Fitness for Duty policy, HR Policy 3-18, is to ensure that employees “are able to perform the duties oftheir jobs at all times.” Employees are responsible for notifying theirsupervisors if they are not fit for duty.

The Fitness for Duty policy sets forth the situations that routinelyrequire medical exams as well as clarifying when a manager may workwith Human Resources to require a medical exam based on behaviorthat indicates an employee may not be fit for duty.

Guidelines for the use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs byemployees, which was formerly addressed in the Alcohol & Drug Policy,is now discussed in the revised policy.

The new guidelines require the treating doctor to assess whether theprescribed medications would impair employees in safety-sensitivejobs. The new forms are available at

Employee Assistance ProgramUnder the Employee Assistance Program, HR Policy 7-3, Metroprovides confidential, professional counseling by an outside counselingservice for employees and their immediate families.

EAP is intended to help employees and family members cope withproblems on the job, at school and at home in order to promote jobeffectiveness and productivity.

Problems covered by EAP include substance abuse and co-dependency,family and marital conflicts, difficulties at work, financial and legaldifficulties, emotional and behavioral problems, and dependent careproblems.

Metro offers up to three EAP visits per problem for each employee andimmediate family members. On their own time, employees may contactthe EAP counseling service, ComPsych, by calling 1-877-335-5327.

Reasonable AccommodationMetro’s Reasonable Accommodation policy, HR Policy 3-12, strives toprovide equal employment opportunity and accessibility in theworkplace to individuals with disabilities.

The policy defines an individual with a disability as one who has “anexisting physical or mental impairment limiting one or more major lifeactivities such as walking, speaking, seeing, hearing, learning,performing manual tasks, breathing, caring for one’s self, or working.”It includes having a record of such impairment, or being regarding ashaving such an impairment.

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The policy allows qualified job candidates to request reasonableaccommodations during the selection process. It also sets up aReasonable Accommodation Request (RAR) procedure for newly hiredemployees who are disabled, or for employees who become disabledon the job.

An RAR may be denied if the employee would not be able to performthe essential job duties with or without an accommodation. It also canbe denied if the accommodation would be unduly costly, wouldsignificantly disrupt Metro operations, or would pose a direct threat tothe health and safety of others, among other reasons.

The employee must request an RAR and is responsible for obtainingmedical verification of the disability or impairment from a medicalprofessional or rehabilitation counselor.

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